Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

You're ridiculous. I'm just as against the EU as the deep state in US. It's all the "collective west", "international community" kabal that has to be destroyed.
Just going off what I'm seeing. Tons of Criticism from Europeans... Whom don't have a good tract record of their own on judgement calls.

The nationalists there, Hungary and Poland for instance, sure seems to be aligned with Trump.

I read your posts. I can say as an American that the only thing I care about is America's benefit when I elect a Leader. If that means other countries suffer because of our position...thats not really a problem for me... Though I do want us to act as ethically as possible, we don't live in a perfect zero sum world.
This is why Trump optimists are deluded and their judgement can't be trusted. They can't see the trap for the bait. The piper keeps piping.

God help the faithful in America.

The guy we just voted for is dismantling a multi-trillion dollar government and exposing the entire judeo-communist apparatus used to enslave Americans for the past 70 years, but HE'S ASHCHUALLY THE PIED PIPER!!!


And then you tell us we lack reflection, :ROFLMAO:
The guy we just voted for is dismantling a multi-trillion dollar government and exposing the entire judeo-communist apparatus used to enslave Americans for the past 70 years, but HE'S ASHCHUALLY THE PIED PIPER!!!


And then you tell us we lack reflection, :ROFLMAO:
Have you seen the declaration about Gaza? Trump IS the judeo-communist president. You're just a glowie at this point.
This is their end game.
While giving us small symbolic victories
I'm open to this. But as we see on this thread, many jump to conclusions from people who don't really spell it all out.
I, too, am skeptical, but for ad hominem reasons. She is a boomer who went to college then got a job at an investment bank, then became secretary of HUD, then started her own brokerage and somehow secured the contract to manage HUDs massive fund. What does she know about tech and the digital world?
Yup. You can see things that are disgusting and know the general direction things, then combine that with the 24/7 news cycle and internet click ego era (now) to spook people - even though those years maybe REALLY far off.
I also don't know what she means when she says "the REAL ID is being supported with a push through the States." Uhhh, my driver's license, and yours, is already REAL ID. It was passed back in 2005 and is being enforced in 2025. What are the States supporting again? Her writing isn't thorough enough, nor does she link any sources or offer deeper explanations in arguing her points. I give her a D.
I'm with you.
You need to understand the difference between Real ID and Digital ID. They are NOT the same thing. Look it up.
Possibly, still doesn't mean they are very effective in getting to this goal. Here's the thing, we all already KNOW this is not only the goal, but in a sense, it's written in history already. We already know what happens in the "end times". The question is, will our time be those end times? People lose sight of that.

If we're honest, nothing really changes until this fiat system really takes a dump. They obviously can keep it going, and have, but it's true that things can speed up majorly due to turbulence of debt, war, loss of confidence, etc. Maybe that's coming, but also, like most things demonic, maybe that's a 30 year plan where in reality debasement of fiat keeps going, more people die, robots come on the scene, etc. In that sense, there's not much really that any given person is going to do. We all need to just remind one another to get a heart and mind of repentance. What we saw during covid, from a population point of view with this many people and the difficulty with resistance (perhaps a bigger rejection will happen "next time"), shows me that until creation happens after destruction, little can be done for now.
I’ve come to the conclusion that some people are too far down the negativity and conspiracy rabbit hole to be rescued. They’ve made up their minds that Trump can do nothing good or noteworthy and then their minds convince them of such.

Criticizing the man is fine. I’ve done so myself. The Gaza thing should be watched closely. However, to believe that nothing he is doing is working, or it’s a grand scheme to destroy America means that people are ignoring the evidence or are not right in the head.
I'm open to this. But as we see on this thread, many jump to conclusions from people who don't really spell it all out.
There was an article Roosh wrote a while ago that I cannot find right now, that proposed Musk is a strong candidate for the antichrist. I think it might be true, although I lean more towards the possibility that he is the precursor to the final Antichrist.
There was an article Roosh wrote a while ago that I cannot find right now, that proposed Musk is a strong candidate for the antichrist. I think it might be true, although I lean more towards the possibility that he is the precursor to the final Antichrist.
Again, I'm open to all of this stuff as well, but why get in the way of someone who is winning? Especially when it's already in motion.
Possibly, still doesn't mean they are very effective in getting to this goal. Here's the thing, we all already KNOW this is not only the goal, but in a sense, it's written in history already. We already know what happens in the "end times". The question is, will our time be those end times? People lose sight of that.

The other issue here is that many of these people lack any discernment for the determination of these ‘end times’

Throughout the years, several Protestant pastors have made complete fools of themselves predicting the apocalypse. Only for nothing to happen. Then they change the date, or claim they misinterpreted scripture.

Does the prophecy come from an established Saint? Like St. Paisios for instance? Has the church investigated it at all? Or is it from some online doomer who is grifting?

I doubt the lady in the article above has any idea what she is talking about.

If we're honest, nothing really changes until this fiat system really takes a dump. They obviously can keep it going, and have, but it's true that things can speed up majorly due to turbulence of debt, war, loss of confidence, etc. Maybe that's coming, but also, like most things demonic, maybe that's a 30 year plan where in reality debasement of fiat keeps going, more people die, robots come on the scene, etc. In that sense, there's not much really that any given person is going to do. We all need to just remind one another to get a heart and mind of repentance. What we saw during covid, from a population point of view with this many people and the difficulty with resistance (perhaps a bigger rejection will happen "next time"), shows me that until creation happens after destruction, little can be done for now.

The ‘solution’ to this by the American government and others is to kick the can down the road. Until they tackle it head on nothing will happen and things will keep degrading.

The thing is, it will inflict a lot of pain on the population and the political class is right in the sense that our population can’t handle it. Most people have become snowflakes who can’t handle adversity.
You mean the declaration not to invade? Yes, I saw it, now tell us what did you see?
Ok, I don't need any more proof that you lost it. No one who endorses this jew run project this hard can possibly be Orthodox Christian. You've made (((Trump))) into an idol. The fact that you go out of your way trying so hard to sell this man to users in one topic dedicated to his critique blatantly proves you're a FED and this forum is in fact compromised.

Go ahead and change the name to (((Trump))) is King. Shalom.
Sure jumping to conclusions aren't you?

Maybe have some humility, and try explaining your point of view instead of calling anyone who disagrees with you Jewish.

As mentioned before, the word Jewish is being overused. We don't want it to lose it's bite like 'racism' has.
I've explained enough during the course of this thread. I'm done.
The guy we just voted for is dismantling a multi-trillion dollar government and exposing the entire judeo-communist apparatus used to enslave Americans for the past 70 years, but HE'S ASHCHUALLY THE PIED PIPER!!!


And then you tell us we lack reflection, :ROFLMAO:
I stand by my comment earlier and again feel vindicated with what we've seen so far.
Ok, I don't need any more proof that you lost it. No one who endorses this jew run project this hard can possibly be Orthodox Christian. You've made (((Trump))) into an idol. The fact that you go out of your way trying so hard to sell this man to users in one topic dedicated to his critique blatantly proves you're a FED and this forum is in fact compromised.

Go ahead and change the name to (((Trump))) is King. Shalom.

You just assume that anyone that voted for Trump is not a True Orthodox Christian. I'll be sure to tell my priests and all those other men at my church that as well...

The "no true Scotsman" rhetorical fallacy. Very clear signs of a guy winning an argument.

People get to disagree and discuss. You're allowed to post your stuff, and the rest of us are allowed to disagree and point out why we think you're wrong.

I understand free speech isn't a well understood concept in Europe, but historically that's how it works here.

Imagine black pilling when USAID the slush fund itself is being taken down.

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The fact that you go out of your way trying so hard to sell this man to users in one topic dedicated to his critique blatantly proves you're a FED and this forum is in fact compromised.

How would I, or anyone else, be paid when all of the mechanisms for being paid by the US Government are frozen and in the process of being dismantled right now? USAID and Dept of Treasury payments both closed right now and being gutted right now. Thanks to Donald J. Trump.

Obviously, you have no idea what's even going on, and are just emo-posting, so I will just pray for you. Hatred and darkness cloud your soul, and may the Lord Jesus Christ lift them so you are able to see with your eyes again.
Has anyone heard of this before? Some kind of bot campaign, I'm unsure if it's real.

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The Republican Party would do just fine without Indian support. The majority of Indian Americans vote Democrat anyway.

I never understood the pandering of the Fox News types. I personally welcome based people from all backgrounds, but the majority of the messaging falls on deaf ears. It’s like all that time spent trying to get the African American vote and they still vote like what 80% Dem? Some people just can’t be changed.