Coronavirus Lounge

The recent discussion of ex-members, while it may be entertaining for some readers, is a form of gossip which I find to be distasteful. Even if such a discussion is not driven by resentment or malevolence (which is hard to verify), there is a more important implication -- it has the potential to erode trust among members. This is because many of us take our anonymity very seriously. Indeed, it is not something anyone wants redirected at themselves.

Leonard seemed...

You seem like an intelligent guy with harmless intentions. So I give you my respect, and I'll pose a rhetorical question in a way which I hope you will understand:

If you decided to leave RVF/CIK forever, and wanted to move on completely, how would you feel if you knew people were publicly speculating about your real identity for years on end?

You probably wouldn't be too happy about that. With that in mind, I humbly suggest that you reconsider future posts based on speculation about the identity of former or current forum members. I don’t think you have any malicious intentions though. So I trust you understand that my post does not reflect a negative judgement about your character. It's moreso a suggestion for consideration about maintaining trust among members. All the best.
The recent discussion of ex-members, while it may be entertaining for some readers, is a form of gossip which I find to be distasteful. Even if such a discussion is not driven by resentment or malevolence (which is hard to verify), there is a more important implication -- it has the potential to erode trust among members. This is because many of us take our anonymity very seriously. Indeed, it is not something anyone wants redirected at themselves.

You seem like an intelligent guy with harmless intentions. So I give you my respect, and I'll pose a rhetorical question in a way which I hope you will understand:

If you decided to leave RVF/CIK forever, and wanted to move on completely, how would you feel if you knew people were publicly speculating about your real identity for years on end?

You probably wouldn't be too happy about that. With that in mind, I humbly suggest that you reconsider future posts based on speculation about the identity of former or current forum members. I don’t think you have any malicious intentions though. So I trust you understand that my post does not reflect a negative judgement about your character. It's moreso a suggestion for consideration about maintaining trust among members. All the best.
Duly noted and I'll bear that in mind.

The issue with Leonard is that he shied away from any personal contact apart from DMs in RVF - whilst I and most of the rest of that forum engaged in personal comms and meet ups with all manner of people away from the forum.
Thats why meet-ups were so important. Im still in touch with many that I have gotten to know, all around the globe, face to face.
So that meant that people still have no idea whether he was even an actual real person, ....or not.

I'll leave it to others to discuss what level of discussion or conjecture should be held about former members. We've certainly lost a few interesting characters along the way and I can see that people do like to remember them.
Duly noted and I'll bear that in mind.

The issue with Leonard is that he shied away from any personal contact apart from DMs in RVF - whilst I and most of the rest of that forum engaged in personal comms and meet ups with all manner of people away from the forum.
Thats why meet-ups were so important. Im still in touch with many that I have gotten to know, all around the globe, face to face.
So that meant that people still have no idea whether he was even an actual real person, ....or not.

I'll leave it to others to discuss what level of discussion or conjecture should be held about former members. We've certainly lost a few interesting characters along the way and I can see that people do like to remember them.
I don't understand objections to talking about Leonard and wondering who or what he really was. If we can't do that, we might as well just not discuss RVF 2.0, he was such a big part of it.
Vox linked to an excellent Pierre Kory article today:

Policy Shifts Against The mRNA Platform Rapidly Emerged This Past Week​

Major Covid mRNA policy reversals and awakenings occurred this week within a major U.S health system, a large U.S state, a South American country, and in the UK. The dominoes are starting to fall.​


Some folks inside the Ohio State University Medical Center are noticing. Some snips from Kory, without diluting the issue:


Here are the most potent pieces of information I gathered, in no particular order:

  • An increasingly noticeable number of doctors and nurses and staff have “died suddenly,” “died unexpectedly,” or have become disabled and ill from injuries and/or cancer. The youth and health of these employees have been increasingly remarked on amongst staff (not to mention the deluge of previously healthy and/or young patients they are now presenting with severe and/or atypical (for that age) illnesses. Remember, cancer used to largely be a disease of aging.
  • Consequently, the suspected role of the vaccines in most of the deaths is more of an open secret and of growing concern among staff there. To wit, Ohio State University Medical Center (OSUMC) also recently stopped emailing out obituaries of prominent or veteran employees when they die. Why you ask? Because of both the number of them as well as the comments posted by employees that began openly calling out the likelihood that the vaccines were a cause (i.e. they would point out the dates of the decedents vaccination and their death). Unsurprisingly, she also told me OSUMC would quickly censor any posts of that nature (despite containing no foul language, personal attacks, or threats). From a phone conversation we had:
“Yes, this is huge. Lots of internal cases of death and disabilities. They quit posting internal obits for staff. The comments underneath them were showing that people knew why everyone was dropping dead for baffling reasons. So those went away.”
  • A number of physicians (the most noticeable of them being superspecialists who cannot be replaced easily), besides dying, are also leaving due to disability or retiring due to health reasons.
  • She is hearing of a growing number of lawsuits by family members of these physicians against OSUMC for the mandates which led to the deaths or disabilities.
  • One lawsuit was filed by a widow of a physician who dropped dead suddenly. Interestingly, she demanded an autopsy with staining for spike protein and the heart was found “loaded with spike.”
  • Outcomes of organ transplant patients have been plummeting since the mRNA campaign. It got so bad that, in a complete reversal from two years ago where the programs had insisted on both donors and recipients getting jabbed, at OHSUMC they apparently no longer require or recommend mRNA vaccines to recipients and may be prioritizing organs from unvaccinated donors. Whoa. Apparently one of the reasons is that recipients were developing new “systemic” conditions that were not typical or expected in transplant patients previously.
  • Minutes of administrative and policy committee meetings are no longer openly available on the internal OSUMC website and are instead only available if you “sign in” (presumably so they know who is looking up these minutes).
  • When physicians die suddenly, this creates a huge mess operationally due to the fact “open notes” in the electronic medical record (EMR) can’t be closed and the chronic, ongoing care of large numbers of often long time or highly active patients become disrupted. In her words, “dealing with the practice of a doc who died is a mess - dealing with open notes, ongoing patient care, patient calls, and maintaining plans of care.”
  • Many of the disabilities and deaths of physicians were discovered by this nurse while she was following up on notes that were “left open” in the EMR. She would then be told by the staff about the injury, death, or disability of the health care provider who started the note. Many of the illnesses or disabilities were described to her as being due to neurological issues - either overt neurological deficits or cognitive decline/impairment and even dementia (AMD comprehensively compiled the data showing the negative cognitive impacts from the mRNA vaccines here). Further, adding the “abandoned” patient panel to healthier and still working physicians in that specialty was causing further strains. This is important because cognitive impairment is one of the most common side effects of the COVID vaccines, something not only shown by the data but also what I bear witness to each day in clinical practice.
  • Cancers are exploding, causing massive strain on oncology services. Particularly glioblastomas to the brain as well as to the spine. Also, case managers for the large number of cancer patients were stating they were not retiring due to the patient volume in need.
  • Even worse, cancers are being missed at high rates given that the “index of suspicion” in younger patients is not appropriately high enough. As a result, doctors are missing cancers as evidenced by retrospectively “obvious” signs and symptoms in the record.
  • Applications for both short and long term disability have risen so much they have created backlogs and delays that staff have noticed and are more openly talking about. The often young ages of the staff applying for disability has not gone unnoticed either.
  • She knows of several colleagues either declining or dying from cancer but are forcing themselves to work in order to provide for their family.
[A Midwestern Doctor, who helped me on this story, asked me to note that we both know numerous doctors who have been become impaired or disabled from the COVID vaccines, many of whom then had to enter an early retirement early, and sadly, quite a few others who died prematurely from a vaccine side effect. Many doctors are still in denial about this, but many others are getting red-pilled because the damage is undeniable and can’t be ignored since its directly affecting them—with this newly awakened crowd including many physicians who have begun speaking out about the vaccines and I will discuss in an upcoming article.

The key point AMD wanted to share here is that the COVID vaccines were sold with the most aggressive marketing campaign in history, so every possible tactic which could be used to sell them was. One of these was using healthcare workers as the initial cohort to promote the vaccines since it would be easy to manipulate them into fully vaccinating, the public trusting their endorsement, and them being less likely to publicize the side effects of the shots. Because of this, doctors were some of the most highly vaccinated Americans, and in turn had some of the highest rates of injury. As such, we expect the decline in medical care see in Ohio is not an isolated example.


Per Kory's report, the OSUMC continues to administer coronavirus vaccines to the public but WILL NOT administer covid vaccines to OSUMC employees.
My friends, bad news. Covid number is rising again in Russia. More then 17.3 percent more coronavirus cases then in previous week.

Russia government agencies maybe will bring back masks. Is best thing but many stubborn people don't want this, so maybe it don't happen.

Be careful my friends, virus is still around.

View attachment 12519
My friends due to covid situation in Russia many hospitals and government buildings bring mask back. They start this in September 16 in Samara region and now other parts of Russia also bring mask back in hospitals and government office, regional government decide so.
Leonard seemed to match his back story which was that of someone working in Hospitals but more concerned with the upkeep of facilities, signage, tarmac'ed surfaces rather than medical equipment or actual medicine.
Probably took early retirement which is available for some civil service jobs in Oz.
That would explain his early Covid posts which, at that time, were just your basic anti-contamination hospital health and safety advice.
Said that he had a Colombiana wife who was on his wave length, but not that much to look at.

Ive been in other forums with other disaffected RVF members who didn't like the changes.
In RVF 1.0 Leonard wouldn't have had any status regardless of how much sense he talked on facility management or the nature of woman or the nature of socialism.
Probably High Status was more easy to come by for people like Fisto, who I never really spoke to, who was a Mixed Martial Artist going round SE Asia with other forum members "collecting flags".
Fugitive Members in other forums would blame the change from Hedonistic RVF to Political RCF on Leonard, Simeon Strangelight and 9-11 with Leonard being the worst miscreant.
Simeon also posted at an incredible rate and volume - BUT Simeon actually did meetups, and the meet up reports would say that he wasn't about to break any hearts, that he had some sort of disability and a walking stick IIRC?, but very friendly and positive in person.
Simeon also got banned a few times - lol.
The Refugee RVF'ers wanted to find Leonard and actually discovered a website reference. basically Leonard had let on that he lived in Tasmania (smallish population) and someone actually found a specific local newspaper publishing its letters page with a letter from Leonard Neubache (local resident) about some local matter, mentioning his foreign wife I think.
Straight away people wanted to put together a "posse" and go to Tasmania and somehow find and doorstep Leonard.
Others, including me, told them to get a life.

Leonard posted as a full time job. Whether he was being paid or whether he was an early retiree, happy in his study, posting away all day long - I do not know.
Simeon also posted at a ferocious rate but - as probably fits a vetted real person - he only did it in spurts.
There are people on here now who post at a frightening rate - but having said that maybe they are just at a loose end and living life through their screens as so many people do these days.
Some people have been posting at a pretty fierce tempo - which does not fit their back story at all. But good luck to them. If you post at a full time worker volume you can definitely start to guide the thinking of a forum and pass yourself off as a "senior member" in reduced time.
However, people aren't stupid and pretty soon start 'noticing' things and asking questions.
If not in public, certainly in private - and are unlikely to be as easily guilded into a way of thinking once they have begun to harbour doubts about certain posters.

I thought the guy was either an older autist or an agency plant. The way he always confronted users for no apparent reason wasn't normal including his total dead end road talking points but then again he's an Aussie.

Simeon was OG and hope he comes and visit this forum at some point as he dropped some information that has helped me and my family personally and probably many more during the giant scam.
Vox linked to an excellent Pierre Kory article today:

Per Kory's report, the OSUMC continues to administer coronavirus vaccines to the public but WILL NOT administer covid vaccines to OSUMC employees.
Excellent post by Kory. The part below is very interesting and confirmed my observation from what I noticed over the last 3.5 years - i.e., " in the System". It is like the NPCs meme that are not connecting the dots between COVID vaccines and jabbed injuries/deaths.

Now, although some of the above suggests that the staff is “awake,” she tempered against this interpretation with the following statement, “at the same time, many staff do not openly acknowledge or appear to connect illness and disability status, let alone cancers, to “vax” or boosters. Not everyone is clinical, trained, reads and researches. There is still an enormous amount of trust in the System. And most do the traditional treatments for cancer. They do not know of ivermectin, mebendazole, etc. Trust is a hard horse to get off. It’s almost a cult like environment. The cult you never recognize is the one you are in.”

Only 5?


Round glasses. Always these types with the round jew-goggles.
Is that Damien Slash guy trolling or is he actually serious? He surely must be a troll.

As you will see, he is a master of parody and adeptly balances on the near edge of believability:

ansel elgort smile GIF
As you will see, he is a master of parody and adeptly balances on the near edge of believability:

ansel elgort smile GIF

That's good satire, but the soy is real. I'm not able to make the creaky soy sounds he makes as he's speaking.