I watched Frieren recently and I really enjoyed it. They've recently announced a second season. Looking forward to it. I am fully convinced that anime is the key to saving our civilization. I'm only being partially ironic when I say that. I truly do believe it played a part in my awakening from my turbolibtard stupor years ago. Anime girls embody an ideal of femininity and beauty which certain people would have us forget about. There are obviously a lot of degenerate anime, but at its core, I think anime as a medium is a very positive thing, and young men such as myself often create friendships using our enjoyment of it as a starting point.
I was talking to a friend that really hates anime, and I was talking to him about some anime being great. I mentioned JoJo part 1 to him, and ended up watching it again. I'm now hooked on it. The other parts of the anime are terrible and have homosexual references, but part 1 is perfect. Solid plot, solid message, solid animation, and no filler/junk. The first episode is kind of ragebait and boring though. I would not recommend any other part of JoJo.
I definitely agree that JJBA is very flamboyant at times, but I personally did not find that it happened very often or that it was unbearable, and apart from that, I didn't really find problems with it (other than maybe the fact that it sometimes uses shock value and some scenes can get, as the name would imply, quite bizarre, which I did find unpleasant but does not happen often enough to ruin the whole thing for me). I think all of the different protagonists up until Part 6 are very positive and heroic masculine figures. JJBA certainly does not promote things like feminism or transgenderism.
I think JJBA is a net positive with many parallels to traditional stories from centuries past. Look at Part 3 (Stardust Crusaders) for example. What are the motivations of the main characters in Part 3, which compel them to travel across half the world to hunt down a vampire and his underlings? Three of them are fighting for the sake of their families, one of them is fighting to repay a debt to a man whom he admires for saving his life, one of them simply wants to kill the vampire for being an abominable and incredibly dangerous creature that should be eradicated, and one is just a literal Boston Terrier who is inexplicably highly intelligent and I don't even remember what his motivation was but yeah you get my point. Part 5 (il vento d'oro) in particular I found to be filled with very traditional archetypes and tropes, and I think it's subtly a very pro-Christian story.
Now, each part is written years if not decades apart from the next, and in my opinion, Part 5 was the last good part (and in fact the best part). Apparently, Mr. Araki (the author) became something of a turbolibtard at some point after making Part 5. I did not find Part 6 to be actively malicious or disgusting like a Hollywood movie would be, or at least nowhere near to the same degree as a Hollywood movie, but there is a certain underlying vibe of girl power, the main villain is a gay RoCath priest turned vampire worshipper, they make Jotaro quite weak for no reason other than to hand the spotlight to the main character who is a woman, and so on. I dropped Part 6 midway through and have no desire to finish it. I would definitely be willing to rewatch Part 5 at some point, however.