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Funny and Cool Pics and Vids

I see a group of these folks at a park I visit sometimes. They look like they are having fun and there are several families. It seemed innocent enough, and healthier than a furry convention, but I was unaware of the necromancer stuff. Not my thing, though. BTW, Don't call them LARPers.
Live Action Role-Playing? Why not? I've personally known people who were into this kind of thing and that's what they're called.
I'm not sure why, but the friendly guy I talked to asked me not to call them LARPers when I used the term. He used something like "Rennaissance re-enactors" or similar term.
Ah yes, there is something they had in the area where I grew up called the Society for Creative Anachronism but they were more historically realistic, no wizardry or spell-casting, fighting imaginary dragons, etc.
I see a group of these folks at a park I visit sometimes. They look like they are having fun and there are several families. It seemed innocent enough, and healthier than a furry convention, but I was unaware of the necromancer stuff. Not my thing, though. BTW, Don't call them LARPers.
Some people do this with the civil war.

I once was at the store and saw two guys dressed like this:

The only thing missing was the Nazi insignia.

I asked them what war they were reenacting. They gave me a bewildered look and told me they were just doing it for the fashion.