Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread


"The Order demands the removal of resident aliens who violate our laws."
But they still have to violate a law outside of just calling out anti Jewish comments.

I don't like the slippery slope.

But I don't care if the end result of more non Americans are removed
But they still have to violate a law outside of just calling out anti Jewish comments.

I don't like the slippery slope.

But I don't care if the end result of more non Americans are removed

I generally share the sentiment:
The reason - providing safe spaces for jews - is wrong, but the end result - deporting foreign (presumably muslim) students - is right.

Guests (students/workers/tourists) should be on their best behavior or get the boot. And throwing a chimpout on campus should definitely be the grounds for deportation, so not gonna cry after them. But it shouldn't be applied only to anti-Israeli protestors.
So how's it goin fellas?
I’ve been pleasantly surprised at the nature and aggression of this lightning war lead by Trump. I didn’t expect it and fully support any sincere efforts to remedy the disaster this country has become. Thank God there are some really positive developments we’ve witnessed in the past two weeks and it seems Trump has learned and adapted.

I want to keep a level head and am cautiously more optimistic. Give credit where credit is due, but do not withhold criticism when called for. I am skeptical by learned habit. I do not want to get swept up in a honeymoon phase, as the problems facing us aren’t going to be fixed in a few weeks. They likely cannot be fixed in a lifetime, and more realistically it will take generations of combat on what is ultimately a spiritual stage, but will manifest itself in cultural, political, physical, familial and individual fronts.

I’d love to see dramatic results, and patience is something I’ll work on. I am pleased with any progress. I do have my reservations, as I hope everyone here does, but praise God, Trump is actually fighting back with an apparent vigor. I haven’t seen that happen in my lifetime.
Honestly the only real way we get rid of Satan/jews is when we run out of money and they leech onto some other county(Russia? China?)
The writing was on the wall when they signed that last piece of anti-semitism legislature in 2019. The last 15 months have made many non-Whites worldwide aware of the true nature of jews, but as we have seen none of them have the capacity to organize and mount a successful resistance to being genocided, or even turn the tables on the zionists and completely swarm their little rogue bandit state. The gulf Arabs are run by crypto jews and are all comfy and fat on their whores, hookah, and imported Euro cars. The Egyptians made a stand once, but there are no men like Nasser around now. Iran has such a hodgepodge of ethnicities that they can't form a collective identity enough to help themselves or give a hoot about their lowly semite neighbors wiping each other out, another case of foregone short-sightedness. Syria is now under a bearded atavist who lets his men turn people into mincemeat in random fields with AK-47s, and once again they care not for their Palestinian kin.

Mark my words we will never see Muslims overrun Tel Aviv and slaughter them all, which they all dream of doing but don't have the balls to do. They'd much rather go live on welfare in Europe.

The controlled US will not allow the slightest criticism of these baby rapers, and that is going to be America's undoing no matter how strong Trump build's it up internally. The slippery slope is turning into a vertical drop as every time someone speaks up about them it gets shut down almost immediately. This is slowly turning once bitter enemies into alignment against a common foe, which has been the sole thing the jew has been working so hard to prevent by fomenting racial hatred between non-Whites against Whites the last century. They must have predicted this in their simulations, as jews, whos omnipresent psychosis has led them to believe anotha shoah is around every corner, and since it isn't happening they become softer, flabbier, and weaker, while at the same time wielding absolute tyrannical influence. The world has never been under the boot of such a weak and sick people undeserving of ruling anyone, let alone themselves.

Truthfully now the only way to get rid of the jews in the USA and Europe is to forcefully kick them out, this means a protracted at least decade long war of uncompromised ethno-nationalists going up against every system of enforcement the jew has at their disposal that are compromised to the posterity of White Americans, from local police to sheriffs to federal to military, not counting all their paramilitary proxies and mob hordes that can be unleashed with one of hundreds of trigger event files sitting in a file cabinet in Langley. That would be preceded by whatever happens the next four years. There is no iteration of the future where there is not a kinetic forcefulness of routing the jews out of their power. They will never, ever leave unless they are tactically routed by organized men who have no tolerance.

Anglin does have a point here, though he is becoming detached from understanding the bigger picture on several fronts:

How many federal and government employees have been let go already, a thousand, ten thousand? There are a ton of vacancies. All of you in America should try to join locally and start strengthening your local government and see what happens when you advocate for policies that benefit the White majority. Probe the system at this gutting point for its weaknesses, and install sympathetic people with pro-White views in positions of power.

At the rate Trump is cleaning house it would seem that they want to align the buildup of America for the next war to finalize the realization of the Oded-Yinon plan. According to these designs once that state has been built up, then the israel mask that has already dropped will turn into outright hostility and they may even attack the United States and destroy it. The kosher conservatives are the frog under the scorpion until the end, delaying their foreign eschatology from happening should be everyone's focus, and that starts by not letting the jew escape criticism.

Delaying is a strategy, but we must understand that all time we are bought is a gift from God and we must not waste it. Delaying is only the initial strategy, the next part will be active resistance when anti-jew laws start coming down hard. Americans need to also advocate for laws against anti-Christian policies louder and more forcefully.

I see multiple other tasks that the collective Christian masses of America need to do while this chaos is going on before the freemasonic heads turn it into another "ordo ab chao":

1 - Keep exposing the jew, if so much exposure forces new and more harsher legislation to come down then it begets the next part
2 - Active open resistance of any attempt even by this new administration to limit or censor freedom of speech
3 - Simultaneous political advocacy and lobbying for Christian ethics, values, and laws to combat secular damage
4 - Race realism so that the masses of Whites remember who they are, expose every fraudulent black and jewish claim with an honorable White claim

We are in the end of an age, staving off the collapse a little bit will only give time for the necessary conclusion of this stall: to form White ethno-states where the men are valiant fighters and the fecundity of their women keep their numbers from dwindling. It will be a raw form of living but one leagues above the sedation of sin they've put us all in. They will not allow a true Nationalist platform to emerge that is even isolationist or hands-off the Middle East, but if that does not come in the next decade, America will die at a time and appointment of the jew's choosing, like they do to anyone who befriends them.
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Yea that's ghey, I swear the jews are like a roach problem that won't go away. Issue is more than half the damn country is brainwashed into supporting them, both sides of the aisle, if any political candidate comes out against them they are screwed.

I really don't know what the solution is to their stranglehold on this country.
Someone once had a Final Solution.
We are in the end of an age, staving off the collapse a little bit will only give time for the necessary conclusion of this stall: to form White ethno-states where the men are valiant fighters and the fecundity of their women keep their numbers from dwindling. It will be a raw form of living but one leagues above the sedation of sin they've put us all in. They will not allow a true Nationalist platform to emerge that is even isolationist or hands-off the Middle East, but if that does not come in the next decade, America will die at a time and appointment of the jew's choosing, like they do to anyone who befriends them.
How many people do you think are aware now that if you have excess wealth, affluence, fake jobs, welfare (whatever you wanna call it) and don't restrict women to a significant degree (socially or economically) they just flat won't produce or care much about child rearing?
Good post and excellent analysis by Catherine Fitts. It is exactly what concerned me in regarding to Musk's DOGE role and its purpose in the future under Trump Administration - I.e., Digital ID, social credit system, etc.

I worked in IT since the 1990's so it is not hard to be skeptical and wary of the Tech Bros' and Musk's future goals.

Edit. Also, I'm sure (((Thiel))) is lurking in the shadow and working behind the scene.
Good post and excellent analysis by Catherine Fitts. It is exactly what concerned me in regarding to Musk's DOGE role and its purpose in the future under Trump Administration - I.e., Digital ID, social credit system, etc.

I worked in IT since the 1990's so it is not hard to be skeptical and wary of the Tech Bros' and Musk's future goals.

Edit. Also, I'm sure (((Thiel))) is lurking in the shadow and working behind the scene.
She's like Whitney Webb. Some true stuff and I think means well, but gets way out over her skis or just factually gets certain things wrong. Or has a wrong context on things that are already going that way. For example,

One of the big goals is to use Bitcoin, which is a Ponzi scheme, to swap for real assets—“$500 trillion of land and minerals,” as Howard Lutnick puts it. If mandated government purchases can run up the price of Bitcoin, and then the 2% who own 70% of Bitcoin can swap their Bitcoin for land on a secret, tax-free basis, they can achieve MBT—the real core of MAGA—“Make Billionaires Trillionaires.” In addition, this will achieve the shutting down of federal cash flows and credit to average people, dramatically lowering the economic footprint of the average American. (Climate change was not working, but plunder will.) The land-grab play can be done through Lutnick and the sovereign wealth funds as well as Treasury through a Bitcoin strategic reserve.

That quote is under the title of "Land Grab". It's hard to take someone seriously who talks about finances but doesn't understand BTC. "Run up the price of BTC"? That's already been done before any government action, and in fact, much to the chagrin of most, including the IMF and LaGargoyle. That there is a new elite (people may have seen my multitude of posts on the BTC thread) is just a reality of how some humans see things that others don't. The difference was, BTC was actually honest and open for everyone. What's more, the Land Grab already has happened, as residences are already bought up with fiat and other Cantillon Effect action over the years. They can, and already have done, much more harm with fiat; any claim that this is the doing of something honest, scarce, and permissionless like BTC is a joke.

If the current effort is successful, our children and grandchildren will never know the blessings that we have known.

She also says stuff like this. I believe her heart is in the right place. But really? It's built in that the children/grandkids weren't going to get much due to the behaviors and hanging on, voting, entitlements of the boomers and older. It's baked into the cake. It's not like it's just happening now due to Biden, Trump or DOGE+. If you lived a good life and had a good run, it had way more to do with how normal the country used to be due to being homogeneous and wealthy in 1965 and after, where it then broke down. It's just a fundamental misunderstanding of cycles, especially when your country, Christianity and culture has been lost during that time.
This is their end game.
While giving us small symbolic victories (we are free to say the sky is blue again), the wolves (satanic Elon Mask) are now in position to build up their digital tower of Babel, while being hailed as heroes.
This is why Trump optimists are deluded and their judgement can't be trusted. They can't see the trap for the bait. The piper keeps piping.

God help the faithful in America.
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She's like Whitney Webb. Some true stuff and I think means well, but gets way out over her skis or just factually gets certain things wrong. Or has a wrong context on things that are already going that way. For example,
I, too, am skeptical, but for ad hominem reasons. She is a boomer who went to college then got a job at an investment bank, then became secretary of HUD, then started her own brokerage and somehow secured the contract to manage HUDs massive fund. What does she know about tech and the digital world? I find these boomers very doom and gloom and her article is far too concise for the sweeping accusations she's making, like the Stargate investment. It's going to take years to build out those data centers and I bet they'll be a massive money sink. I also don't know what she means when she says "the REAL ID is being supported with a push through the States." Uhhh, my driver's license, and yours, is already REAL ID. It was passed back in 2005 and is being enforced in 2025. What are the States supporting again? Her writing isn't thorough enough, nor does she link any sources or offer deeper explanations in arguing her points. I give her a D.
I also don't know what she means when she says "the REAL ID is being supported with a push through the States." Uhhh, my driver's license, and yours, is already REAL ID. It was passed back in 2005 and is being enforced in 2025. What are the States supporting again? Her writing isn't thorough enough, nor does she link any sources or offer deeper explanations in arguing her points. I give her a D.
You need to understand the difference between Real ID and Digital ID. They are NOT the same thing. Look it up.
You need to understand the difference between Real ID and Digital ID. They are NOT the same thing. Look it up.
Then the way that woman worded her two-sentence paragraph on digital IDs was confusing and obfuscating. Why can't she be clearer? She mentioned Real ID, Digital ID, and biometrics in one breath. Which is it? Since there is a REAL ID in existence, why is she positing the REAL ID is being supported by the States? What does she mean, exactly?