Donald Trump

Oswald Mosley was the Prime Minister of Britain and head of the British Union of Fascists until Germany invaded Poland, and he was arrested with his party banned in 1940 (a case of Democracy being literally subverted that I am utterly baffled by).

He warned us about the dangers of multiculturalism and immigration.
Good thread. I like this part:

Mosley was often charged as an antisemite. His defense was always that he was not an antisemite, but that he was against some Jews in Britain that were conspiring with the Marxist labor parties, to push Britain into war. He said their interest in this was clear in that they were against Nazi Germany, and while he could understand their cause, it was not in British Interest.

History can now see that he was correct. The Jewish influence in world war 2 is undeniable. Whether it was Rosevelt’s cabinet pushing him to war, or Churchills financial backers, known as “the focus” pushing him to war.

It is also undeniable that there was Jewish efforts to put down and resist his speeches and political gatherings. Look no further than the Battle of Cable Street. (Similar to George Soros Antifa funded campaigns today.)

Further, Mosley never changed his rehtoric on keeping Britain and Europe ethnically European. He discussed at length plans to repatriate immigrants to their homeland. Given the situation Britain, Europe and the U.S. face today, can we say he was wrong?
Eventually when you married you are going to talk about some political topic so best to get these things out the way before marriage and sex

Politics is not something you talk to a woman. Just like with kids, they're emotional and can't see things objectively. For them, government should provide everything to everybody.

You might see conservative girls online but most are just girls seeking attention and catering to the group of men they're interested in. They see it as a favorite football team. Men are the ones sustaining the economy and infrastructure. Just like it wouldn't be WNBA if it wasn't for the NBA.
Politics is not something you talk to a woman. Just like with kids, they're emotional and can't see things objectively. For them, government should provide everything to everybody.

You might see conservative girls online but most are just girls seeking attention and catering to the group of men they're interested in. They see it as a favorite football team. Men are the ones sustaining the economy and infrastructure. Just like it wouldn't be WNBA if it wasn't for the NBA.
On the flip side, when you find someone very conservative and can see through all the bs, you know almost immediately you have a life partner. So it's not a topic to avoid.
On the flip side, when you find someone very conservative and can see through all the bs, you know almost immediately you have a life partner. So it's not a topic to avoid.

There are so many topics I would love to talk to a girl. Economy, philosophy, politics, etc. But you can't expect a girl in their 20's to know much. It takes time for them to wash out decades of indoctrination and propaganda. Even the parents can't do much against school and college indoctrination.

I see things a little differently compared to when I was young. Sometimes only time fixes things.
Politics is not something you talk to a woman. Just like with kids, they're emotional and can't see things objectively. For them, government should provide everything to everybody.

You might see conservative girls online but most are just girls seeking attention and catering to the group of men they're interested in. They see it as a favorite football team. Men are the ones sustaining the economy and infrastructure. Just like it wouldn't be WNBA if it wasn't for the NBA.
I never spoke politics while dating for years, only after marriage, there are better things to talk about when dating, there are some important questions to ask a girl if you planning on getting married and some of them could be political, I personally was too in love to care about those things haha
Not seeing at least somewhat eye-to-eye politically will probably end in disaster, if you are a man who has strong political convictions. Better to marry a woman who is based, or at least can see through the normie propaganda and BS.
Ofcoarse, questions like "how many kids do you want"

"Do you believe in abortion"

Are good questions that can be political

Test her femenist views and ask about homosexuality etc, the roles of men and woman, religion, how to raise children, dicipline etc

These are very important questions (and others) for serious people who want to get married