I'm also keen on Jerm this is his website:I mostly listen to religious stuff lately but theres a good South African podcaster called Jerm Warfare you might enjoy that one, he has interviewed guys like Alex Jone, John Mcaffe, Gavin Mcinnes, Jesse Lee Peterson etc etc I think he was banned from spotify and youtube so not sure where you can listen to him now but Im sure on his website it will tell you, he also has a telegram channel
I stopped listening for a while as he had a few crackpot conspiracy theorists in particular James Delingpole who has unfortunately lost the plot, but mainly his guests are great and he is a good host. It is very, very based. That is a very comprehensive website and I believe he has gone to great lengths to make sure it is not taken down by censors.
This will let you subscribe to the podcast with a podcasting app -
I just listened to "Andrew Wilson on the importance of right-wing conservatism" while driving and it was fantastic. Interesting that that guy's wife has written a book called "Occult Feminism" and has a twitter handle -
Coincidentally I listened to a different podcast with another very Christian and pro-patriarchy female guest.
The podcast is "EyesWideOpen with Laurence Easeman" from somewhere in the UK. Also very based.
This is the episode described above:
Very positive and uplifting, providing hope of a turnaround from all this satanic stuff.
..and another one with a very knowledgable guest I just listened to was this one:
Not being American, I can only have a limited amount of interest in the CIA, Epstein etc but it is interesting to hear someone who has researched that topic so deeply for a year talk so passionately about his findings.