Funny and Cool Pics and Vids

Hes not wrong....every time I see a girl dressed like that I always think "what makes you think I want to see your stomach". Don't care how in shape she is and they rarely are, what exactly is attractive about a stomach is it just you have to show as much skin as possible?

Never understood it...

The one thing our society needs more of is gentle mockery of immodest women.
The one thing our society needs more of is gentle mockery of immodest women.

A long while back I believe 7 years ago I went to a music festival with some friends, I'm not a big music festival guy but why not have some fun sometimes do something different right? It was myself, my close friend, his girl and two of her friends. One of the girls was this sweet little blonde thing, really nice girl with seemingly a good head on her shoulders. Well we made it to Chicago came out of our rooms to go to the festival and she comes out wearing a shirt that barely made it to her ribcage. I made a comment about it and my friends girl who I am very cool with said something like "are you shaming her" and I replied "no but she's with me and I have to protect her in a crowded raucous environment and her advertising herself so much doesn't help". She went back and changed, it got through to her.....I was pleasantly surprised with that.