Clown World Thread

The height of humiliation

Social media (and most aspects of today's internet) really has become mankind's worst enemy. For the 30 and over crowd this video really is just another example of how fast and deep Western society is plunging. Even 15 years ago, a video posted like this back then would've produced some serious real life outrage and consequences against the woman for being a whore and the guy for being a doormat.

Now anyone pre-teen aged to anyone in their formative years is storing this stuff in their brains daily. Among the other useless dopamine propaganda their brain stores it now internalizes a situation like this as normal, funny even. Which basically tells any impressionable girl that it's okay to cheat, there is no point controlling your urges or lust, and that any consequences from said infidelity will be taken care of by the one who wants a serious relationship with her.
Right. Also, even if he did decide to keep her, as has been done by countless men throughout history, she should at least be ashamed and be discreet about it. Here she is flaunting her infidelity, and shaming him publicly.

Not by me or any man who would have some self respect, regardless of what other cucks have accepted before.

These whores are being celebrated when they should be chastised.
Not by me or any man who would have some self respect, regardless of what other cucks have accepted before.

These whores are being celebrated when they should be chastised.
I'm not saying you have accepted your wife being pregnant by another man. I'm just saying it has happened a lot, especially in cultures where divorce is unacceptable.

I think this is true.
I knew some Marxian academic would eventually attack these aesthetic architecture accounts.

According to Holocaust professor with Ukraine flag in bio, these accounts are too fond of showcasing structures with "white European" and "trad Christian" connections, and serve as a "dog whistle."

Looking at the English countryside makes you evil and raycist.

landscape images can stir dark emotions
The Fitzwilliam Museum has suggested that paintings of the British countryside evoke dark “nationalist feelings”.
The new signage states that pictures of “rolling English hills” can stir feelings of “pride towards a homeland”.
visitors are informed that “there is a darker side” to the “nationalist feeling” evoked by images of the British countryside.

Categories include Men Looking at Women, Identity, Migration and Movement, and Nature
“The countryside was seen as a direct link to the past, and therefore a true reflection of the essence of a nation.

“Paintings showing rolling English hills or lush French fields reinforced loyalty and pride towards a homeland.

“The darker side of evoking this nationalist feeling is the implication that only those with a historical tie to the land have a right to belong.”
Not sure if this is clown world or just black pilled bad news. But I was in the Cleveland airport recently and the TSA was photographing every single passenger before allowing them to board their plane (I asked if it was optional and they said yes so I said no thanks lol)

But what's shocking to me is I can't even find media stories talking about how TSA is now rolling out face scanning (there are some articles offering it as an option to people with TSA pre check that would allow them to bypass the TSA agent but this was mass photographing of all passengers by the TSA.

I don't know if this is a nationwide rollout or just at the Cleveland airport but I found it terrifying.
If they tried this 7 or 8 years ago, people would have freaked out, but today it was mostly just people complaining and complying (but too stupid to opt out).

The biggest news by far is not the face tracking itself, but the fact that such a large government operation takes effect without a single mention in the media. We have no idea what kind of new laws, new tactics, and new oppression our federal government is doing because the media no longer even tells us (or probably doesn't even know themselves).

The only thing I could find was an article from 2022 that said they were testing this. (Note: facial recognition is BANNED in some places like San Francisco!)

Some of that might come to light next year when the TSA has to make its case to the Department of Homeland Security to convert airports all over the United States into facial recognition systems.
“The scanning and match is made and immediately overwritten at the Travel Document Checker podium. We keep neither the live photo nor the photo of the ID,” said Lim. But the TSA did acknowledge there are cases in which it holds on to the data for up to 24 months so its science and technology office can evaluate the system’s effectiveness.
Huh? Either the data is saved to a file or it isn't. That answer makes no sense.

This place really is becoming a prison planet. I was planning to stay another 10 years but now I'm thinking that might be too long.
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They have the cameras at both of the airports I use most. As of now, it's optional, but they will not make that clear unless you ask (I have never seen a sign indicating it's optional). If you just approach the agent and do not say anything, you will be directed to look into the camera, so they make it seem like it is mandatory, knowing that 99% of NPCs will just face the camera.

Returning from a ski trip with a friend of mine a couple weeks ago, he responded to the agent's command with "Do I have to?" and the agent said "Do you want to or not?" "No." He waved him through.

It's only a matter of years, if not months, until this is used to fully control where we go and what we do. Vaccine status? Politically correct? Paid all your taxes? Filed all your forms? Attended the regular woke classes? Gone out with a tranny in the past month? You better hope so or you are denied boarding.