female sentiment on the forum regarding gays and lesbians


This thread was recently posted :
Then there was this related thread I created a while ago :

If I am not wrong, this Coffee House is the one and only gender-mixed part of the forum. Gender as in male or female of course, not further variations.

Not expecting any deeply convincing response here as there are probably all of 3 ladies who are actually active here, but will anyway be interesting to see if they have anything interesting to say.

Of you ~3, how do you feel about gays and lesbians in your social groups and families, as well as about an undoubted agenda from TPTB to empower and encourage them and increase acceptance and the proportion of people who go in that direction?

I am starting to believe that no modern woman can ever say a bad thing about a gay or lesbian. There are definitely a lot of anti-vax women, conservative women, but when it comes to this one particular point I don't think women can manage to have an issue with it. As I mentioned elsewhere, no point being angry at the sky for being blue, and if that is female nature to love and accept all the queers than that is just the way it is.
Well... for starters, I would like to thank @Blade Runner for self-appointing himself as spokesperson for all the Ladies of this forum. He truly is a man filling a woman's shoes.


Back to the topic:
All LGBT+ is sexual deviancy. There is no way around it. Everything God designed is so clearly marked in nature that a person doesn't even need to believe in God to see that sex is for offspring. It is a biological imperative for a species to survive. Anything outside of "basic straight sex" is sexual deviancy.

Lgbt+ is a sin like any other and it's as old as time, unfortunately. If someone is a known homosexual, or alcoholic, or drug addict, or obese, etc., or any other vice, I'm not interested in having them be a part of my life or around my children. They might be very nice people, and I absolutely sympathize with their struggle, but the Holy Spirit, Church, and prayer is what is going to help them first.

And about the female consensus regarding lgbt+, many women don't actually agree with that even though they might say they do... Part of the female survival mechanism is conflict avoidance and anti-ostracization (red pill 101). Females are notorious for being elusive of their true feelings about something until they feel very secure. I believe that is the case here regarding the lgbt question.
Be loving (I know you wouldn't write this way to a man here)
Well... for starters, I would like to thank @Blade Runner for self-appointing himself as spokesperson for all the Ladies of this forum. He truly is a man filling a woman's shoes.


Back to the topic:
All LGBT+ is sexual deviancy. There is no way around it. Everything God designed is so clearly marked in nature that a person doesn't even need to believe in God to see that sex is for offspring. It is a biological imperative for a species to survive. Anything outside of "basic straight sex" is sexual deviancy.

Lgbt+ is a sin like any other and it's as old as time, unfortunately. If someone is a known homosexual, or alcoholic, or drug addict, or obese, etc., or any other vice, I'm not interested in having them be a part of my life or around my children. They might be very nice people, and I absolutely sympathize with their struggle, but the Holy Spirit, Church, and prayer is what is going to help them first.

And about the female consensus regarding lgbt+, many women don't actually agree with that even though they might say they do... Part of the female survival mechanism is conflict avoidance and anti-ostracization (red pill 101). Females are notorious for being elusive of their true feelings about something until they feel very secure. I believe that is the case here regarding the lgbt question.
That was really snarky at the start there
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Well... for starters, I would like to thank @Blade Runner for self-appointing himself as spokesperson for all the Ladies of this forum. He truly is a man filling a woman's shoes.


Back to the topic:
All LGBT+ is sexual deviancy. There is no way around it. Everything God designed is so clearly marked in nature that a person doesn't even need to believe in God to see that sex is for offspring. It is a biological imperative for a species to survive. Anything outside of "basic straight sex" is sexual deviancy.

Lgbt+ is a sin like any other and it's as old as time, unfortunately. If someone is a known homosexual, or alcoholic, or drug addict, or obese, etc., or any other vice, I'm not interested in having them be a part of my life or around my children. They might be very nice people, and I absolutely sympathize with their struggle, but the Holy Spirit, Church, and prayer is what is going to help them first.

And about the female consensus regarding lgbt+, many women don't actually agree with that even though they might say they do... Part of the female survival mechanism is conflict avoidance and anti-ostracization (red pill 101). Females are notorious for being elusive of their true feelings about something until they feel very secure. I believe that is the case here regarding the lgbt question.
I dont know if homosexuality is a sin like all others though, there are natural temptations like lust etc but its still towards the opposite sex but homosexuality is an unnatural temptation it seems, there might be some underlying issue behind it I dont know? Not an expert.
So even oral sex between a wife and husband is deviancy?
The answer usually to that is: "it depends." If is it done as a loving part of marital intimacy that ends in intercourse, it is generally considered permissible. If it is done solely to satisfy lust (i.e. just to "get off") and/or to avoid intercourse for whatever reason, that is generally not permissible. And in the latter sense, it really isn't much different than masturbation. The outcome is the same, there's just another person involved. But like I wrote, it's kind of a gray area and something a couple should consult their priest about for guidance as some Christian traditions do not allow it at all (and I am certainly not an authority on this topic).
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I have gay friends from my old life and will always love them, send them Christmas cards, and so on. I think the reason I had gay friends in the past is that I'm a very compassionate person, and a difficult upbringing and feeling of being kind of on the fringe myself made me especially sympathetic to the struggles of others. I have a friend who came out in high school, and in our conservative town, every single friend of hers except me dumped her as a friend and wouldn't have anything to do with her anymore.

Now that I'm Orthodox Christian, I don't naturally attract gay/lesbian people as new friends. But I'm supposed to love and not judge, so that's what I try to do with my old friends.

In the bigger picture, of course I see that homosexuality was normalized and pushed on the people, just like every other problematic lifestyle - serial dating for maximum happiness, delaying marriage, strong and independent wahmen, new age gobbledygook, etc. I've certainly not escaped these forces myself.

It's by the endless grace of God that I'm now married, in the church, and striving daily to repent, be a good person, wife, and friend.
excessive vulgarity (you can make the same points without denigration and cusses)
Gee whiz, I wonder why women have no problem with a bunch of psychopaths who break all social taboos, have some insatiable thirst for sucking the "wrong" type of cock in the dead of the night, love gossip and care deeply about ones superficial appearance.

I will be investigating this matter further.
From Fr. Josiah Trenham on sexual relations:

Some priests are outspoken on this issue (Fr. Josiah Trenham and Fr. Peter Heers comes to mind) and some say what a loving married couple do in their bedroom is not the business of the Church. In my humble opinion certainly any kind of activity that is against Gods natural laws (such as sodomy) would not be appropriate under any circumstances, married or otherwise. This is a sensitive topic for some people.
This was sort of funny, I asked for a female opinion, and a man effectively bursting to reply raises his hand -
It's all about consensus or mainstream thought. Modern women don't run in particular or protected, whatever the word you want to use, circles. So they think what others think, period (98%).

Thanks for the actual female opinions so far, keep it coming..

Society itself no longer functions in a way to encourage normal male - female pair bonding and discourage same sex deviancy. Gays used to be in the closet also for fear of being bashed up. Thing is I suspect women have mainly sided with the government to bat for the poofs rather than call them out or shun them. Have read all the comments will say a bit more when more awake.
As St John Chrysostom said in one of his homilies:

“All of these affections [in Rom. 1:26-27]* . . . were vile, but chiefly the mad lust after males; for the soul is more the sufferer in sins, and more dishonored than the body in diseases. The sins against nature are more difficult and less rewarding, since true pleasure is only according to nature. But when God abandons a man, everything is turned upside down! . . . A murderer only separates the soul from the body, whereas these destroy the soul inside the body . . . There is nothing, absolutely nothing more mad or damaging than this perversity.” St. John Chrysostom, “Homilies on Romans”

From St. Basil’s canon:
Canon 7:

“Sodomists and bestialists and murderers and sorcerers and adulterers and idolaters deserve the same condemnation, so that whatever rule you have as regarding the others observe it also in regard to these persons.”

Hate the sin, not the sinner. A difficult cross to bear, but can be overcome with God’s help (see Father Seraphim Rose). Often brought on by childhood issues/abuse or now our mainstream culture (see statistics on LGBT percentages by age group). I can’t imagine how hard it is to form a healthy worldview if you are born without a strong father figure or raised by a single mother and consuming YouTube/TikTok/Instagram/Netflix right now. I watched regular TV for the first time in years for the hurricane coverage, and the commercials were so disturbing. It’s hard living in these times where every part of our perception is tainted from being steeped in this. One cannot be a hypocrite/Pharisee about it… there are reasons that laws against sodomy were on the books for everyone, not just homosexuals. In my opinion, the Church is pretty clear that oral/anal relations between husband and wife are wrong. If I’m not mistaken, the canons call for a longer penance if an Orthodox husband and wife engage in sodomy than if a gay man falls into temptation because we’re supposed to know better. Many priests tread lightly to avoid offending people, because we are extremely weak in these days. This act is not natural… seed is meant for the womb, we receive the Eucharist with our mouths. Hard pill to swallow for some, especially since the proliferation of pornography and peoples’ exposure at a young age. It was Father Kosmas who said that he can tell which parents engage in this kind of sin by what issues their children have. It does affect our lives on a spiritual level, whether people want to admit and see that or not.

When you dive into people’s personal histories, you notice the patterns that led them to where they are, so I try my best not to judge them. They are hurting. But they don’t get to be around our kids.
Is kissing your wife on the lips forbidden as well because it doesn't lead to the the woman becoming pregnant and because you take the Eucharist with your mouth and you certainly wouldn't want to use the same mouth for taking in your spouse's saliva?
@TheLearningWife I can see why Fr. Seraphim Rose said what he did about the extent of psychological martyrdom as the end nears.

Hate the sin not the sinner and not being a hypocrite/Pharisee while doing your best to maintain your holiness and helping guide your family into holiness is nearly impossible in the present culture.

Is kissing your wife on the lips forbidden as well because it doesn't lead to the the woman becoming pregnant and because you take the Eucharist with your mouth and you certainly wouldn't want to use the same mouth for taking in your spouse's saliva?

It's not some arbitrary purity rule. It's just a matter of the proper things in the proper places.
Is kissing your wife on the lips forbidden as well because it doesn't lead to the the woman becoming pregnant and because you take the Eucharist with your mouth and you certainly wouldn't want to use the same mouth for taking in your spouse's saliva?
Look, I’m not going to argue with you. Either this stirs something in your heart, or it doesn’t. Peace be with you.
This thread was recently posted :
Then there was this related thread I created a while ago :

If I am not wrong, this Coffee House is the one and only gender-mixed part of the forum. Gender as in male or female of course, not further variations.

Not expecting any deeply convincing response here as there are probably all of 3 ladies who are actually active here, but will anyway be interesting to see if they have anything interesting to say.

Of you ~3, how do you feel about gays and lesbians in your social groups and families, as well as about an undoubted agenda from TPTB to empower and encourage them and increase acceptance and the proportion of people who go in that direction?

I am starting to believe that no modern woman can ever say a bad thing about a gay or lesbian. There are definitely a lot of anti-vax women, conservative women, but when it comes to this one particular point I don't think women can manage to have an issue with it. As I mentioned elsewhere, no point being angry at the sky for being blue, and if that is female nature to love and accept all the queers than that is just the way it is.

I've always had a visceral repulsion towards homosexuals, even when I was young and more "open-minded". I have no problem telling my children that sodomy is a mortal sin (when they ask about the stupid pride flags they see everywhere), and while we should pray for their lost souls, we don't come anywhere close to them.