Femininity in a woman and physical attractiveness

I always thought she was attractive back in the day. Now I think she's a wall surviver.

There I said it!

Would not marry though. She's still not a devout Christian.

Edit: she is 50! I am shock!
She looks pretty good for 50. Most women her age look horrible.

On that note, I think I'm only attracted to about 3% of women over 40. Even though I'm at least 10 years older than these women, when I converse with them, I always feel like I'm a teenager and talking to a friend of my mother. It just feels weird and wrong to want to date them.

I think I'd have to be at least 65 to find women in this age range remotely attractive.
She looks pretty good for 50. Most women her age look horrible.

On that note, I think I'm only attracted to about 3% of women over 40. Even though I'm at least 10 years older than these women, when I converse with them, I always feel like I'm a teenager and talking to a friend of my mother. It just feels weird and wrong to want to date them.

I think I'd have to be at least 65 to find women in this age range remotely attractive.
Agreed. I am not attracted to women over about 45 at all, and in fact it's more like 35. I'm sure that picture of Lewinsky is heavily photoshopped, and I would not be attracted to her in person.

The age thing is a real problem for me because I am older, and don't expect to marry a woman 20 years younger than me. The ones within a realistic age difference generally don't appeal to me.
Agreed. I am not attracted to women over about 45 at all, and in fact it's more like 35. I'm sure that picture of Lewinsky is heavily photoshopped, and I would not be attracted to her in person.

The age thing is a real problem for me because I am older, and don't expect to marry a woman 20 years younger than me. The ones within a realistic age difference generally don't appeal to me.
Yeah, it's a problem for me too. I would guess we are of a similar age.

I was at a coffee shop today and there was a young woman sitting next to me. Early 20s. I wanted to flirt with her but I knew it would be pointless because I just look too old now for these girls. At the very least, I need to start dying my hair so I can pass for 40 like I used to in the past. Because there's no way a college-aged girl is going to go out with a guy with a head full of gray hair.

It sucks because hanging out at coffee bars is the best way to meet single women and get their number. And yet the overall majority of women at these bars are in their 20s, usually early 20s. You'd think that there'd be 30-something women too, but I never see them.

At any rate, I'm going off on a tangent here and don't want to derail this thread.
I was at a coffee shop today and there was a young woman sitting next to me. Early 20s. I wanted to flirt with her but I knew it would be pointless because I just look too old now for these girls.

Because there's no way a college-aged girl is going to go out with a guy with a head full of gray hair.
Why don't you try it instead of complaining about the situation and tell us how it worked.
You'll never know if you don't try.
Maybe these girls don't date guys their age because the guys are just childish or not well-off enough.

I need to start dying my hair so I can pass for 40 like I used to in the past.
Well, that sounds gay to me.
Why don't you try it instead of complaining about the situation and tell us how it worked.
You'll never know if you don't try.
Maybe these girls don't date guys their age because the guys are just childish or not well-off enough.
I try it all the time. Maybe you should ask me if I've tried instead of assuming I haven't.

Well, that sounds gay to me.
Why is dying your hair, gay? :rolleyes:
It's funny because I have no interest in the women my age (early 30s) for similar reasons you guys don't want the women your age. Being with a younger women, regardless of a man's age, is much more enjoyable. Maybe we're repulsed by all that "experience" and "confidence", when all it does is make them very unpleasant. On the topic of this thread, we like the femininity that younger women have.
I try it all the time. Maybe you should ask me if I've tried instead of assuming I haven't.

Why is dying your hair, gay? :rolleyes:
We both know what the solution is. Go to third world countries where age gaps matter less. When I was in Colombia some of the women I dated were 15 years younger than me. And an even greater age gap is possible if you have enough money.
We both know what the solution is. Go to third world countries where age gaps matter less. When I was in Colombia some of the women I dated were 15 years younger than me. And an even greater age gap is possible if you have enough money.
Totally. Can you imagine moving to Venezuela with 6 figures in your bank account? Your purchasing power would be through the roof.

While living in South America does not appeal to me because they are all poor, 3rd world countries, it's hard to imagine your money not being able to buy you a girlfriend or wife.
Well, that sounds gay to me.

I agree.
Dying your hair as a man is gay.

Also, more importantly, girls who are into older guys really don't care too much about gray hair or even a balding head, and occasionally it's part of the appeal for them.

Now if you are fat (or have a protruding belly) or only talk about movies or music from the 80s and 90s, that's a much bigger problem for girls.
I've been getting gray hairs and women don't care when I tell them. Today there was rap music playing at a coffee shop I go to. I mentioned how glad I was when someone changed it, and said that I think like an old man. Women noticeably like it when I say stuff like that. Hell I even say I hate partying, drinking, staying up late.

A lot of people underestimate how much women like the confidence, contentment and peace an older man brings. Just go talk to them.
British Youtuber Charlie Veitch is in his 40s & is currently dating a 23 year old British lady.

Never say never.
Anything is possible and people should remember that. Unless you know for sure she can buck existing pressures in the west, though, you're still asking for it over here. The sunny reality is that if you are in good shape in your 40s you can easily get 20 year old women in many countries still, because in some other places - and yes you need to find those - women actually need you and are normal, mostly.
Anything is possible and people should remember that. Unless you know for sure she can buck existing pressures in the west, though, you're still asking for it over here. The sunny reality is that if you are in good shape in your 40s you can easily get 20 year old women in many countries still, because in some other places - and yes you need to find those - women actually need you and are normal, mostly.

Yes I agree that going abroad is much better in terms of getting more positive results & matches

You can find good women in the West but it's much rarer and much more work has to be put in. Like being a famous youtuber for example..
There's this girl I've recently met, probably early 20s. We go to the same church. She's showing the signs that she's interested and even initiates conversations (a lot of women don't even do this), asks questions a lot, etc.

Her voice and personality are very feminine, and she's very attractive and nice to talk to. My only issue is the way she dresses. Usually a sweatshirt and jeans, never a dress or more feminine clothing (a lot of women at church wear dresses). She also doesn't put her hair down. Maybe I'm being too picky. Maybe it can be a positive that she's still attractive without trying that hard.

Curious what others think about the way women dress.
I posted this a couple of weeks ago. Starting to get weird vibes, and should probably listen to my gut. I can't say for sure that she sleeps around, but I don't think she's one of the sincere women at church. The sincere women have a very similar look and personality. This girl does not have it. It's nice as men that we get better at noticing the red flags as we get older. Or maybe I'm just paranoid :ROFLMAO:

She got a job at the same place I work, so hopefully it doesn't get weird.
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My priest is married to a woman over 20 years younger than him. He's 55+ and has 3 boys with her. He says, "Everyone says having kids when you're older is tough because you won't have the energy, but I find my boys really fill me with life."

It was an usual situation, however, she was a widow and he got married late in life before becoming an Orthodox Priest. But like others have said, never say never. Older man / younger female is still a very strong pattern even in the corrupted West. I'd say 5% of marriages have a significant age difference, but outside of the "west" it's over 15%.

That's because it's totally natural and has been happening since Adam and Eve.