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Coronavirus Lounge

Lettuce not forget this gem..... I was very against the vaccine until I saw this, now I am on my 6th booster and 7th bout of Covid.... but just imagine how bad it would be if I didn't get the VAX!!!

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“Notorious germaphobe Howard Stern revealed to his listeners Monday that he was absent from the SiriusXM airwaves last week because he contracted the coronavirus.

‘Man, I went through hell … I’ve really never been this sick,’ he said.

Stern also thanked those who helped develop the vaccine against COVID-19.

‘What a wallop this thing is — can you imagine if we didn’t have the vaccine?’”
Warning: Language.

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Joe Rogan & Dr. Debra Soh on Vaccine Injuries & Doctors Who Spoke Out Against the Narrative"Everyone knows someone that had something go wrong...I have two friends that have pacemakers. One guy is in his 40's and one guy is in his 30's. Got vaccinated. All of a sudden, heart stopped beating for like 9 seconds at a time. He would just black out and fall down. Goes to a doctor. The doctor says you're going to need to get a pacemaker, at least for now. He's a dentist. He's a very smart doctor. He was very confused by all this. He was like, I thought I was following the rules. I thought I was following the science."
MacIntosh over at capitalist exploits tweeted a young woman who broke down the percentages of people that got the jab, and it was like a social experiment testing in waves ... go check it out. Harsh but real for those who need to face up to what happened.
The Spectator seems to have got into the business of stating the blindingly obvious (to us, at least):
