Seeing so many non American forum members (not all of them calm down) morph into unhinged children over Trumps actions is a really good sign for Americans!
You make excellent points here. Initially, I was ambivalent about Trump returning to the presidency aside from the fact that I found it hilarious and enjoyed the meltdowns from the Left. I didn't expect much though, aside from entertainment value. But since he's been back in power it's been great to see him, you know, actually do things. Not just talk, as you point out. I don't know that much of what he's trying will work, but it's strangely good to watch a leader actually take action.I think the attraction outside the US to Trump is linked to seeing a politician actually doing what they said, or going above and beyond. Especially given it's second time around, and also considering Trump's age.
Where I live usually you just get talk, blame game and undoing damage of previous governments.
At its most basic level it's watching a boss actually act like a boss, which many people simply don't witness - certainly on a global stage. No doubt there is a theatrical element to it all. It's America after all.
I love America and loved my time visiting. I hope I can go back one day soon. It's really great to see good things happening so far.
Seeing so many non American forum members (not all of them calm down) morph into unhinged children over Trumps actions is a really good sign for Americans!
Different priorities.
Foreigners expect Trump to make grand geopolitical changes, and don't care about US domestic policies. While for us it's the opposite - domestic policy is what matters the most cause it affects our daily lives.
Yea it's why every foreign country loved Obama, well other than the ones he carpet bombed, because he did things that benefitted other countries to the detriment of the USA. God forbid we do things that actually benefit us for once.
There is also the propaganda aspect, it's similar to how we feel about Xi and China, China does things for their own people so here in the USA we are told it's bad. Just as in other countries everyone in incessantly told Trump is bad for that same reason. Conservative or not kinda doesn't matter if every single thing around you is bombarding you painting someone as bad.
In Italy, Matteo Salvini just proposed the law to get Italy out of the WHO just like Trump did!I knew it! Trump is changing the entire world's system, that was rotten and dystopian, for all to participate in his new Golden EraGrazie President Trump!
Well, Trumps people are already making clear they oppose Elon on the issue.Best case scenario the tariffs mostly work, the deportations pick up to the point that they're more than symbolic, his rolling back the LGBT thing also takes hold in the public consciousness. Maybe Trump even has an epiphany and realizes that legal immigration is bad too and shuts down H1B visas, stemming the incoming flood wave from India. I realize I'm being very optimistic with that last one, but opposition to having more Indians seems to be picking up and Trump seems smart enough to notice, so maybe.
Though what you're saying is generally true, conservative foreigners know that America is also the cultural and political epicentre of the world.Yea it's why every foreign country loved Obama, well other than the ones he carpet bombed, because he did things that benefitted other countries to the detriment of the USA. God forbid we do things that actually benefit us for once.
There is also the propaganda aspect, it's similar to how we feel about Xi and China, China does things for their own people so here in the USA we are told it's bad. Just as in other countries everyone in incessantly told Trump is bad for that same reason. Conservative or not kinda doesn't matter if every single thing around you is bombarding you painting someone as bad.
Though what you're saying is generally true, conservative foreigners know that America is also the cultural and political epicentre of the world.
All of the woke stuff was popularised through the US. By the same token, Trump's presidency gives Euro conservative voters hope that things might change for the better there too by means of them voting for conservative politicians.
Trump admin is using the Bannon strategy of blitzkrieg + flood the zone. Every single day we get so many based moves that the media + enemies can’t keep up. They can only focus on being outraged about one thing at a time, meanwhile twenty other things are being done that are progressively more based.