Good Podcast Recommendations


Orthodox Inquirer
I'm renovating my house at the moment to sell and would love to have some podcast recommendations as a lot of the old ones of a few years ago (POZ button) have pretty much all been shut down or just disappeared.

I enjoy right wing current event talk and more obscure conspiracy stuff. I know of quite a few religious ones but I feel when I'm painting or fixing a tap or something that it doesn't work for me.

Thanks in advance.
I mostly listen to religious stuff lately but theres a good South African podcaster called Jerm Warfare you might enjoy that one, he has interviewed guys like Alex Jone, John Mcaffe, Gavin Mcinnes, Jesse Lee Peterson etc etc I think he was banned from spotify and youtube so not sure where you can listen to him now but Im sure on his website it will tell you, he also has a telegram channel
I've always been interested in history and years ago I discovered "Dan Carlin Hardcore History" podcast. It was excellent.
Thats a good one, have you ever heard Daniellie bolleli History on Fire? He has some really good history stories, if you can listen to the conquest of Mexico that one was great its like Dan Carlins wrath of the Khans
A few Catholic flavoured ones. My favourite is Our Interesting Times hosted by Tim Kelly. Tim is an encyclopedia of all things conspiratorial, especially Jewish machinations. E Michael Jones is a regular guest.

Vendée Radio is slightly higher brow, but always interesting. Lately he's had Dr "Deepstate" Haugen and Will Tucker on for a number of episodes, for a deep dive into the war against Christianity (with the emphasis on the Catholic Church)

Others I listen to are:
William Ramsay investigates
James Delingpole podcast
And occasionally Red Ice Radio
The three I listen to daily whilst at work are from The Duran guys Alex Christoforou and Alexander Mercouris. Both cover political current events from a relatively right-wing angle. They do not discuss the JQ, but they do talk about the lies and propaganda of politicians and the media.

Alex Cristoforou - Chill and humorous chats whilst walking around cities in various countries. He does travel around a lot, but is based in Cypress. His videos are usually 30–40 minutes long.

Alexander Mercouris - Much more in depth monologues on current geopolitical news, almost always with a full battle update from Ukraine, and discussions of articles in Western media. He's a slow speaker, and programs range from 60 to 90 minutes. But he is perfectly intelligible with the speed set to 1.75x.

The Duran - Both Alex and Alexander do a stream where they focus on one event in the current news. Typically, around 10–30 minutes long. The usual format is that Alex asks questions and Alexander answers. There are regular longer live streams with guests such Jeffrey Sachs, Larry Johnson and Patrick Lancaster.

The last three videos from each channel:

Another great channel that is frequently mentioned, and featured on The Duran is:

The New Atlas - Brian Berletic - Brian is based in Thailand and uploads a weekly video covering geopolitical events. Being an ex-US Marine and weapons optical systems engineer, his focus is often on military hardware and logistics. He also frequently goes in depth on East Asia events and history, and how the GAE is meddling in their affairs and subverting nations, with the objective of isolating China.

The weekly videos are 30–60 minutes long, but he regularly does two-hour livestreams with guests.

Brian's most recent video:

All these channels are pro-Russia/China/BRICS, and anti-GAE/collective West clown world subversion and warmongering.
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I consider them to be podcasts and listen to audio only on headphones at work. If you think they don't count, ignore them.
If podcasts are considered audio-only, you can get any YouTube video as audio-only on URLs like this -

Press the headphones icon at the far end.

View attachment 658

Thanks for that, but yeah podcasts are supposed to be audio only otherwise they'd be called Vlogs. (What's the point of seeing someone speak when you can listen to them and get some work done and save loads of bandwith)

Obviously this was different with Roosh hour.
Thanks for that, but yeah podcasts are supposed to be audio only otherwise they'd be called Vlogs. (What's the point of seeing someone speak when you can listen to them and get some work done and save loads of bandwith)
The point being made is that you can use many methods to listen audio only.
Different front ends for YouTube allow it.
The mirrors of channel content at Odysee and other sites allow the screen to be turned off. This is how I do it.
You can even go to the Apple podcast site. Note that Apple classifies The Duran as a podcast.
or the following links:

There are so many ways and apps to get audio only versions. Just because video options exist does not mean that the podcasts should be discounted.
If podcasts are considered audio-only, you can get any YouTube video as audio-only on URLs like this -

Press the headphones icon at the far end.

View attachment 658

Linux command line lovers may want to try this for MP3 downloads:

Youtube: yt-dlp --extract-audio --audio-format mp3
It only downloads audio tracks. It first downloads the WEBM audio file and then converts it to MP3. The conversion requires some CPU resources, so your CPU core temperature will increase during this process.

Others: yt-dlp --extract-audio --audio-format mp3 -f 'bestvideo[height<=360]+bestaudio/best[height<=360]'
It first downloads the video file (MP4) since there is no separate audio file available and then converts it to MP3. Since you don't want to download a high-resolution video because you just want to get the audio, it downloads the video in 360p quality, which doesn't take that long, and converts it to MP3. The conversion requires some CPU resources, so your CPU core temperature will increase during this process.

If you know a better syntax for the latter, please let me know.

Edit: The conversion is done by ffmpeg in the background.
Thats a good one, have you ever heard Daniellie bolleli History on Fire? He has some really good history stories, if you can listen to the conquest of Mexico that one was great its like Dan Carlins wrath of the Khans
No I have not, I'll be sure to check it out I'm always interested in quality history podcasts.