I wonder. It's amazing that a six year old can even have the finger dexterity to play this, and the memory to have memorized the whole piece. Prodigies like this are on another level from normal kids, or normal people generally.
As I understand it, many child prodigies fizzle out as they reach adulthood. They may still be conventionally talented, but lack the spark of genius they seemed to have as children.
This kid is already 15 according to Wikipedia (which is probably trustworthy on this topic). It says he is already a composer and director, but there's no telling how good. I don't think there are any modern composers outputting classical music that is considered as good as the old masters. He might be writing material that is pretty good, but I doubt it would ever get any real recognition.
It's possible he will continue to show as a genius in adulthood.
Edit: a funny aside. I googled to see if people think he has continued to improve. Google now leads with a Google AI answer for searches, which says yes he is gaining in skill as a pianist since when he was little.
The funny part is that the AI response says he was born in 2010, and also says he is now 19. This just goes to show the kinds of errors that these AI sources easily make.