Elon Musk Thread

Degenerate crypto-jew impregnates jewish prostitute, his African side is really showing as he turns his baby mommas into a harem. He can't mask his behavior in sci-fi shenanigans anymore.

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His low-impulse control is evident of a low-IQ, not a high one.

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Every single "conservative influencer" is controlled by israel, from Libs of TikTok to Insurrection Barbie to DC Draino (a literal ginger jew) to Sean Hannity to Scott Pressler to members of Congress to this "Ashley St Clair" trollop. They are all created through Mossad PR Firms, trained and installed to make you stand down from fighting from your own interests because you believe there is an oppositional force within the system doing it for you.

I don’t understand. I get that musk wants a lot of offspring. But it almost seems like he just wants to impregnate as many women as he can and not actually be a father.

I thought they had some sort of giant compound in Texas, where all of the mothers got their own mansion and he could basically treat them like sister wives, like a Mormon.

But now it seems like he wants to impregnate as many girls as he can, and just forget about them
I don’t understand. I get that musk wants a lot of offspring. But it almost seems like he just wants to impregnate as many women as he can and not actually be a father.

I thought they had some sort of giant compound in Texas, where all of the mothers got their own mansion and he could basically treat them like sister wives, like a Mormon.

But now it seems like he wants to impregnate as many girls as he can, and just forget about them
It does seem that way. It's a real character flaw.
this isn't a game forum, do not use oversexualized language for no reason
It does seem that way. It's a real character flaw.
Easy for all of us to criticize but if you or I were the world's richest man it would be just as hard for us to resist the temptation to bust a nut in as many women as possible when you can financially afford to have an unlimited number of children.
Easy for all of us to criticize but if you or I were the world's richest man it would be just as hard for us to resist the temptation to bust a nut in as many women as possible when you can financially afford to have an unlimited number of children.
I definitely agree. Most men who achieve a high position have major flaws. Even the greatest historical figures are like this. In the old days some rulers actuslly had 100s of kids. Musk is just following that pattern. He really should be present in their lives at least.
He was never good to begin with. Rotten apples don't fall very far from a poisoned tree. His mother performed magick and inducted him into occult practices. These people are actors before they become public. Deception is an inherent trait in them all.

Here's the new tactic. The jews blend in with Whites to co-opt White sentiment and redirect it towards kosher ends, where the rug is liable to be pulled out whenever the jew chooses at some point in the future. Take the new addition to Musk's brothel for example.


The obligatory "I'm jewish" followed by some pigeon crumbs for thirsty White followers. Below she has a collection of the Talmud underneath the electric jew itself. I can't help but just think about what those foul tomes say about The Lord and Savior. All copies need to be burnt until none are left.

I still maintain that Elon is a fraud, likely some sort of plant/figurehead, probably half autistic, is not to be trusted, etc...

That said, it's been quite entertaining watching him tear out all of the termites and rotted wood from our government structure, even if it feels like I'm watching a WWE plotline unfold.

I never expected Trump and his team to do much. This first month has surpassed expectations in such a way that it almost seems too good to be true. Seeing a Republican president go in and actually deliver on some things is such a foreign concept to me that I'm having a hard time even processing it.
Not sure why Trump is giving so much unilateral power to Musk and his team of tech boys over all of his appointed Government agency leads. Seems they have little to no say into who stays or goes in the firings of their respective organizations, although with this latest OPM notice Saturday, Rush Patel at least is pushing back and saying FBI civilian responses to that email will run through him and he’ll be providing marching orders to his staff.
It's because to combat the elites (in this case the Deep State and the groups adjacent to them) you need to have your own counter-elites. Trump didn't have this his first term and it led to him being hamstrung. There just isn't really that many right-aligned elites that can fill in the ranks. The only institutions that have these sort of elites are the National Review, Federalist Society, CATO and such organizations and if Trump was drawing from these talent pools I'm sure tons of people would be up in arms about how he is being co-opted by the swamp.
Not sure why Trump is giving so much unilateral power to Musk and his team of tech boys over all of his appointed Government agency leads. Seems they have little to no say into who stays or goes in the firings of their respective organizations, although with this latest OPM notice Saturday, Rush Patel at least is pushing back and saying FBI civilian responses to that email will run through him and he’ll be providing marching orders to his staff.
Maybe because Musk is merciless, hardworking, and the cutthroat general Trump needs right now. Most people are too nice to do what he's doing.

Ashley St. Snare? Laura Loomer Goes Scorched Earth On Musk's Baby Mama As 'Seduce Elon' Text Emerges​

Here's the latest...

'Conservative influencer' Ashley St. Clair (26) claimed last week that she had secretly given birth to Elon Musk's 13th child. Yet, after various receipts began trickling out suggesting the tryst was a targeted operation, things began to get ugly.

On Friday, St. Clair filed a petition to legally recognize Musk as her child's father and seek full custody. According to the paternity suit filed in the New York Supreme Court (for which she tried to serve Musk at the White House), St. Clair alleges that she and Musk got into a romantic relationship in May 2023, and conceived said love child in January 2024 in St. Barts. Read more on the paternity suit here.

It Gets Uglier
In response to the controversy, journalist Laura Loomer dropped several bombshells.

1) St. Clair has retained an anti-Trump lawyer to go after Musk...

Dror Bikel @Drorbikel, the lawyer hired by @stclairashley to sue @elonmusk for custody of their child, is an Israeli, ANTI-TRUMP lawyer who is a former foreign judicial clerk for the Supreme Court of Israel. Dror Bikel has a long history of attacking @elonmusk, President Trump and Trump lawyer @RudyGiuliani.

The Israeli lawyer once wrote a book called “The 1 % Divorce: When Titans Clash” that has an entire chapter dedicated to President Trump’s divorces. Dror used his Trump hatred to promote his book sales. The book was published in 2020.

Loomer asks:

"Is @elonmusk potentially being targeted by a possible Israeli intelligence operation?"
"How long has Ashley St. Clair been planning her attack on Trump admin official @elonmusk?"

2) Loomer suggests St. Clair - who said she never wanted media attention over this, coordinated with the NY Post to run an anti-Elon smear campaign.

.@stclairashley claims she didn’t plant the story about her secret baby with @elonmusk.

However, the author of the exclusive article in @nypost when Ashley invited them into her swanky NYC Condo less than 24 hours after publicly asking for privacy on Valentine’s Day, is @LevineJonathan.

The follow up story written by another NY Post author about how Ashley’s friend @EmmaJoNYC says Ashley feels “jilted and terrified” was published 2 days later. The source was cited as Emma Jo Morris, who is not only friends with Ashley, but is also BEST FRIENDS WITH JON LEVINE! They are so close, Emma and Jon even had a mock wedding to marry each other, even though they are both HOMOSEXUALS.

Emma just had a baby with her lesbian lover, which is why she and Ashley bond over having new babies.

Jon Levine never disclosed that Emma is one of his closest friends.

In fact, 2 weeks before the article was released, Emma Jo, who is Ashley’s friend, posted a pic of herself having dinner with Jon Levine. Her photo caption said “OFF THE RECORD”. This pic was posted on Feb 1, 2025. The Exclusive NY Post article and photo shoot with Ashley was released on the 15th.

Did Ashley use her friend Emma Jo Morris, who used to work as the Politics editor for the @nypost and is best friends with Jon Levine to plant the story about @elonmusk and Ashley’s baby?

Ashley never provided evidence of any threats from reporters despite claiming so in a prepared statement by a Crisis PR manager.

Ashley doxxed herself to the NY Post one day after she said she “wanted privacy” in a jealous tirade on Valentine’s Day. She then leaked details of her relationship with Elon to EMMA JO MORRIS, who literally used to work at the @nypost.

Is this evidence that Ashely planted the story herself?

This is not ethical journalism. All of these conflicts should have been disclosed prior to publication.

Cc: @elonmusk

And now the Post is sniffing around...

3) St. Clair has previously stated that a man "should be able to opt out" of child support if he doesn't want the child, and that "family court is the most evil institution ever."

"Seduce Elon"

Now things get even more interesting - as another influencer, Isabella Moody, posted what she claims are text messages with St. Clair from May 2023 in which she says "Look, ill take one for the team, seduce elon, and get in a rocket to see what's up."


To which Musk replied "Whoa!"

I agree with @LauraLoomer.

I wasn’t going to post these, but now that @stclairashley has leaked her private signal messages with @elonmusk after lying and saying she “wanted privacy”, here’s more evidence Ashely planned to baby trap Elon.

She sent me these text messages in May 2023 when she first met Elon and started sleeping with him.

She said “I need his rocket babies” and “I need a caption to seduce Elon Musk” in May of 2023. See dates below!

She doesn’t care about “privacy”. She planned to seduce him by her own admission and now she’s leaking his texts.

So I’m leaking her texts to me now.

Because as Laura Loomer said below, we need to CONDEMN PROMISCUOUS GOLD DIGGERS!


For historical reasons can you explain what has been censored/broken in the link?

The implication it was censored is not a good one, forgiving is one thing, hiding skeletons in the closet however is not so good.


an antifa journo just doxed a guy and accidentally included a link to his google docs research file in the article (now its removed) the google docs file has the phrase "AU10TIX sources verifies his ID (do not include)"AU10TIX is an israel firm that did ID verification for X

an antifa journo just doxed a guy and accidentally included a link to his google docs research file in the article (now its removed) the google docs file has the phrase "AU10TIX sources verifies his ID (do not include)"AU10TIX is an israel firm that did ID verification for X
Oh, I saw a post like that several minutes ago. The link still works and I've added the image for documentation purposes. It seems Samseau is right, the Jews are divided, but not toothless.


an antifa journo just doxed a guy and accidentally included a link to his google docs research file in the article (now its removed)the google docs file has the phrase "AU10TIX sources verifies his ID (do not include)"AU10TIX is an israel firm that did ID verification for X
