Destabilization of US Cities: Crime, Homelessness, Liberalism


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Here’s one of a man seeing a homeless person mugging someone on a nyc subway station, he brandished a gun and shoots at the mugger to scare them off and of course gets arrested

In state of New York you can get a permit for a firearm but need to keep the gun on your premise and in a safe, and keep the ammo in a separate safe.

There is no way to get a concealed carry permit unless you’re an off duty cop or a security job with the needed paperwork , but he’s nuts for carrying a firearm he doesn’t have a license for and even more nuts for taking the gun out and shooting it. Especially in an area like a subway station with loads of Cameras

But in general if you see someone getting mugged, call the cops but don’t try to intervene unless you want to go to jail
A 76 year old man was stabbed in NYC: Perp was a homeless man who was asking for money, and when he didn't get any, he stabbed the guy. The story is a few months old, but I remembered it for this line:

"When people usually ask for help, sometimes they're a bit aggressive, sometimes a tourist might shoo them away, and they don't know how bad the person's situation is. These guys may not have eaten in a few days, they overreact, and things escalate to where they shouldn't have escalated," said Khiry B., who is homeless.

Just a completely unhinged thing to say. The bum couldn't have gone to a food pantry? Plenty of homeless people do want help - my father taught me to approach them with kindness, a "there but for the grace of God go I" type of mentality - but those are not the type to attack or spit on a stranger who offers to buy them a meal, says they don't have anything, or doesn't give them "enough" money.

I'm beyond fortunate to not have dealt with any aggressive bums or junkies whenever I've been in a city lately, but there's quite a lot of luck involved there. If you're a big guy, that helps, but it also means a guy tweaking off something might decide to go after you because he thinks he can or he wants to prove he's tough. Street smarts help, but that shouldn't be a requirement to not get mugged or assaulted. The social contract has just completely crumbled. Not to share too much info about myself, but I grew up in a big city decades ago, and back then you knew your neighbors, to some extent. People simply don't talk to their neighbors anymore. It's all transient and ephemeral; homeowners often want to offload and move to a quieter, high trust community, and renters know they're likely to be priced out next year.
The situation of lawlessness in many places in the USA is 100% intentional to empty out cities and make property prices plummet. Then huge corporations come in and buy all the buildings up for pennies. Once they own everything they quicky restore law and order.

This is how I feel too. But I can't help but wondering if there is another step to this.

1) Make cities hell holes and lower property values
2) Buy up all the properties and restore law and order
3) Now do the same or something similar for suburban and rural areas.

A goal of these "new world order" types is getting people to live in giant cities where people can be more easily controlled.
The situation of lawlessness in many places in the USA is 100% intentional to empty out cities and make property prices plummet. Then huge corporations come in and buy all the buildings up for pennies. Once they own everything they quicky restore law and order.
I agree it's 100% intentional, but I think we are just at the end of this systems life cycle and we are witnessing the failure/collapse. The people pulling the strings have no interest in cleaning up the streets or restoring true justice, this is the new reality if you live in certain cities under the current system. The only way we see a significant return to law and order in the big cities would be under completely new leadership with a new system (how we get there and how long it takes is the big question).
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Isn't that a Rothschild Strategy?

"The time to buy is when there's blood in the streets." - Baron Rothschild

All goes back to the Endless Perpetual Growth Policies of Central Banking to inflate then burst..destroy Sustainable Local Economies for a Rootless group to Control and Purchase on the cheap to put under their Portfolio. Tactic Goes back probably further, but the Battle of Waterloo and Lord Rothschild's buying up of British Pounds?

So much for this Radical Communist laying waiting in the back alleys to destroy Economies...all along it was rich men politically or ((Rich Men)) connected using the Revolutionaries to destroy the Sustainable Middle Class and true Local or Regional Sustainability for a Working Class to have a chance for Wealth Accumulation. Instead of a Conventional costly war...they gutted it from the inside out through Marxist Ideology.
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At this point the police are basically only used to arrest and punish law abiding citizens. If the police were actually abolished crime would go way down because of vigilantism. This decline is entirely intentional, it isn't done out of incompetence (except at the lower levels), it is pushed by globohomo to decrease western quality of life to make one world government and neoliberal feudalism easier to implement.
At this point the police are basically only used to arrest and punish law abiding citizens. If the police were actually abolished crime would go way down because of vigilantism. This decline is entirely intentional, it isn't done out of incompetence (except at the lower levels), it is pushed by globohomo to decrease western quality of life to make one world government and neoliberal feudalism easier to implement.
Yes, this has been a slow motion train wreck that is so obvious, I think people have refused to admit it for about 20 years (most things work this way, verbalizing such abuse as obvious is too emotionally distressful for people). Doing all the paperwork, registering this, filing for that ... all that ever did was declare yourself so they could take another pound of flesh from you, bother you, etc
I'm seeing a lot of posts on Telegram about how San Francisco has been completely cleaned up in advance of Xi's visit. Hopefully a lot of people are waking up to the realization that it could be a nice place again if they ("they") really wanted it to be.

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Potemkin village. Everyone, including the Chinese, knows what a dump the place is and that it shall return to being such right after they leave.
At this point the police are basically only used to arrest and punish law abiding citizens. If the police were actually abolished crime would go way down because of vigilantism. This decline is entirely intentional, it isn't done out of incompetence (except at the lower levels), it is pushed by globohomo to decrease western quality of life to make one world government and neoliberal feudalism easier to implement.
This is what's happening in SF:

San Francisco Clears Homeless And Cleans Sh*t-Covered Streets For World Leaders Next Week​

Progressive city leadership in crime-ridden San Francisco has undertaken a massive effort to improve the city's image, which has been tarnished with shit-covered streets, homelessness, and open-air drug markets. These measures have been implemented as a temporary solution ahead of the global trade summit that will flood the city with world leaders and corporate executives beginning today.

The annual Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit is San Francisco's largest international event since world leaders gathered in the town in 1945 to sign the charter creating the United Nations. A lot has changed in the metro area in 78 years, including radical leftists in City Hall that have pushed failed 'defund the police' policies that have transformed parts of the region into an out-of-control, crime-infested hellhole.

The New York Post confirmed the wonderful folks in City Hall began pushing "drug addicts, dealers, and homeless" from the downtown area to other parts of the city, an effort that some believe is to conceal their failed policies from the international community during APEC.

Residents and business owners told The Post that Mayor London Breed's attempts to "herd" the homeless and drug addicts to an opposite side of the city during the summit are only a "Band-Aid" amid the worst crime crisis the city has ever seen.

Sources said the cleanup of homeless people and drug addicts is concentrated across seven intersections in the Tenderloin and South of Market, or SoMa, neighborhoods. These areas have been known to be covered in shit and fentanyl and heroin needles, as well as various tent cities housing the homeless.

"They started clearing the tents earlier this week and there is definitely a lot more police presence," SoMa resident and community activist Ricci Lee Wynne said.

"They've cleared out the tents that were near the Moscone Center on Howard Street, which tells me the city had the capability to do this all along — instead they just do the bare minimum," Wynne said.

He added, "Once APEC is gone, police presence will start to simmer down again, the tents will return. And it will slowly flare up again. What we need is a permanent solution."

The summit, which runs through next Friday, will feature a highly anticipated meeting between President Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping on Wednesday.

So, all along, radical Democrats in City Hall had the capability to enforce law and order but chose not to only until world leaders and corporate execs showed up to a summit. This is the biggest red flag yet for residents that leftists do not have the best interest of the majority of voters and are likely serving a fringe minority of elites.


So, all along, radical Democrats in City Hall had the capability to enforce law and order but chose not to...
Meanwhile in Chicago in the fancier parts of town:

At least 3 victims boxed in during carjackings overnight on the North Side, Chicago police say​

Three drivers had their cars boxed in during carjackings within minutes of each other overnight on the North Side, Chicago police said.

The first carjacking happened about 11:10 p.m. Tuesday in the 4400 block of North Lincoln Avenue in the Lincoln Square neighborhood.

Police said two sedans, one black and the other silver, approached the victim’s car and boxed it in. When the carjackers got out of their vehicles brandishing weapons, the victim got out of his vehicle and ran to avoid being shot, police said.

The carjackers took his vehicle and fled east on Montrose Avenue, police said.

About 11:30 p.m., carjackers struck again in the 900 block of West Grace Street in the Lakeview neighborhood, police said.

A 29-year-old man was driving when two vehicles approached and boxed him in. Three carjackers then entered the victim’s car, police said. The armed thieves fled in an unknown direction after taking the victim’s car.

Then, shortly before 11:40 p.m., carjackers boxed in a 25-year-old woman in the 3500 block of Clark Street in the same neighborhood.

The woman was parking her vehicle when two other cars approached and boxed her in. Several carjackers entered her car and forced the woman out at gunpoint before fleeing the scene. A second passenger was battered and robbed of her belongings, but she declined medical treatment at the scene, police said.

No one was in custody, and detectives were investigating.


I'm guessing the assailants were screaming "THIS IS MAGA COUNTRY!"