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Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

Excellent. I will make my prediction here. Elections no longer matter; we saw that in 2020. The satanic elites are desperate right now. The economy is collapsing, the narrative in Israel is collapsing. Military recruiting is at all-time lows. Moral is at an all-time low. Anger is at an all-time high. Their greatest fear is White Nationalism, and it is growing by leaps and bounds. Their second fear of traditional Christianity is also growing by leaps and bounds.

So, whomever is the president in 2024 will be handed picked, the election is just theatre. If Donald Trump is selected, it will not be because he is some tough outsider they just can't keep down. It will be because he can buy the satanic elite more time than the other guys, in their opinion. And I predict they pick Trump to be the next president. He can sell to the angry American majority that the govt. is now on their side, it is getting things done. He might even get some small meaningless concession like a border wall, but it is way too late for that without massive deportations, which you will never get without a true counter revolution movement. And with these meaningless "wins" he will try to sell the military to the young men so they can go off and fight for Israel.

I predict these charges are just part of the theatre to make him look like the supreme outsider underdog and get his supporters more stirred up in their cult like worship of him. And when he wins the biggest election upset in the history of our nation, the fever pitch will boil over.

I say all of this now, so if this all comes true and Trump is the next president, we stop the propaganda so that...

- We don't have young men signing up to fight for this anti-Christian nation.
- We don't have people going to Trump's childish rallies so they can get attacked or have their lives ruined.
- We don't have people donating to this grift while we need to be using our money to build our own system

Thank you.
I haven't paid attention since the first republican debate and the Tucker Carlson interview. Anything come up since then?
Not that I am aware of, same old rhetoric. That interview was shameful. Carlson lobs softball questions and Trump gives the most unspecific answers.

"I'll stop the war in Ukraine"

Okay, follow up, how? You either put in billions more to fight them and beat them, or you go against your previous 4 years in office, everyone in DC, everyone on Wall Street, start a full-on counter revolution, and surrender to Russia. So, which is it?
I do not expect logically consistent answers from Trump. He will say whatever captures the hearts and minds of his followers, allow them to think he is going to do something, only for them to be disappointed when nothing happens.

"Make America Great Again"
"Build the Wall"
"Lock Her Up"
"America First"
"Stop the Steal"

Anybody remember those?
I like what he's saying, I don't like that there's no meaning behind it.
I choose Trump because everyone else is terrible and he's fantastic at pissing off the left and Republicucks. But he will not save America, and elections really don't matter.
I agree, he does a good job of saying things he isn't supposed to say and upsetting the establishment in both parties. The problem with this though is it motivates the anti-Christian enemies to the point they are frothing at the mouth and ready to kill and then he runs out of the bar and leaves us to defend ourselves.

He got BLM stirred into a fury and then many of his supporters were badly hurt and even killed by them.
Big Don talks a good game but he was woefully inept to handle everything the deep state and radical left threw his way. It also didn't help he surrounded himself with some of the biggest buffoons like his son in law (((Kushner.))) When he got rid of Bannon and the deep state took out Flynn it was pretty much a done deal.
Big Don talks a good game but he was woefully inept to handle everything the deep state and radical left threw his way. It also didn't help he surrounded himself with some of the biggest buffoons like his son in law (((Kushner.))) When he got rid of Bannon and the deep state took out Flynn it was pretty much a done deal.
You guys should read up on Kushner's family. The fact he let his daughter marry into a family, who behaves like that, is telling of how compromised he really is.
You guys should read up on Kushner's family. The fact he let his daughter marry into a family, who behaves like that, is telling of how compromised he really is.
What is your take on Bannon? I got a friend who hates him because he worked at Goldman Sachs. But based on how much they persecuted him from the beginning of the Trump presidency and even now, I can't help but think he's a real one.
What is your take on Bannon? I got a friend who hates him because he worked at Goldman Sachs. But based on how much they persecuted him from the beginning of the Trump presidency and even now, I can't help but think he's a real one.
Gatekeeper, was out there attacking White Nationalists.. IN EUROPE. Just another conman fraud. Oh, didn't he commit fraud, have a charity to build the wall through private donations and then ran off with the money? I was thinking he was involved in that but didn't get into trouble, while people are rotting in prison for years for walking on the lawn of the capitol.
Gatekeeper, was out there attacking White Nationalists.. IN EUROPE. Just another conman fraud. Oh, didn't he commit fraud, have a charity to build the wall through private donations and then ran off with the money? I was thinking he was involved in that but didn't get into trouble, while people are rotting in prison for years for walking on the lawn of the capitol.
That is not an accurate description of "fraud" you're saying he committed at all.

They said he committed fraud because he used money from the "build the wall" fund with himself and Brian Kolfage (spell check) used some of the money for other personal expense.

Its a totally fictitious case, and an example of government going after people who are gathering funds and a mission to build the wall.

This is all done by the same people in the SDNY who are going after Trump.

There was no legitimate crime that occured. Going after bannon and calling him a conman/grifter is ridiculous. He's done more to promote populism and shift the overton window to the right than really anyone else (save maybe Alex Jones/Rush Limbaugh).

He's one of the reasons people like Matt Gaetz is so popular and has such as strong position nationally.
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Gatekeeper, was out there attacking White Nationalists.. IN EUROPE. Just another conman fraud. Oh, didn't he commit fraud, have a charity to build the wall through private donations and then ran off with the money? I was thinking he was involved in that but didn't get into trouble, while people are rotting in prison for years for walking on the lawn of the capitol.
The last time I watched Bannon was during the AMC/GameStop/BTC/Dogecoin craze. He was talking about how "the people are rising up and taking the fight to the elites." Of course, most people who bought in got the rug pulled out from under them. The only ones who came out ahead were the elites who already had money in place and a few individuals who just happened to already own some stock.

I do not like what I see happening to him though. The machine has made it a point to crucify anyone even close to Trump. Anyone except Kushner that is.
That is not an accurate description of "fraud" you're saying he committed at all.

They said he committed fraud because he used money from the "build the wall" fund with himself and Brian Kolfage (spell check) used some of the money for other personal expense.

Its a totally fictitious case, and an example of government going after people who are gathering funds and a mission to build the wall.

This is all done by the same people in the SDNY who are going after Trump.

There was no legitimate crime that occured. Going after bannon and calling him a conman/grifter is ridiculous. He's done more to promote populism and shift the overton window to the right than really anyone else (save maybe Alex Jones/Rush Limbaugh).

He's one of the reasons people like Matt Gaetz is so popular and has such as strong position nationally.
He is a gatekeeper at best, same vein as Tucker, "identity politics is evil" and yet it is the basis of human group psychology and nothing can change it.

Where did all the money for the wall go? Where did the $250 million Trump raised to "stop the steal" go? These guys are making a fortune off of their "troubles".
The last time I watched Bannon was during the AMC/GameStop/BTC/Dogecoin craze. He was talking about how "the people are rising up and taking the fight to the elites." Of course, most people who bought in got the rug pulled out from under them. The only ones who came out ahead were the elites who already had money in place and a few individuals who just happened to already own some stock.

I do not like what I see happening to him though. The machine has made it a point to crucify anyone even close to Trump. Anyone except Kushner that is.
I heard a great discussion about Bitcoin and it answered the question I had about it from the get go. Why wouldn't the central bankers just outlaw it. Why wasn't that done? Because the big boys can really manipulate the market and make a fortune off everyone else, that is why.
My biggest criticism of Trump is that he is the undisputed king of the NOTHING BURGER.

He always promises (or hints at) HUGE dramatic events, major consequences, or amazing results, but in the end delivers nothing but a tiny fart in the wind.

Yet, the most sad and pathetic thing is that despite 6 years of endless disappointments, silly paper tiger threats, and empty promises, every week thousands gullible suckers keep falling for his snake oil and over, and over again.

Many people simply refuse to accept that he will never, ever, deliver a proper whopper or big mac.
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My biggest criticism of Trump is that he is the undisputed king of the NOTHING BURGER.

He always promises (or hints at) HUGE dramatic events, major consequences, or amazing results, but in the end delivers nothing but a tiny fart in the wind.

Yet, the most sad and pathetic thing is that despite 6 years of endless disappointments, silly paper tiger threats, and empty promises, every week thousands gullible suckers keep falling for his snake oil and over, and over again.

Many people simply refuse to accept that he will never, ever, deliver a proper whopper or big mac.
The bar has been set so low that even talking about doing these things is considered an upgrade from the vast majority of worthless Republicans. We got a huge win on the Supreme Court but beyond that it's been mostly rhetoric.

A Trump win in '24 is a moral victory at best. I could take him seriously if he brought on someone like RFK Jr. to the ticket or started going after the real problems but until then I'll just root for him for the memes.
Electing Trump is a big middle finger to the establishment, but I doubt he's capable of achieving much. If he ever gets back in the oval office he will likely repeat the same mistakes and surround himself with establishment hacks and sycophants.
Electing Trump is a big middle finger to the establishment, but I doubt he's capable of achieving much. If he ever gets back in the oval office he will likely repeat the same mistakes and surround himself with establishment hacks and sycophants.
It is hard to excuse them as mistakes when you simply take an honest look at his past, especially being he is a Roy Cohn project (look up Roy Cohn, trust me on that one) and then add in he just somehow managed to make the same mistake, over and over again, for four straight years. As far as I know, George Soros business partner, Jared Kushner, is still his right-hand man.
I'm not sure anymore what is going on with Trump or how I feel about him? I will most likely vote for him in 2024, but part of me thinks maybe we will have more time to off grid prep if he loses. Why? I just think BLM, Antifa, LGBTQ'ers, the Zionists, and liberal Gen Z'ers like Greta Thunberg are more serious, more passionate, and more willing to go to the mat (death) for their cause(s). I for one, as a 40+ year old heterosexual white male Christian just want to get away from these disrespectful amoral degenerates. And I'm certainly not willing to die in a trench fighting these libtards in a US Civil War 2.0.

To tell the truth, I was somewhat relieved when Trump lost in 2020 because I knew the other side hated him much more passionately than I liked him (and the main reason I voted for him in 2016 is because he came down the escalator and racially trolled the entirety of Latin America). I thought for sure our cities would burn again if Trump won in 2020, and I was pretty sure ex-military nationalist militia men would do nothing if Trump lost (thus giving me more time to prepare for off grid life before constant social chaos ensues).

In my opinion, Donald Trump has always been an atheistic amoral degenerate. For me, this personal sentiment goes way back to the early 1990's. I never liked the guy and I always got a bad vibe from him. I always thought of him as a trust fund kid who most likely cheated his way through college and who probably never did a day of manual labor in his life. I have no problem believing he slept with Stormy Daniels, hung out with Jeffrey Epstein, and that he has slept with hundreds if not thousands of women (all while married to his newest, youngest trophy wife). I can get over a lot of personal flaws if you are truthful with me. But if you are constantly lying to me about the truth of who you are then we are done.

That being said, I don't know the guy, and politically he's my only viable option.

So my question is this: "Do you think Trump getting elected in 2024 gives us less time or more time to prepare for an off grid, Matrix free life?"

I think this is a great question. Does voting matter? All in all, no, both parties are controlled top to bottom by the satanic elites. Trump, DeSantis, whomever, doesn't get to be the GOP nominee for president without kissing the ring. The only way to fix this is by a new third party, and yes, this will be a lot of work.

Trump's Supreme Court justice picks have to be approved by the Federalist Society, so they are all controlled as well. Which is why they have been disappointing and then stuck down Roe v. Wade going into an election year, which predictably cost the GOP a lot of midterm elections. Which was the plan the entire time, keep the govt. in limbo so the excuse to get nothing done continues.

So, I wouldn't put much thought into it. Heck, don't even register to vote so you don't have to do jury duty, might be the best path at this time.

Trump will be a lightening rod, that stirs up BLM, Anitfa, Covidiens, DEI SJW and everyone else who hates us. And he will either choose to do nothing about it, or will be not allowed to do anything about it, so the result is the same for all of us. Add in the number of good men who go back to watching football, rather than becoming politically active, because they bought the grifters scheme of "trust the plan".

So, I pretty much support anyone else. Unless Trump wants to really come clean, speak harsh about the issues we face, give back the money he grifted off his penniless supporters, and go hardcore, pretty much anyone else will give us the same results without stirring up the anti-Christian leftists agitators. And this will buy us more time. It is easier to organize politically when the Marxist terrorists are asleep.

Since Biden has been in office, there have been some great real-life activism and protests without BLM/Antifa attacking them. This is a big win for us, the word is spreading, things are really going in the right direction. Which is exactly why I expect the satanic elites to put Trump back into office in 2024, so they can try to lull us back to sleep and unleash their Marxist terrorists on us again.