As usual immediate comments against Trump are assumed to be in the spiteful mutant camp. Nothing could be further from the truth. Only halfwits buy this two-party schtick. Come on now.Ok I’m convinced. Trump is not beginning his speeches with an sig heil/roman salute and talk of rounding up the (((deep state ))) I am convinced . If he was openly talking of nuking Israel on the map I’ll support him and Vance in the future
Indeed you’ve convinced me to join white men for Kamala and go for the next bipoc/hopefully gender neutral /queer political candidate in the future
That will show them I mean business!
The rules seem to only apply to some here. The constant downvoting, which I do not do, is, a ratio-ing technique. Though in most instances where I have been downvoted by particular users, the upvotes out-ratio the smear attempt.As someone who entirely disagrees with you on this subject, I'm asking you to remember the forum rules.
Insulting people and immaturely throwing shade because people disagree with you is rather unbecoming, especially as you like most of us, are a fellow Christian.
The mods put a lot of hard work into maintaining this forum, and some not insignificant risk to themselves, depending on where they live.
If you have been unfairly treated, or 'smeared' as you say, highlighting those instances and complaining about them is entirely fair, but this post is completely uncalled for, and distractingly combative in what should be a time of celebration.
I would suggest you apologise, and try to improve in the future.
Israel is about to face a reckoning, and assassinations won't work this time.
I would suggest you cease implications of insults on my behalf when I am merely calling out behavior that others have called out, and that senior longstanding members from here and previous iterations of this forum have left because of. If anything my patience outweighs many.
The reckoning that israel will face will not come from the hands of any American presidential administration. I can only see it coming from a physical force that decides to end them, which will not be from the west.
I apologise, I speedread your comment, completely misread it, and missed the insanity within.
You're telling me, when Elon Musk, who is working with Trump now, has allowed Free Speech on X, protected people tackling the Jewish Question, and is planning on releasing the Epstein Client List, while talking about defending the Constitution, is going to start censorship?
Ignoring the work that Donald Trump has done on free speech, and his own actions against the WEF, and his recent criticism of Jewish Usury, I don't think it's a sane position to hold that anti-Semitism laws are about to be passed in masse.
The fact that you think this could happen, when neither Obama or Biden was able to get away with doing so is frankly kind of insane to me.
No, it's the fact that you are blackpilling when we have literally won the biggest victory possible. This stuff you are saying, it's entirely baseless. I could understand if you were just saying that you didn't believe Trump, Vance, Elon and RFK would actually fulfil their promises after being threatened and nearly being killed in Trumps case, but outright claiming the election is a trap?
Are you serious? Do you really think they couldn't pass anti-semitism laws with Biden or Harris in office? Even if you believed Trump and Vance were going to do exactly the same thing as Harris, which is also an insane take considering what good Trump did, but even then, there'd be no reason to not participate in the election, to show your side exists and can't be ignored forever, or even just because you can.
There's absolutely no reason to believe that voting could ever be a trap. Pointless maybe, I myself believed so at some points in the past.
I can only conclude from this that you are in fact a Fed, considering that you are deliberately poisoning the well about being a Fed, and are in fact trying to spread blackpilling, not because you are a blackpiller, but because you are wielding it as a weapon against us.
I challenge you to prove me wrong.
It looks like Hasbara's Intel services are working overtime to shill for Trump. Alright palooka.
First off my post was not about Trump in particular, but about this feeling of "winning" being associated with him. The dialectic of his last win, the empty promises, the cooperating with Agenda 2030, resulted in a bigger loss the last four years for Americans. Living these highs and lows based on political victories and losses is like a rollercoaster, like dating a model with daddy issues, it's going to take you up and down and never stop and drive you insane. You should know this as a Christian. Maybe there is a spiritual component to politics, but it is the spirit of deception at this point and nothing else. Christ does not protect nor guide anyone who pushes for any kind of abortion or who supports those who curse Him.
Second, I am no longer an American citizen, therefore I do not have the ability to vote in America even if I wanted. Although I'm sure they would be happy to take my illegal vote for the democratic ballot if that were the case, a vote I would never provide.
Thirdly, blackpilling is not what I am about nor what I preach. Blackpilling is suggesting that there is no hope whatsoever and that we are all doomed. There is a solution but it is not going to come about because of this. The solution is to remove all jews from power, before doing anything else. You and others here believe that this guy was actually shot at. It's delusional. All of these men, Trump, RFK jr, Musk, and Vance are beholden to the jews. You're all watching a movie.
I would rather people be aware of the bigger picture and live in reality, than living in delusion believing they are free or going to be free when they are not. The powers that be want you to believe you are free because slaves who believe they are free will never fight to break their shackles. And if you believe that voting makes a difference, and the result of that voting makes a difference, then you're just as delusional as the majority of the population and that is why nothing will ever change because you are a slave who believes he is free.
While this may not pertain to you as a nonwhite, it's truly amazing the depths of denial that many White people are capable of embracing. The delusional people celebrating this supposed win today will doubtless also celebrate when the new version of the Cheka begins to arrest Whites who supposedly have gone too far with their 'antisemitism'. Why not, it's nothing they need to worry about, after all, they're not like that. When one of their family members is ruined or arrested, because they made a comment or a post that crosses the vague line that defines that invented word, antisemitism, they'll be a bit upset, but will doubtless rationalize that the person in question simply shouldn't have said whatever they said. It's all for the greater good, after all.
When they also realize that the USA is still funding Israel's forever wars, with their tax dollars, they'll rationalize that, too. As long as drag queens aren't reading story books to little kids, it's all for the best, right? Americans are in for a rough ride from here on in, for the simple reason that the enemy is now even deeper inside the walls, posing as someone representing the people who can easily convince the masses to stand down.
Fourthly, as for accusations me being a fed, it just proves what I said in my previous post. Cuckservatives cannot fathom anyone legitimately standing for White Europeans and their descendants. You are either severed from your roots and it shows, or you revel that your roots (as a nonwhite) are not being destroyed and simply don't give a hoot what happens to Whites whose roots and future are being destroyed. Therefore, in the deracinated mind, the only thing a racially-aware being represents is the suspicious authority that criminalizes such behavior. The people who think this way will behave the same way when Noahide laws are implemented. They will think that those who try to get others to worship Christ are feds as a ruse to get them "caught".
This accusation is also nothing but more smearing from people who don't like having their IV of hopium unplugged. Honestly man, the feds have no power unless you're screwing with or cheating them out of their money supply or you're publicly making protests and tweets "interfering with elections" or threatening jews and nons. They don't give a hoot about a bunch of people celebrating another kosher politician's victory over a lesser-kosher politician. If you're not gun running and dope peddling, then you also will likely never end up on their radar. The system is designed to perpetuate crime and crime-solvers for little men to keep one another in business.
The final version of RVF had several US federal government employees as notable members. I suspect they were merely studying public communications and not 1811 badges authorized to kick down doors. It was an easy tell, their language and posts appeared short and concise, and they even engaged in calling trannies by their preferred pronouns, as if taking updated orders from Langley literally could not be defied in spite of all common sense. They also had a habit of never liking anyone's posts, because in review of their surveillance case this would be seen as giving undue influence to a target.
Fifthly, as for the good that Trump has done for Americans, it is pyrrhic at best if the last four years are to be examined. The only way Trump can make the economy stable, is doing another 'relief bill', will his platinum plan return with teeth? More gibs for subhumans.
What Trump says publicly I tend to agree with for the most part: deportations, nigs eating animals, wanting a border wall, ending conflict around the world, stopping inflation. He can't do any of those things, so clearly this victory is artificial and only the gullible believe in what political figures say now anyway.
Perhaps you as a nonwhite see this as a victory, but those of us who are not deracinated from our roots know that there is no political solution available. Now looking at the whole israeli angle:

Look at the hands, very telling.
And look at what this cuckservative party does to any White man found harboring views of loving their own people:
They would never touch a yellow, a brown, or a black who held those views about their own people. Certainly not their most sacred idol they worship being the jews having pro-jewish sentiments.
Here's another potential problem. Will he disband and outlaw the ADL? They're already getting cozy with him. The answer is no, but Americans know it must be done.

That's not even the beginning. Those are only outside optics from the incoming Trump administration. Let's take a look inside:
Howard Lutnick, the pro-Israel champion leading Trump’s transition team:
The Jewish Republican has also indicated that his long-standing commitment to Israel’s security is one of the top reasons he is now so enthusiastically aligning with Trump, particularly after Hamas’ Oct. 7 attacks, which the former president has repeatedly claimed “would never have happened” if he had won a second term.
Donald Trump's transition chief says appointees must prove 'loyalty'
Trump Transition Team Chairman and jewish banker, Howard Lutnick, announces ISRAEL LOYALTY TEST for any potential member of the new Trump administration. Trump has sold America out to international jewish interests before even being elected to office. Lutnick is also one of only 24 "dealers" allowed to closely work with the Federal Reserve to implement its monetary policy.

How exactly is this a win? Can you break it down point by point as to how White Christians will have better lives under this silver-tongued soothsayer?
Also, Elon Musk is an occultist, very likely a satanist. Rip out those hopium needles, he is not a Christian. He allows controlled-questioners on twitter, but no one who will reveal any real pertinent truths. There are no accounts on there giving a factual disproval of the holohoax because it is so easy to disprove, even a retard could do it, but he still won't allow that. He won't even allow Andrew Anglin on X, who is only a step apart in his shilling for the "New East" and ziggerism. Get back to me on "planning the release of the Epstein client list" when there never was a real list to begin with. The only list are the recordings of politicians sodomizing children. There are no lists of the bankers, their family members, and acommplices who have done that and much worse.
This whole thing is a huge deception, and multiple people here high on new doses of hopium are are castigating the messenger who is telling you to "watch out" and to amplify your attacks on degeneracy. The behavior towards me is that of adolescents hating on someone crashing a teenage drinking and bud party in someone's basement. Take your alleged win and keep pushing back behind enemy lines. Do not rest on your laurels, every active American citizen should be making moves that will test the boundaries of this incoming administration's loyalty to the people, if you truly believe it to be authentic.
Hating the left was only the beginning. Hating hollywood, porn, liberals, trannies, gays, blacks, heretical and blasphemous jew-worshiping evangelicals, just the revving of the engine in this race. The right has also proven itself to be a demonic heathen-infested low-T philo-semitic manservant and everyone in here ragging on me for saying we shouldn't celebrate but keep going on the offensive is like a chambermaid scrubbing all vestiges of excremental residue from a geriatric jew's bedpan.
Until an American president forces jews out of politics & positions of power, a talmudic-occupied country is doomed. That will never happen under any democrat or republican. It will not happen executively under Trump, nor anywhere else in the federal government in its current body politic. 1913 must be undone. What began with Woodrow Wilson has to be ended by someone with the balls to wear body armor 24/7 and invoke EO 11110.
Ask yourself which variant of tribal flavor is more harmful to Western Christian Civilization, the left-wing radical communist bolshevist marxist imperative, or the right-wing plutocratic neoconservative warmongering capitalist collective? Both are anti-Christ, both are anti-White, anti-European, despite all of their alleged differences.
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