I'm 34 and started going to a Christian group for young adults (18-30). I would say most of them are early to mid 20s. I thought it would be weird at first, but the lady that runs it kept trying to get me to go. I think she's trying to help me find a girl. Her husband is a really good guy too and everyone that I've met is really nice. The world feels normal around people like this.
The girls absolutely talk by the way, because I've started running into more of them. There's one in particular I'm really interested in, but she's pretty uptight and awkard around men (probably a good thing). Maybe playing hard to get is working...
So I would focus on Christian activities. Or just move abroad
The girls absolutely talk by the way, because I've started running into more of them. There's one in particular I'm really interested in, but she's pretty uptight and awkard around men (probably a good thing). Maybe playing hard to get is working...
So I would focus on Christian activities. Or just move abroad