female sentiment on the forum regarding gays and lesbians

In the last weeks I did have one thought, a small insight into it which has probably been said elsewhere.

With the attack on the nuclear family, demotion of the man as head of it and his replacement with the government and the woman, and a general atomisation, there is demand, as you put it for companionship for women to fill up the void - enter the small dogs and the poofs.

Actually re single liberal women, I couldn't believe when I heard that their vote for Kamala is significant just because they care so much about abortion.

I just wanted to hear from women who had some level of aversion to the poofs.

My ex did not, and as mentioned in another thread I had to enact measures to make sure we were away from the poofs once we had a child, as she really was blind to there being any issue or threat with them.

I could probably fill up a thousand words or more about why I feel so strongly negative towards poofs, although it is of a personal nature to put it all on a public forum, relating to various experiences from my childhood through to adulthood, and the biblical teachings only strengthen what I naturally feel anyway.

But as mentioned in my other thread, on my 3rd date with this women a lot younger than me and actually fitting all my rarefied criteria, she let it drop that she was attending a gay wedding, she's good friends with one of the grooms. Anyway, my heart dropped I just thought "oh no not again".. All the positive traits she had unfortunately had a dark shadow cast over them from that point on.

But it's what I said above - an aspect of single liberal woman is often devotion to a career in the same way that a man is. Then once she has created a void and unbalance in her life but delaying children etc, the poofs can help fill that void unfortunately. Maybe they like to discuss the men they are into with a man who is into other men.
I was looking into the straight woman/gay man friendship stereotype and actual research studies have been done on this phenomenon. From what I have read (and I'll post sources below) there are two different types of women who seek/keep friendships with gay men. They are either: 1) very pretty or 2) not at all pretty. Group 1 seeks non-sexual male companionship; group 2 uses gay men to boost their self-esteem.

After the man’s sexual orientation was revealed, women (particularly attractive ones) who were paired with a gay man reported greater anticipated comfort, which was mediated by their reduced worry about his sexual intentions (Study 1). Further, once women discovered that they were interacting with a gay man, they displayed more intimate engagement behaviors with him (Study 2).
We tested two hypotheses: (a) women with gay male friends have poor body esteem and are rejected by heterosexual men, and (b) more contact with gay men is positively related to body esteem. Participants were 154 heterosexual women, who completed measures of their friendships with gay men, straight men and women, body esteem, relationship involvement and break-ups. Results supported the hypothesis that women's body esteem, specifically feelings of sexual attractiveness, is positively associated with friendships with gay men.
Just to be clear, for anyone who might be confused by this discussion, sodomy is absolutely and unequivocally forbidden in Christianity. It's not even a point of discussion or debate.

But what counts as Sodomy is open for debate, those who say oral sex is sodomy are telling their opinion, not dogma.
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But what counts as Sodomy is open for debate,
Well, not really. Anal sex is absolutely sodomy which is conclusively condemned, which is what I wanted to clarify because there were some "what about..." posts trying rationalize it.
those who say oral sex is sodomy are not telling their opinion, not dogma.
I'm not sure what you mean by this.
Well, not really. Anal sex is absolutely sodomy which is conclusively condemned, which is what I wanted to clarify because there were some "what about..." posts trying rationalize it.

I'm not sure what you mean by this.

Fixed it. Had too many "nots." Yes to anal sex, it's open to debate for oral. Anal sex between men is not the same thing as anal between male/female either.
Fixed it. Had too many "nots." Yes to anal sex, it's open to debate for oral. Anal sex between men is not the same thing as anal between male/female either.
I tried to bring this thread back on track...

Maybe start a new thread on that topic.