Maybe certain types of real estate will increase in price but it won't really affect the bottom 95% of people anyway. Imagine the price tag of the real estate these people are buying. If a $7 ,million dollar home goes up in price to $10 million dollars does it really matter that much? Which normal family even had the money to buy a $7 million dollar home to begin with?
My point is at least this type of immigration creates investment and jobs for the American economy. Unlike bringing in hordes of Pajeets which just pushes down wages and degrades the country.
A program like this only makes sense when theres a recession. Or a crash to save real estate sector. If the market is already hot. Its nonsense. Unless specifically tailored to UHNW.
It doesnt work like that. First the demand os on prime real estate goes up and inventory dissapears. And with time it advances to all other areas. Local population will have to move more and more outside city centers. Suburbs will increase after.
For a country like US selling access for 5M is stupid. Yes theres a lot of illegal migrants who enter for free. But they are illegal.
This path is legal. The person who invests 5M becomes a legal resident. They should pay much more. They could maybe invest 5M but pay more in everything else. Not have access to any benefits. Pay more taxes, Etc.
Its not only corrupt government officials who use this programs. Ceos or high level management officers of western or local companies want also the possibility to move.
The biggest problem is this generation of retards born in the 50/60 have such low self esteem they think 5M is enough. People will PAY much more to have the privilege of living in western world. The problem western have is fags feminists and trans. Theres no other place where people have freedom and this standard of living.
5M is not enough. Trump is selling short. They need to do much more to have the privilege to live. But this idiots have such low self esteem. Erratic retards.
Immigration can be a great thing. If your bringing talent. But either way they submit to Christ.
This measure is tailored for real estate. Someone whispered this to Trump. Normally its banks. Who have inventory to sell.
This might have to do with bonds. The 5M should be a donation. With more strings attached. Maybe limiting real estate to 10M only buy one house above 10M.
This type of programs should be tailored for elites to compete with elites. It’s an influx of cash so it’s always positive. But it can’t affect normal people.
US should have free health care. Its the only developed nation. They could use this to fund that. But an 8trillion budget is not enough?!?!?!?!