Donald Trump

Yes the immediate result is beneficial to us but the action was taken in the interests of Jews, another out group. But what happens when the interests of Jews are not beneficial to us (ie censorship)?
Their interests are never beneficial to us.
But this executive action doesn't really change much for average Americans since our ability to publicly criticize jews was already restricted. A "right-wing" student calling out jews on campus would be expelled and blacklisted, even without this EO.

This is a big swamp-drain - targeted at the "color revolution" racket. Excellent move.

USAID may have an independent budget, but they take orders from State Department/CIA. US National Endowment for Democracy is similar - funded by Congress and operated by folks with neocon style ideas of democracy. IIRC, NED has deep history and likely current roots with CIA.

These two agencies are critical to the "Color Revolution" racket (Samantha Powers types). I think there will be some overseas fairy tale "democracy movements" that dry up as a result of this. It'll be interesting to see which offices fully close/disappear. The ones that dry up first will be the ones that were most heavily supported by these funds.

Why were Georgian "democracy activists" so upset with the Georgian gov't enacting Foreign Agent Registration laws? How about other such FSU, EE etc. "democracy movements" fighting such laws? Because their very own "movements" were all likely USG-funded. FARA style laws threatened to expose them as WDC stooges.

From John Konrad - founder of the maritime news portal gCaptain:
There are still no major leaks in Trump 2.0, and Dems are playing catch-up - and losing. Here’s why:
I’m deep in the investigation on Panama - with sources inside the country and top U.S. officials feeding me intel. I have more access, better insights, and stronger contacts than I’ve had in 15+ years as a journalist. And yet? I still have no clue what Trump is going to do. Neither does any journalist. Why?
Trump 1.0 brought in “the smartest guys in the room” to brainstorm solutions - but those planning sessions leaked instantly, giving Democrats time to counter them.
Trump 2.0 fixed that. Now, multiple teams in separate think tanks, working groups and agencies are working on the same problem - independently.
•No leaks.
•No coordination below the highest levels.
•No clear frontrunner until the last second.
Each team develops wildly different strategies, then presents them to Trump (or @michaelgwaltz) - who picks a plan at the very last minute before they execute at full speed.
So yes, I have insight into multiple possible strategies for Panama. But I can’t report anything because I have no idea which one Trump will actually run with.