Forum rules discussion thread

Thanks to the arbitrary enforcement of the rules, traffic is decreasing.
Maybe the admin can share a more detailed graph to show the current trend.


And shodowbanning threads is the same way the leftist media operates.

Many people have left this forum forever.
Congrats to the mods (especially the pride rider) for tearing this forum down.

RVF is gone and never coming back, let it go. I'm grateful that this place isn't obsessed with these things the way Roosh was. Guys who left have left because they expect this place to be the same as RVF and thank God it's not.
My last word on this matter is; that if the rules where applied equally in the Trump threads, then some pro-Trumpers should also have been suspended from time to time. As far as I can see that hasn't happened? (or at least not nearly to the same extent as anti-Trump members) There has been no lack of insults from the pro-Trump crowd...not mentioning names. (not that I mind, but still) Hold everyone to the same standard that's all I'm saying!
My last word on this matter is; that if the rules where applied equally in the Trump Threads, then some pro-Trumpers should also have been suspended from time to time. As far as I can see that hasn't happened? (or at least not nearly to the same extent as anti-Trump members) There has been no lack of insults from the pro-Trump crowd...not mentioning names. (not that I mind, but still) Hold everyone to the same standard that's all I'm saying!

If someone acts as irrational and emotional as the guys against Trump do then yes by all means they deserve the same treatment but honestly I haven't seen that. I'm not saying this is you please don't take it that way but a lot of guys who don't like Trump take it to a level well beyond just discussing politics, it's a personal thing for them and they act out as such when someone decides to dispute their personal emotions towards it to the point where it's not a rational discussion because for them it's not about rationale.
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Thanks to the arbitrary enforcement of the rules, traffic is decreasing.
Maybe the admin can share a more detailed graph to show the current trend.


And shodowbanning threads is the same way the leftist media operates.

Many people have left this forum forever.
Congrats to the mods (especially the pride rider) for tearing this forum down.
The dip in April may also be in part due to the Orthodox members having been in the Lenten Fast. Many of us stay off social media during those 6 weeks.
You can't call someone a teenager and not expect them to feel insulted. You can't be surprised if someone hits back afterwards.

Fair point. I have a teenager, and another one getting there soon. I just recognize the patterns and am constantly calling them out to prevent the next mishap. As a father it's wired in me. So, it wasn't my intention to offend. This member just happens to be similarly cavalier and goes off the edge.

The other challenge I have is that the forum has rules against identity politics which get consistently violated, often due to misunderstandings of other religions. I'm okay with this but it's a bit frustrating when people use it to diminish my argument instead of keeping it substantive.

I'm a bit different. I respect the Christian religion a great deal, but also respect my own. I also understand what turning the other cheek means. Despite the attacks against my identity or my religion in many unrelated threads, I don't engage, and literally turn the cheek. I try to be more Christian in this respect, but it is not reciprocated by all members. My point is that rules should apply consistently, especially with more cavalier members. Too often they get a pass.

The spirit of the rules are to prevent prejudice purely on the basis of religious or other affiliation. Unfortunately, that's something many of the members here continue to violate rather sparingly. Not all, just a few.

I've been around for a while, but my take is that more swift and consistent moderation will yield long term benefits. Otherwise, the cavalier attitude of some of these individuals will cause irreversible damage. We have all experienced this phenomenon on and off the Internet at some level.
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Yet another dumb shit:
Oops! We ran into some problems.
Please enter a message with no more than 777 characters.

You can't post a longer message as a profile post. Why 777 chars and not 555, 444, 888 or 999 or 1111? LOL
It smells like mental illness.
Yet another dumb shit:
Oops! We ran into some problems.
Please enter a message with no more than 777 characters.

You can't post a longer message as a profile post. Why 777 chars and not 555, 444, 888 or 999 or 1111? LOL
It smells like mental illness.

Maybe we should just rename Bird to "Joe Biden"? He has about the same coherency.
Isn't it just the forum's software ?
Personally, I'm not much into profile posts, but I vaguely remember on RVF there were longer posts, but I'm not sure about that.

There are other software issues, but I'm not sure there's much point in reporting them. I remember that the forum search worked much better on RVF, but anyway, my days here are numbered.
Personally, I'm not much into profile posts, but I vaguely remember on RVF there were longer posts, but I'm not sure about that.
There has to be a ceiling for the number of characters in a post (profile or otherwise) just like there's a limit of images uploaded in a single post.

There are other software issues, but I'm not sure there's much point in reporting them.
Why not ?

I remember that the forum search worked much better on RVF,
I think it's the same as it was on RVF.

but anyway, my days here are numbered.
Don't quit.
If you're tired with the forum, take a break - it's summer, go out and enjoy the weather - recharge Your batteries and come back.
3 types of guys have left this place

1. The crazy conspiracy guys, they were tolerated on RooshV because Roosh focused on traffic.

2. The white power guys who I somewhat understand even if I believe they are misguided, you should have pride in who you are although it was odd that they were on about that on the Daryush Valizadeh forum....again the traffic thing. Regardless probably doesn't belong on a forum named Christ is King,

3. Last but certainly not least the guys upset that their RooshV clout didn't translate here and can't handle it that RooshV forum is gone, they want this to just be a clone and anything else is unacceptable.

Did I miss any?
Some rules and their arbitrary enforcement, a guy I don't respect as a mod (BTW, there are five mods, where are they?), and too many jews, sock puppets and multiple accounts of certain users here. None of this will change anytime soon.

Bird, with all sincere respect, whatever problems you have with this forum will not fix whatever problems you have with your life. The fact that you repeatedly post about how much you hate this forum, while offering no solutions, indicates that even if I were to step down as admin you'd still be facing whatever problems cause you unhappiness with your life.

I, a sinner, pray for you to go back to Church, visit some monasteries, and seek inner peace. Objectively speaking, there are no problems with this forum that will have any impact on your life. There is nothing on this forum that can affect you. This forum isn't going to help you, only Christ Jesus can save you.

Rekindle your faith, and perhaps spend some time posting in the Christian section of the forum, deepening your knowledge and softening your heart in the ways of the Lord. That is the best advice I can think for you. Nothing else can help you, your problems with this forum are really just a symptom of deeper spiritual problems.
Some rules and their arbitrary enforcement, a guy I don't respect as a mod (BTW, there are five mods, where are they?), and too many jews, sock puppets and multiple accounts of certain users here. None of this will change anytime soon.

You're getting worked up too much, over it. There are things that I don't like with the day to day forum activity, and there are posts/members that give me a headache, but I don't fret over it, I do not allow other people's online behavior to affect me. I don't downvote, I don't put people/threads on ignore, I simply choose not to engage and move on. Complaining doesn't change a thing.
You say that a mod sucks, but it can't be that bad - after all, You poke him every single day and yet You haven't been banned or locked in the troll's lounge. Critique for the sake of critique is a waste of everybody's time. Offer solutions. The mod/admin team isn't beyond reproach, and I believe that once we hit a one year mark, there should be an annual review of their work. And if there was a shake up of the mod team then, would You be willing to step up and do the work Yourself: clock-in every day and go through every single post in every thread ?

Some guys have already quit, guess why?
I know. And I'm pretty sure they're still lurking around, so I hope that one day they may have a change of heart and come back. But complaining alone, won't make it happen, nor will it help attract new members. The future of this forum doesn't rest solely with the mod/admin team, the forum will live or die based on the activity of each and every one us. You want it to be better, than make it better with positive contributions. Quitting won't fix anything.
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You're getting worked up too much, over it. There are things that I don't like with the day to day forum activity, and there are posts/members that give me a headache, but I don't fret over it, I do not allow other people's online behavior to affect me. I don't downvote, I don't put people/threads on ignore, I simply choose not to engage and move on. Complaining doesn't change a thing.
You say that a mod sucks, but it can't be that bad - after all, You poke him every single day and yet You haven't been banned or locked in the troll's lounge. Critique for the sake of critique is a waste of everybody's time. Offer solutions. The mod/admin team isn't beyond reproach, and I believe that once we hit a one year mark, there should be an annual review of their work. And if there was a shake up of the mod team then, would You be willing to step up and do the work Yourself: clock-in every day and go through every single post in every thread ?

I know. And I'm pretty sure they're still lurking around, so I hope that one day they may have a change of heart and come back. But complaining alone, won't make it happen, nor will it help attract new members. The future of this forum doesn't rest solely with the mod/admin team, the forum will live or die based on the activity of each and every one us. You want it to be better, than make it better with positive contributions. Quitting won't fix anything.
Well said.