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Forum rules discussion thread


On RVF newbies were not allowed to create threads, which was a good rule.
How about implementing this rule which makes totally sense to me?

Ban Rules

Two types of bans: Warnings (Temp bans) and Permanent Bans.

Perma bans are given to those who really earn it; Spammers, newbies who come into the forum with nothing but insults and garbage insults, or members who become so destructive there is no hope of helping them. Perma bans are last resort, similar to death penalty, and it takes a tremendous amount of hostility to earn one.
This is a great idea since trolls/Feds will then just create a new account. Congrats!
How about implementing this rule which makes totally sense to me?
I second this opinion.

This is a great idea since trolls/Feds will then just create a new account. Congrats!
Any better idea how to deal with repeat offenders ?
So far we had a few troll "reincarnators" and they were all dealt with relatively fast - mostly because they couldn't help themselves and were quickly identified.
So far we had a few troll "reincarnators" and they were all dealt with relatively fast - mostly because they couldn't help themselves and were quickly identified.
You're right, identifying reincarnates is the only way to go.

I could suggest checking IP addresses, but that doesn't make sense in terms of Tor and VPN.
Other inspection tools could probably check browser type, its window size, operating system, and so on, but that might be problematic in terms of respecting the users privacy.
5. No off-topic or low-quality posting. Post in appropriate threads and help keep discussion focused and organized. Repeat offenders will be punished. No using text speak or spamming the forum with low value posts. No doom-posting or black pilling. No flat earth nonsense, or other empirical theories that defy all common sense. Quality is greatly preferred to quantity.
Not everyone thinks that the flat earth theory is nonsense. I myself am interested in this topic and want to learn more about it, because I do not trust "science".

It seems to me that you want to suppress the search for the truth because you don't like it with these arbitrary rules.

As I mentioned earlier, you are a total failure as a mod. Let's not forget that you were suspended for two weeks on RVF, and that was a good thing.
Not everyone thinks that the flat earth theory is nonsense. I myself am interested in this topic and want to learn more about it, because I do not trust "science".

It seems to me that you want to suppress the search for the truth because you don't like it with these arbitrary rules.

As I mentioned earlier, you are a total failure as a mod. Let's not forget that you were suspended for two weeks on RVF, and that was a good thing.

There are plenty of garbage websites out there to talk about flat earth. This isn't one of them.
I'll also add that there seems to be some skewed romanticized view of how things were ran over at RooshV. The guy would make up rules on the fly to ban people at the slightest threat to his motives and his mods would do worse throwing bans at you just because you respectfully beat them in an argument, they wouldn't even try to hide it. I had to dance around it more than once as I know other well respected members did.

It was Roosh's house so he could do what he wanted and I respected it as such, right or wrong as it was. It wasn't my place to tell him how to do things or to go against what he felt was right for his house.
You make a 1-week thread ban sound like he's just been perma banned from the forum. He was making very low-quality posts that were not contributing to a meaningful conversation about Trump.

You got a timeout for using the Trump thread to make off-topic posts about the forum, and honestly it's probably good to have a break from Trump if he makes you stand on the soapbox and shout your views about the forum.

You can very well see that bans are few and far between, and the are enforced evenly. I don't care if someone likes Trump or not, I enjoy good discussion, but the meta-rules need to be obeyed or else this forum will turn into endless shit posting.

As I said 99.9 percent of my posts on that thread where on Trump/politics etc, and I can't see that those are low quality. For months I've always been the one to calm down the discussion, so I wanted to see what happened if I pushed things like some pro-Trump members often do. And the result was ban! I see no point in posting here if it's gonna be like that.

It wasn't my ban as much as Magoo being banned for a very standard post on Trump that pissed me off a bit. I don't mind disagreement and arguing, but bending the rules to shut down Trump dissent is hopeless!
but bending the rules

Thanks to the arbitrary enforcement of the rules, traffic is decreasing.
Maybe the admin can share a more detailed graph to show the current trend.


And shodowbanning threads is the same way the leftist media operates.

Many people have left this forum forever.
Congrats to the mods (especially the pride rider) for tearing this forum down.
Thanks to the arbitrary enforcement of the rules, traffic is decreasing.
Maybe the admin can share a more detailed graph to show the current trend.


And shodowbanning threads is the same way the leftist media operates.

Many people have left this forum forever.
Congrats to the mods (especially the pride rider) for tearing this forum down.

And here you are parading the fall of the only forum left for 'us' to discuss the likes of yourself.