Pro-Palestine protester has no clue why she is protesting and then asks a friend why they are protesting who also has no clue.
Reporter: "Why are you protesting?"
Protester: "Demanding that NYU stops! I honestly don't know what NYU is doing... Do you know what NYU is doing?"
Protester 2: "I wish I was more educated!"
This pretty much sums up most protests.
Video: @RudyGiuliani
Full text
That nose looks like its been hoarding stolen air for years.
It started with a photograph.
American Ken Frantz was flipping through a copy of National Geographic and saw an image he couldn't believe.
Africans were dangling high in the air, using a primitive vine/rope system to cross a river—a bridge built by the Italians 75 years earlier, was crumbling on either side of them and the Blue Nile in Ethiopia rushing below.
As the owner of a construction company, Frantz knew the problem was easily solvable, and couldn't figure out why they were using vines and ropes.
It took Frantz less than 3 months to build the bridge.
When I first saw this on Twitter I wondered why the africans couldn't manage to do this themselves, something an ordinary white guy could arrange as a hobby project and complete in a short time.
It's like that guy Mr. Beast providing wells to a bunch of African villages. He must have just hired a local well digging company from a nearby city. These African villagers are so pathetic they can't even organize the most basis projects which would provide them with huge benefits.
Fortunately, the comments to this tweet point these things out clearly.![]()
Woman with tattoos on her face cant get a job and wonders why.