The three I listen to daily whilst at work are from The Duran guys Alex Christoforou and Alexander Mercouris. Both cover political current events from a relatively right-wing angle. They do not discuss the JQ, but they do talk about the lies and propaganda of politicians and the media.
Alex Cristoforou - Chill and humorous chats whilst walking around cities in various countries. He does travel around a lot, but is based in Cypress. His videos are usually 30–40 minutes long.
Alexander Mercouris - Much more in depth monologues on current geopolitical news, almost always with a full battle update from Ukraine, and discussions of articles in Western media. He's a slow speaker, and programs range from 60 to 90 minutes. But he is perfectly intelligible with the speed set to 1.75x.
The Duran - Both Alex and Alexander do a stream where they focus on one event in the current news. Typically, around 10–30 minutes long. The usual format is that Alex asks questions and Alexander answers. There are regular longer live streams with guests such Jeffrey Sachs, Larry Johnson and Patrick Lancaster.
The last three videos from each channel:
Another great channel that is frequently mentioned, and featured on The Duran is:

The New Atlas - Brian Berletic - Brian is based in Thailand and uploads a weekly video covering geopolitical events. Being an ex-US Marine and weapons optical systems engineer, his focus is often on military hardware and logistics. He also frequently goes in depth on East Asia events and history, and how the GAE is meddling in their affairs and subverting nations, with the objective of isolating China.
The weekly videos are 30–60 minutes long, but he regularly does two-hour livestreams with guests.
Brian's most recent video:
All these channels are pro-Russia/China/BRICS, and anti-GAE/collective West clown world subversion and warmongering.