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Coronavirus Lounge

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The Pfizer COVID-19 “vaccine” injected into billions of arms was not the same one used in Pfizer’s clinical trials.

There was a "bait and switch." The clinical trials tested "Process 1" while the public received "Process 2."

And what they never told you is that "Process 2" was only tested on about 252 people, instead of 40,000 people.

They also didn't tell you that the vials were contaminated with plasmid DNA.

A new study by Kevin McKernan and colleagues found "the presence of billions to hundreds of billions of DNA molecules per dose in these vaccines. Using fluorometry, all vaccines exceed the guidelines for residual DNA set by FDA and WHO of 10 ng/dose by 188 to 509-fold."

In layman's terms, that's not 500%, that is up to 500 times the amount of residual DNA that is acceptable.


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BREAKING: Barry Young, the New Zealand Ministry of Health data leaker, who did not try to flee the country at all after leaking the info, is deemed a flight risk and denied bail.

He was arrested at his home and so they think he is a flight risk. WTF?!!?!

Wow. The New Zealand judges are really corrupt, aren't they? I was the one who told Barry that there was a death signal after UK Professor Norman Fenton agreed with my analysis.

So it is a crime to act on the advice of the person with the most expertise in the world on this issue? (Norman Fenton)???
Breaking: Barry Young will be allowed bail at 1pm tomorrow (NZ time). This gives NZ Police time to download his cloud storage so they can verify that I and Professor Fenton advised him that the data showed the vaccines were killing people. Thus, Barry should be charged with believing Fenton who is arguably the top risk management expert in the world w.r.t. vaccine safety.

That is a horrible crime I think. Listening to a world expert instead of the corrupt NZ health authorities who never did a cohort time-series analysis on their own data.

They should be charging us with the crime of "coming to a conclusion that doesn't match the false narrative." For that, I and Fenton are guilty.

Criminal, cocaine snorting psychopath.
"Ribosomal Frameshifting"

That's the term being used to categorize the unintended genetic consequences of the mRNA Pfizer jab.


Quoted from the referenced Nature magazine article:

Here we demonstrate that incorporation of N1-methylpseudouridine into mRNA results in +1 ribosomal frameshifting in vitro and that cellular immunity in mice and humans to +1 frameshifted products from BNT162b2 vaccine mRNA translation occurs after vaccination. The +1 ribosome frameshifting observed is probably a consequence of N1-methylpseudouridine-induced ribosome stalling during IVT mRNA translation, with frameshifting occurring at ribosome slippery sequences. However, we demonstrate that synonymous targeting of such slippery sequences provides an effective strategy to reduce the production of frameshifted products. Overall, these data increase our understanding of how modified ribonucleotides affect the fidelity of mRNA translation, and although there are no adverse outcomes reported from mistranslation of mRNA-based SARS-CoV-2 vaccines in humans, these data highlight potential off-target effects for future mRNA-based therapeutics and demonstrate the requirement for sequence optimization.


Still holding on to the narrative that there are no adverse outcomes reported from such frameshifting. it'll take some time to get them to admit that.
You know that the more verbose their explanations of phenomena, the more likely they skirting around an uncomfortable reality that usually is never addressed. Science and politics have fully merged bar a few outliers.
Question that we always ask: was she vaccinated?

Not just vaccinated, but doubly vaccinated: :LOL:

Being doubly vaccinated, I fortunately experience few symptoms related to the virus.

A quote fromValérie Plante, mayor of Montreal

Mayor Valérie Plante declared positive for COVID-19​

She "experienced few symptoms related to the virus", but we're now seeing the real symptoms of the jab.

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Well, if all of the critical thinking doctors are right, here’s what “grow a pair” will look like for you folks who chose to take an experimental shot:

- your “pair” won’t be working too well, as T levels drop after the vax
- your sexual function will likely drop to nothing also.
- you may find a “pair” of lymph nodes as we are seeing uptick in lymphomas.
- her “pair” will be imaged and require surgery as breast cancers are exploding.

Maybe it’s more important to grow a brain than think with your “pair”
Thinking back to June..
I came down with Covid. Tested positive at the beach vacationing with my GF. Unfortunately I gave it to my elderly parents befor I left. My sister got it from them despite being double masked while testing them. Her husband then got it from her.

My GF didn't get it despite the 6 hour round trip car ride and all the time we spent together. My 15 year old son who was around my sick parents and me alot. Also didn't get it.

Funny thing is, they were the only ones among us who didn't get it and they were also the only ones who were unvaxxed.
The article is behind a paywall, but the headline and the date are enough. So much for us living in an age of freedom of information:

Amazing how these types of reports never quite spillover into MSM like they should. CV is a super "stove pipe" event.

My twitter feed (granted, pre-selected but available to all) is loaded with pertinent updates about CV baloney and vaxx threat substantiation. Meanwhile, the progressive news channels on sirius radio play cuckoo clock sounds while the (female) commenter harps on about us anti-science nutjobs. It was a long drive.
... they were the only ones among us who didn't get it and they were also the only ones who were unvaxxed.
I have heard this type of story over and over from people. Most people who are vaxxed have had it multiple times, and many people who are unvaxxed (like myself) have not had it once.

The straw that broke the camel's back on my last relationship was my GF attempting to kick me out of my own house because I refused to stay home and not go to work (after having already done so for 6 months). The psy op was so effective that my woman was actually demanding that I NOT go to work (clown world). After the break up I just got "reckless" in hopes of catching covid, I stopped wearing a mask, stopped washing my hands/using hand sanitizer, started traveling all over the country and attending events with large groups of people, etc. That was 3 years ago and not so much as a sniffel.
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Funny thing is, they were the only ones among us who didn't get it and they were also the only ones who were unvaxxed.

My wife, and I, and both of our young children are all unvaxxed. Zero cases of covid. Every member of both of our extended families (parents, siblings, cousins etc) have been vaxxed/boosted multiple times, and have all had covid multiple times.

I suppose somewhere along the way, we could have had an "asympomatic case" that went undetected within the immediate household.... BUT, my wife had to submit weekly test results for a long stretch of time.... which always came back negative.

When I tell people about this, they are astonished and think my family is some kind of outlier unicorn case. And they STILL think we were foolish to skip the shots
Check out the nutty tweets from this past week.




They will not stop. Mere evidence won’t slow them down. They won’t even ease up on the gas pedal. It’s like talking to Chad down at the club when he’s gotten into the cocaine: The only answer is more, more, more, more, more.







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