Possible detox treatment for the mRNA vaccine from Dr. Peter McCullough.
Possible detox treatment for the mRNA vaccine from Dr. Peter McCullough.
He is probably trying to save face (gaslight) to keep his pride while coping about taking the vaccine. Like I said, his eyes hilariously show that he knows deep down that he was a disposable lab rat to big pharma.I tried to watch 7 min even, it's just more blather. What is he even saying if not apologizing. The God and faith part is maybe the dumbest thing, which is hard to do, but Fredo can do anything, I guess.
I couldn't take it, he kept trying to tell us we didn't know (people here know I'm md), or that we had some tie to Trump that made us think differently, or that we came to conclusions that weren't obvious (all people? not just old? kids? then Ioannides early on had the data that it was largely BS, among other treatments). We didn't have the basic knowledge that the jabs weren't even tested like anything else that was called a vaccine previously? It literally met the FDA definition of a gene therapy and should have been classified as such. So many convergences of lies and the guy still can't tell the basic truth from the beginning. No wonder Dave Smith made him look like the clown he is.He is probably trying to save face (gaslight) to keep his pride while coping about taking the vaccine. Like I said, his eyes hilariously show that he knows deep down that he was a disposable lab rat to big pharma.
I don't get the association, then, of a "messianic jew" with someone who believes ostensibly what the Talmud teaches about Christ. Shouldn't someone who believes in Jesus Christ as the anointed one of God, and a person of the Holy Trinity, at least come to the conclusion that a modern "jew" is at least, in some fashion, "anti-christ" in the religion they supposedly support?fooling surface-level boomers and hopium addicts.
"Messianic" jews may proclaim they believe in Christ, but they do not partake in any of the sacramental life, not even baptism. It is not a path of faith but a disguised rebellion against both the Old and New Covenants. By continuing to observe the rituals and laws of the Old Covenant like circumcision, Passover, kosher laws while proclaiming Jesus as the Messiah, they have sought to fashion a false Christ a redeemer who requires no real departure from judaism.I don't get the association, then, of a "messianic jew" with someone who believes ostensibly what the Talmud teaches about Christ. Shouldn't someone who believes in Jesus Christ as the anointed one of God, and a person of the Holy Trinity, at least come to the conclusion that a modern "jew" is at least, in some fashion, "anti-christ" in the religion they supposedly support?
It is to rightly understand the Law and the old covenant, to be more precise (I think you just mentioned this quickly thus used the word reject).To embrace Christ is to reject the Law in the old sense, for He has fulfilled it entirely.
He just wants a proper approach of the heart to the "weightier" matters of the law (justice, mercy and faithfulness), specifically because you can't ever be perfect with the law.The Messianic jews would have you believe that Jesus is the fulfillment of the law, while simultaneously insisting upon the continued observance of the very law that He came to abolish, this is the double-mindedness of their heresy.
I think you're right, and I'm curious what the other non messianic jews think of them. There is always a limit to what can be christianized, but the original jewish apostles were in some customs maintaining their traditions, but were of course regenerated by water and the spirit, as John had foreshadowed and Christ instituted.Those who call themselves Messianic jews need to be warned that they cannot serve two masters.
Rabbinical or Pharisaical jews, or their descendants at this point, are blind to the Anointed One, indeed. We should pray for them and call them to repentance, just as we repent, looking to Jesus as the Pioneer and Perfecter of our faith.and they are spiritually blind to the truth of Christ.
"Messianic" jews may proclaim they believe in Christ, but they do not partake in any of the sacramental life, not even baptism. It is not a path of faith but a disguised rebellion against both the Old and New Covenants. By continuing to observe the rituals and laws of the Old Covenant like circumcision, Passover, kosher laws while proclaiming Jesus as the Messiah, they have sought to fashion a false Christ a redeemer who requires no real departure from judaism.
The New Covenant promised by Christ through His blood is one of complete renewal, not one of mere modification. To embrace Christ is to reject the Law in the old sense, for He has fulfilled it entirely. The Messianic jews would have you believe that Jesus is the fulfillment of the law, while simultaneously insisting upon the continued observance of the very law that He came to abolish, this is the double-mindedness of their heresy.
Those who call themselves Messianic jews need to be warned that they cannot serve two masters. Either they are fully with Christ embracing His new and final covenant or they cling to the old ways of slavery, bound by the letter of the law that He has fulfilled and superseded. There is no middle ground. To attempt to fuse the old religion with the new life in Christ is to bring forth a false unity, a counterfeit faith that can never save. In this perversion they are but wolves in sheep's clothing leading the lost astray and defiling both the sacred history of Adamic Israel and the truth of the Church's salvation.
Just like evangelicals, this is not Christianity but a desperate attempt to judaize Christianity and pervert the message of Christ. The jewish question cannot be ignored: the Jews rejected Christ and continue to reject Him today. Their culture, their beliefs, their customs, and their religion are incompatible with Christianity, and they are spiritually blind to the truth of Christ.