Fear of and getting rid of cockroaches

I don't like making it personal with users on an oriental cockroach egg smashing forum.
What are you talking about? Your writing seems normal in all other threads but in this one your username is checking out.

Get over it. Cockroaches have a purpose. God put them here for a reason. If you believe in God then you believe in cockroaches. Quit smashing God's eggs and poisoning His cockroach children with your feminine "poison cockroach gun."
What are you talking about? Your writing seems normal in all other threads but in this one your username is checking out.
Well, in that case it was a joke about "why are you arguing x on internet forums". Goes back to the Chinese cartoon website.

Get over it. Cockroaches have a purpose. God put them here for a reason. If you believe in God then you believe in cockroaches. Quit smashing God's eggs and poisoning His cockroach children with your feminine "poison cockroach gun."
Well, I think I'd have marked the blood on my door during the times of the Egyptian plagues. If you like roaches, then I guess I can't judge. I've always had a dislike for them, and thought people had the same.

I don't see the point of having sympathy for bugs. Smash 'em, bring 'em back to the woods, etc etc. It tends to be a (((Buddhist))) meme to not stomp bugs, while Christians recognize that uh cockroaches weren't the ones made in His image. Hunting is similar, except hunting has a more obvious reason to exist. Dunno why you find poison feminine as well. Stomping pests around at 3 AM isn't my definition of masculinity.
I remember once I rather stupidly left the light on in my room whilst on holiday in the Bulgarian countryside.

When I returned I had a flying Cockroach or Beetle or what not flying around. Took ages to pink mist the devil because it flew very erraticley with the light on.

Learnt my lesson the hard way. Only open windows in the bedroom with light off for sleeping at night. Watch TV with the windows & curtains closed. That sort of thing.
Well, in that case it was a joke about "why are you arguing x on internet forums". Goes back to the Chinese cartoon website.

Well, I think I'd have marked the blood on my door during the times of the Egyptian plagues. If you like roaches, then I guess I can't judge. I've always had a dislike for them, and thought people had the same.

I don't see the point of having sympathy for bugs. Smash 'em, bring 'em back to the woods, etc etc. It tends to be a (((Buddhist))) meme to not stomp bugs, while Christians recognize that uh cockroaches weren't the ones made in His image. Hunting is similar, except hunting has a more obvious reason to exist. Dunno why you find poison feminine as well. Stomping pests around at 3 AM isn't my definition of masculinity.
Fair enough. And no, I don't like cockroaches. However, several times during my life I've had to learn to live with them and "man up" if you will. I agree, it can be frustrating when dealing with an infestation. However, you can get a modicum of control over them by cleaning your house and by being hyper vigilant about killing them at the source. That is, poisoning them under the sink and around all food sources. A bread box helps. They seem to like bread. Especially braided challah.

At any rate my brother, I appreciate the fact that you live in Brazil, a great country, and I am glad we have a man of faith on the ground down that way to keep us informed on the complicated, ongoing affairs of South America.

Peace, and God Bless. May you solve your cockroach problems soon (maybe try a Google search on how to rid one's house of roaches?).

When I had a landscape company we had a few top tier applicators we subbed out. They would handle insects/infestations among other things. Top grade insecticides. Problem is their success was with individual houses where you can attack the entire perimeter and foundation. And they had to return every 3 months to stay on top of it.

In an urban apartment? I don't even want to tell you what is in the foundation, surrounding sewer lines, the WALLS, lmao. Not much different than being in a roach infested building in Virginia. You're in their ecosystem. You only see about 1% of what is there. Go outside to your nearest manhole covering at night and imagine picking it up and there's ten thousand roaches climbing on each other. That's what you're likely looking at.

So that's the problem, you can't stop an infestation if you can't control the grounds around it.

If you had a house in a village in rural Argentina, could offer suggestions. But not where you are.
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Moving out is a bit extreme for such an issue, but I can definitely see it. Some houses my family had would have more cockroaches in just one hole than the population of Zambia.
I don't think this is the way for me, especially as I made this thread while sleepless and recovering from a cold.. I'll keep it in the back of my mind though.

As it stands, I'm getting more beetles and other tall grass wildlife more than I am getting the odd sewer roach. I keep stuff clean, and I put decent-ish poison on the main places that needed that. I think I'll just start closing more holes here, since there are holes even for network cables, and this place fills up with bugs once said cables get even mildly touched.
When I was a kid I remember going on a field trip to the zoo where they let you hold some African hissing cockroaches. Guys a big chunker cock roaches but truthfully a cockroach is harmless.

This experience is why I’m not phased nor grossed out by them.

Unsanitary yes but not anymore so than any other critter. OP the best over the counter thing you can buy is a German made pesticide (hehehe). Here’s the link Amazon product ASIN B00730QW70
Advion is the name of the stuff. Put it under your fridge and away form place kids and pets can get to.

Also seal up any cracks in the walls. If you’re in an apartment you can only keep them away because some other slob nearby might have them. Your best bet is to move but if you’re at your own place call an exterminator who will use the good stuff.
When I was a kid I remember going on a field trip to the zoo where they let you hold some African hissing cockroaches. Guys a big chunker cock roaches but truthfully a cockroach is harmless.

This experience is why I’m not phased nor grossed out by them.

Unsanitary yes but not anymore so than any other critter. OP the best over the counter thing you can buy is a German made pesticide (hehehe). Here’s the link Amazon product ASIN B00730QW70
Advion is the name of the stuff. Put it under your fridge and away form place kids and pets can get to.

Also seal up any cracks in the walls. If you’re in an apartment you can only keep them away because some other slob nearby might have them. Your best bet is to move but if you’re at your own place call an exterminator who will use the good stuff.
Living out in the country, I've got a constant influx of spiders. And the occasional scorpion...

They kill all the cockroaches....but there's brown recluses (poisonous)and wolf spiders everywhere.
We have to hit the ceilings 1x a week.

I lived in an apartment for a whole. No cockroaches or spiders...but mice galore.

I'll take the spiders 100/100.

Bottom line pick your critters. Nature will find a way to infiltrate your life no matter what.
When I was a kid I remember going on a field trip to the zoo where they let you hold some African hissing cockroaches. Guys a big chunker cock roaches but truthfully a cockroach is harmless.

This experience is why I’m not phased nor grossed out by them.

Unsanitary yes but not anymore so than any other critter. OP the best over the counter thing you can buy is a German made pesticide (hehehe). Here’s the link Amazon product ASIN B00730QW70
Advion is the name of the stuff. Put it under your fridge and away form place kids and pets can get to.

Also seal up any cracks in the walls. If you’re in an apartment you can only keep them away because some other slob nearby might have them. Your best bet is to move but if you’re at your own place call an exterminator who will use the good stuff.
I believe I've been desensitized to critters after enough posts in this thread, and seeing the bastards. They don't kill, but the one question that still remains is an absurd hypothetical I haven't planned for on basis of it being absurd.
Being woken up by an African hissing flying cockroach, at 3 AM. It would have to be aligned by absolute divine intervention, but not going insane after being witness to it is a testament to discipline in this regard. I already lost some sleep over small-medium cockroaches, needless to say.

In practical terms, I'm sealing up stuff 24 7, but literally no one on Earth wants to be woken up by an African hissing flying cockroach, at 3 AM. Looking into an exterminator if it is needed.
I truly despise cockroaches. If I could make all of them disappear from the earth, it would be worth whatever downstream ecological/economic impacts it has (which is always overblown anyway).

I have dealt with pests before. Mice, while a bit unsettling in their own way, aren't something that causes flat disgust or vitriol, especially the little ones (kind of cute I must admit) and their presence is usually obvious which makes them far less creepy. I've also dealt with ants - easy - just leave out a bait trap. Also stink bugs - again, more of an annoyance. They're very dumb, and slow, and easy to just get rid of by flushing them down the toilet.

I first deal with cockroaches at an apartment a few years ago. I did not keep the kitchen very clean, but it wasn't disgusting by any means. We had a downstairs neighbor with a downs syndrome kid and I always blamed it on him, though I was a bit sardonic about it. They were the really tiny ones that move insanely fast. What really bothered me about them was how hyper aware of your presence they were. If I woke up in the middle of the night to get a glass of water I'd see several of them suddenly skimper away the moment the light turned on or I walked into their line of sight. No other bug or animal seems hyper aware of my presence like that. Combined with their fast speed, it was repulsive. Then there's the fridge horror (no pun intended) of realizing that they're probably all around you all the time but you never notice them. I ended up buying some cockroach poison on Amazon. It was literally just a paste that you squeeze out of a tube (was later recalled for being toxic). But it worked immediately, and I never saw them again.

Fast forward a several years. I just moved down south. Move into a brand new apartment. Spotless, and have done zero cooking. After only a couple weeks, I wake up one morning and see a massive fvckinvg black figure on my wall. Turn on the lights and it's a big cockroach, brownish, it had to have been 3, maybe 4 inches long. I wasn't sure how to kill it since it would be disgusting, so I just grabbed a paper towel and flushed it. A week later, I see another one in my bathroom, though it was smaller. I also see what I believe was a molt (or maybe just a dead one) behind my toilet. I call my apartment and they spray it down in a few areas and the pest control guy tells me they were a specific type that normally dwell outdoors and don't really "nest" or colonize like the others. I also noticed they were extremely slow and unreactive to my presence. For the reason, I actually minded them far less than the small ones. While the size was unsettling, the fact that they were so dumb and slow didn't bother me.

Anyway, since then I've only seen a couple more of that large, brownish variety, and I just killed them by hand. I have seen a handful more of the smaller variety (about the size of a pea or smaller), though they didn't have the characteristic of my previous experience of being hyper fast and skiddish nor have I ever seen more than 1 at a time. I set out several bait traps and I typically only see 1 single roach once every few weeks. Sometimes I get up in the middle of the night and quickly turn on the lights to see if I can catch them by surprise, but never see any. What bothers me is I see both the large and small ones. No idea why.

I'm pretty sure they're coming from my nigger neighbor above me. They constantly fight and sound insanely dysfunctional. One day while I was on the shvtter, I hear them moving shvt around. Suddenly, I feel something hit my back. I look in the toilet bowl and it's a tiny little mouse! It fell through the ventilation in the ceiling, likely scared by their movement. So, I can confirm that all of these pests are probably from them. In all likelihood , all pests come from 1 disgusting, degenerate neighbor. Might not even be next to you, it could be a few houses down, they can spread easily. I hear often that you have no idea how disgusting the average persons home is.

Anyway, that's my rant on cockroaches. I detest anything that not only completely invades your sense of boundaries, but is also hyper aware of your presence and does everything to avoid being seen. Not even mice do that. But certain cockroaches do and it is the most vile and abhorrent behavior I've ever seen. They know they're pests and they've literally evolved to cohabit spaces without being noticed. I wouldn't even call them pests, they're parasites.
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