Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

Someone needs to explain to me why a person who became super wealthy in another country would want to pay $5M to come to the US when they are living large elsewhere or could go to another nice country and not give up $5M? Or why Apple or Tesla etc would want to pay $5M fee to US government to bring in 1 superstar employee from another country? I understand Trump’s desire to use this strategy to help pay down the national debt, but I can’t get my mind around any people taking this offer (especially if they aren’t terrorists, mobster oligarchs, Chinese spy’s etc who should get blocked from entry.
Someone needs to explain to me why a person who became super wealthy in another country would want to pay $5M to come to the US when they are living large elsewhere or could go to another nice country and not give up $5M? Or why Apple or Tesla etc would want to pay $5M fee to US government to bring in 1 superstar employee from another country? I understand Trump’s desire to use this strategy to help pay down the national debt, but I can’t get my mind around any people taking this offer (especially if they aren’t terrorists, mobster oligarchs, Chinese spy’s etc who should get blocked from entry.

That type of visa exist all around the world. Austria and Switzerland are the most expensive. The idea is to attract wealth creators. Be it businessmen who would hire people (local citizens, not bring more Indians like Indians do), or finance welfare by paying constant taxes.

All requires vetting. It's not like anybody paying is getting access.

I don't oppose increasing the golden visa to $5 million. The problem is doing like Indians who bring their all family (of 20) who spread like rats and have 50 more Indians in the next generation and since they get citizenship by being born, United States is screwed. Give it 50 years and it will become the same as India or Mexico.
Someone needs to explain to me why a person who became super wealthy in another country would want to pay $5M to come to the US when they are living large elsewhere or could go to another nice country and not give up $5M? Or why Apple or Tesla etc would want to pay $5M fee to US government to bring in 1 superstar employee from another country? I understand Trump’s desire to use this strategy to help pay down the national debt, but I can’t get my mind around any people taking this offer (especially if they aren’t terrorists, mobster oligarchs, Chinese spy’s etc who should get blocked from entry.
Because they are not free. China contrary to what some retards say theres no freedom. None. Families dissapear overnight never to be seen again. They went travelling. Its the normal excuse. US and Europe are an exception. Not norm.

Chineses will queue for this program if its straightforward. 5M in chinese real estate is not much. Not indians. Chinese.

Prices of real estate will increase brutally. If I wanted headaches investing in prime new york, Miami, LA and S Francisco would be a no brainer. Anyone with savings put your money there. Thank me later. Wait until the first card is approved.

This wont fix the deficit or anything remotely near that. But it might bring some wealth. And some problems to local elites.

This has nothing to do with deficit. Its about real estate.

Countries are actually shutting down this regimes. Cause they can be an entry point for mafias. And real estate is unnatainable for local population.
But in this case. Since its a government donation. I dont see how can they launder.
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We let in hundreds of thousands illegally, for free, but people make a big deal out of the 2-3K we might let in for 5M a pop?
How about we don't let in either of them.
But, yeah. A few thousand alien millioners coming in, is not a big deal in the grand scheme of things, but it's still bad policy and this is the criticism thread - unless You think that giving away American citizenship to some 3rd world slumlord just because he has money is a good thing.
We let in hundreds of thousands illegally, for free, but people make a big deal out of the 2-3K we might let in for 5M a pop?
I knew this lefty who reasoned like that.

Hey man, they’re already spying on you and stealing all your private information anyway, so you may as well put an Alexa in the house because it’s really convenient! They’ve already let hundreds of millions of foreigners fuck your country, what’s a few dozen more? You may as well get some money out of it!
Someone needs to explain to me why a person who became super wealthy in another country would want to pay $5M to come to the US when they are living large elsewhere or could go to another nice country and not give up $5M? Or why Apple or Tesla etc would want to pay $5M fee to US government to bring in 1 superstar employee from another country? I understand Trump’s desire to use this strategy to help pay down the national debt, but I can’t get my mind around any people taking this offer (especially if they aren’t terrorists, mobster oligarchs, Chinese spy’s etc who should get blocked from entry.

They'll soon reduce the price once they realise there are no takers.
But, yeah. A few thousand alien millioners coming in, is not a big deal in the grand scheme of things, but it's still bad policy and this is the criticism thread

Criticism or nitpick thread? This is such a tiny, insignificant policy in the grand scheme of things, it's barely worth mentioning. It feels like Trump haters are so desperate for ANYTHING to hate on Trump with, because Trump has been on such a hot streak lately, that they will "critique" a policy that would increase .00001% of the population in America.

This is on top of the fact that we don't even know if the result of such a policy will be good or bad. Wealthy people bring as many benefits as they do problems, unlike the great welfare horde that only bring downsides.
Doesn't Australia have a similar program already - how's it working out for you guys ?

If it was a revamped (more expensive/restrictive) EB-5 program/residency for an investment scheme I couldn't care less, but a pathway to citizenship for a payment doesn't sit well with me, as these people won't have any loyalty to our nation.
Australian here - it got us a bunch of rich corrupt Chinese communist officials who wanted foreign passports for themselves and their families for when their corruption got found out in China. They then hoovered up lots of Australian houses to launder their money.
The gold trump card will directly without much doubt impact real estate. If all things stay the same there will be a big increase in real estate prices in prime areas. Prices will triple in 5 years.
It will depend if the card is actually issued. But if it’s issued in a reasonable time frame without too much bureaucracy the demand will be brutal.
A client of mine which was old money family actually said about this type of programs that selling citizenship or residency permits means there’s nothing else to sell anymore. We’re reaching the bottom.
I think they are net positives. Except for real estate prices. Which native populations will be even more priced out. But generally wealthy people bring ideas and wealth attached to them. The bad thing is they are nomads. They don’t have attachments. And some shit also enters through this programs.

One thing is certain. Prime real estate. Will increase brutally.
Maybe certain types of real estate will increase in price but it won't really affect the bottom 95% of people anyway. Imagine the price tag of the real estate these people are buying. If a $7 ,million dollar home goes up in price to $10 million dollars does it really matter that much? Which normal family even had the money to buy a $7 million dollar home to begin with?

My point is at least this type of immigration creates investment and jobs for the American economy. Unlike bringing in hordes of Pajeets which just pushes down wages and degrades the country.
Maybe certain types of real estate will increase in price but it won't really affect the bottom 95% of people anyway. Imagine the price tag of the real estate these people are buying. If a $7 ,million dollar home goes up in price to $10 million dollars does it really matter that much? Which normal family even had the money to buy a $7 million dollar home to begin with?

My point is at least this type of immigration creates investment and jobs for the American economy. Unlike bringing in hordes of Pajeets which just pushes down wages and degrades the country.
A program like this only makes sense when theres a recession. Or a crash to save real estate sector. If the market is already hot. Its nonsense. Unless specifically tailored to UHNW.

It doesnt work like that. First the demand os on prime real estate goes up and inventory dissapears. And with time it advances to all other areas. Local population will have to move more and more outside city centers. Suburbs will increase after.

For a country like US selling access for 5M is stupid. Yes theres a lot of illegal migrants who enter for free. But they are illegal.
This path is legal. The person who invests 5M becomes a legal resident. They should pay much more. They could maybe invest 5M but pay more in everything else. Not have access to any benefits. Pay more taxes, Etc.

Its not only corrupt government officials who use this programs. Ceos or high level management officers of western or local companies want also the possibility to move.

The biggest problem is this generation of retards born in the 50/60 have such low self esteem they think 5M is enough. People will PAY much more to have the privilege of living in western world. The problem western have is fags feminists and trans. Theres no other place where people have freedom and this standard of living.

5M is not enough. Trump is selling short. They need to do much more to have the privilege to live. But this idiots have such low self esteem. Erratic retards.

Immigration can be a great thing. If your bringing talent. But either way they submit to Christ.

This measure is tailored for real estate. Someone whispered this to Trump. Normally its banks. Who have inventory to sell.
This might have to do with bonds. The 5M should be a donation. With more strings attached. Maybe limiting real estate to 10M only buy one house above 10M.

This type of programs should be tailored for elites to compete with elites. It’s an influx of cash so it’s always positive. But it can’t affect normal people.

US should have free health care. Its the only developed nation. They could use this to fund that. But an 8trillion budget is not enough?!?!?!?!
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Australian here - it got us a bunch of rich corrupt Chinese communist officials who wanted foreign passports for themselves and their families for when their corruption got found out in China.
This. To ensure against bringing in rich, corrupt types, every penny of their wealth should be scrutinized to make sure that their money was made ethically and legally according to American law. Got rich in India via the amoral caste system running salt mines that don't pay a living wage? No go. Made your billions in China using kids as slave labor to make Nike and Apple products? No go. But then here we go... has anyone abroad that can afford 5 million dollars to enter the US truly earned their wealth, or did they fleece the working poor of their home country via usurious JQ techniques of unethical financial ruthlessness and corruption?

"Steal a little and they throw you in jail... steal a lot and they make you King."
This. To ensure against bringing in rich, corrupt types, every penny of their wealth should be scrutinized to make sure that their money was made ethically and legally according to American law. Got rich in India via the amoral caste system running salt mines that don't pay a living wage? No go. Made your billions in China using kids as slave labor to make Nike and Apple products? No go. But then here we go... has anyone abroad that can afford 5 million dollars to enter the US truly earned their wealth, or did they fleece the working poor of their home country via usurious JQ techniques of unethical financial ruthlessness and corruption?

"Steal a little and the throw you in jail... steal a lot and they make you King."

What is a little 5 mil anyway when you can make 100 mil in a year just laughing around going on business talk in skyscrapers. I've seen it.

Handshake here and there, some girls maybe? Are you keen? Etc.
The problem long term, with a process of selling citizenship to high-net-worth individuals, is that you are bringing in a new "elite" class. Maybe not at all at once, but over generations, and with generational wealth, you slowly replace your own elites with alien invaders. So, eventually they pay off politicians to do their bidding and bring in more of their alien cohorts. Soon, you have a Minnesota situation where you have tens of thousands of violent and uncivilized Somalians turning a once great state into a third world hellhole. They can then buy up businesses and real estate and push out anyone who isn't of their own tribe.

It is how, at the end of the day, legal immigration of non-Whites into the west is a bigger threat than illegal immigration. Illegals can be removed very quickly and with a lot of support, and even if they remain, most remain at the bottom of the totem pole and in the slums working low paid wages. The legal immigrants come in, take over middle and upper class housing, take over limited spots in colleges, and then often first thing go and push for their own alien ethnicity to have more power/influence/immigration. And they are successful because they can buy off politicians and run White people out of the business/colleges/neighborhoods that they built and created.

We see this with many alien ethnicities across the west. Of all Trump's faults, this isn't very high on the list, but I am glad to see more and more questioning things like this. The satanic elite sandwich is cracking, many are questioning the "fixes" from their own side and realizing that they can't vote their way out of this situation. This is a big step, and I am excited to see many here make it.
Do we want foreign elites to come here and buy up massive amounts of our housing,commercial eal estate and farmland (like Gates, other Billionaires and the Chinese have been doing)? To flip the script on the words used like a robot by Trumps press Secretary “I think 70% or more of of the American people would not support this”.
Do we want foreign elites to come here and buy up massive amounts of our housing,commercial eal estate and farmland (like Gates, other Billionaires and the Chinese have been doing)? To flip the script on the words used like a robot by Trumps press Secretary “I think 70% or more of of the American people would not support this”.
I think the best take on it is...

We can ask those whose countries have been doing it for years - just look what our mates are telling us.

America has been doing it for centuries - and is the most powerful country in the world. You may want to ask who these other countries are copying. America's immigration model has always been Whites, Rich, or Talented - until the 1964 immigration act which let in the turd world.

Rich have always found ways to migrate here, through dozens of loopholes, and citizenship was handed out like candy to anyone who wanted to work in America since 1780. Citizenship was given to the Irish if they would go kill Southerners.

But suddenly, citizenship is a sacred thing, lol.... Because Trump!!!1 Pearl clutching over immigration is beyond bizarre. I agree that immigration has been way too high for too many decades, because of the 1964 bill, however, a pause on immigration for about 40 years combined with strictly quality immigration will easily set things back to how America was for centuries.

Giving citizenship for 5M will probably be good for America, because it will let in a "middle class" of rich that is generally locked out. Right now, it's just Talmudic Jews who have dual citizenship in America, because they scam it through the "family immigration" laws, and they use their money to open the flood gates for slave labor. The 5M price tag will open up immigration to wealthy citizens from Europe, Russia, and Asia. All of which are better than Talmudic Jews.

We don't know what the effects of an policy will be, but it's far from being a guaranteed bad thing.