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Orthodox Catechumen
How much do you pay for a haircut? Do you go to a barber? Salon? Aunt Lou?

I'm convinced I'm paying too much so I'm curious how much and where you guys go.

Additionally, I think haircut prices are discriminatory against balding men. Not that it impacts me....
I pay $30 at a strip mall franchise place every three to four weeks. Not my first choice, but the old Chinese lady who'd been cutting my hair for years had to close up her shop in 2020 and now she works there. She's always done a great job which is why I followed her to the franchise place, but I'm paying almost double what she used to charge and I can't make an appointment at this place like I could at her own shop.
$25 plus tip.
It's all about how well someone can blend. I have thick hair so it's often a challenge. I don't like it too trendy close but I also don't like to see lines in my hair.
I'm getting better results at salons with "scissor over comb" method instead of clippers.
I had a guy cut my hair and he seemed to have better eye hand coordination so that's my preference.