Characteristics of People in Different Latin American Countries?

The whole point of moving to those countries is the poverty. When women cannot provide for themselves they are more open to the idea of marrying a man. Do you think western men would have ever moved to countries like Russia or Belarus to find a wife if those countries had the same GDP per capita as Switzerland?
You are moving the goalpost.
poverty does not necessarily make a woman humble. The women in Belarus and Russia aren't more humble than White American. In fact, they are way more materialistic. Look at the divorce rates between Western men and Russian women.
Europe as a whole (both Western and Eastern) are lost, when it comes to women.
Any marriageable women these days are mostly non-European and mostly non-White.
You are moving the goalpost.
poverty does not necessarily make a woman humble. The women in Belarus and Russia aren't more humble than White American. In fact, they are way more materialistic. Look at the divorce rates between Western men and Russian women.
Europe as a whole (both Western and Eastern) are lost, when it comes to women.
Any marriageable women these days are mostly non-European and mostly non-White.
While what you are saying with the divorce rates is probably true but that is because a lot of men are doing things the dumb way. Sure if a westerner goes on Anastasia date to find a Botoxed Russian whore from Moscow to marry it will end badly but if he doesn't half arse things and does things the proper way it will most likely work out.

The proper way being move to Russia, learn Russian and live in a small town or small city for a few years and find a young virgin woman (preferably Christian) to marry.

I do not necessarily agree about the non-white thing. Even of the mestizo girls I saw in Peru and Colombia and Chile very few had any morals or were marriage worthy.
How about small/medium cities?

Colombia - Manizales, Pereira, Ibague, Rionegro
El Salvador - San Miguel, Santa Ana
Ecuador - Cuenca, Loja

Are they as degenerate as the larger cities?
Small towns/cities, and I can only speak for Ecuador, do not tend to be as degenerate as major cities or provincial capitals. Also, the more rural you go, with the exception of certain indigenous areas, the more pleasant people tend to be moral-wise. The issue I've seen however is the younger generation, which due to the advent of smart phones is very much polluted with degenerate values and ideas. In a couple generations, assuming that the West doesn't collapse, even rural areas in Ecuador won't be safe from globohomo degeneracy, which exacerbates the more negative aspects of Latin American culture.
Colombian women may be attractive (or so people say, I honestly don't see it), but they are so whorish that they are actually hated by women of neighboring countries, such ad Ecuador, because they go and have affairs with married men there so often. I would stay away from them, take it from a Colombian man.
I concur. Colombian women, while attractive, have atrocious reputations for being whorish and manipulative. On the other hand, Colombian men outside of Colombia also have terrible reputations, though usually related to being criminals/loan sharks/thieves. I was constantly told as a child by my family members to avoid Colombians and actively mistrust them.

To comment on the theme of the thread, Latin America as a whole is a land of dysfunction and contradictions. The reasons for this are mostly historical and have to do with the society created not only post conquest, but also post-independence. Globohomo and modernization have only made things worse, culturally anyway.

Also the worst regions, in my opinion, are probably the Caribbean, Central America, and Mexico. South America is the most tolerable (excluding Brazil), but it is very far from perfect. There are some good aspects to the culture still and islands of sanity do exist (especially in the Andes), moreso than North America I'd argue, but it isn't for everyone.
In this day and age is there a country left where women are not whores? Maybe apart from countries like Saudi Arabia or something where there are severe punishments for being a whore.
If even the Garden of Eden didn't have the best women, then I don't know where you would find one.

My advice is to stick to your country and draw the line based on the woman's faith and practice of it. Watch out for red flags, and with women, the flags are red to the point of giving you a sun burn.

This is one of the most heated things on the forum today, and even since it was a PUA forum, but I am not a fan of finding wives abroad at all.

A poster here talked about evangelical women before, but the ones in my church are just as bad as secular ones. They're, in general, very high and notorious on the "holier-than-thou" habits, despite Protestantism generally being against it, but even my mother would agree a lot of them, and specifically the ones in my church, are overly cliquish and just as bad as leftist or Catholic ones. If you ask them a question, they will flash their baby as if it is their only achievement in life (it tends to be). If they are married they will accuse you of molesting them for asking the time, and if you aren't, they will follow a courtship code similar to 1200s Europe, for the great reward of a beaver phenotype mulatto woman who variably follows her religion.
The men are absolute hard working bros who will help each other out and talk, but the women will cut you off even if you stick to yourself.

Overall just an absolute show of overcompensation. Women ADORE putting on these personality types depending on who they want to attract attention from. Case in point: E-girls and anime "fan" women.

Mexico will not have an unbelievable surplus of God-fearing Catholic women (see the post here on "solo crio en Dios"), Brazil will not have an infinite surplus of evangelical babes, Saudi Arabia and mudslime countries will have women who will let out their claws as soon as they step out of Sharia law, Africa and SEA will have.............. I don't judge, and, worst of all, Eastern Europe and Russia will not have a conservative El Dorado with Orthodox virgin trad wives.
I concur. Colombian women, while attractive, have atrocious reputations for being whorish and manipulative. On the other hand, Colombian men outside of Colombia also have terrible reputations, though usually related to being criminals/loan sharks/thieves. I was constantly told as a child by my family members to avoid Colombians and actively mistrust them.
Right. I hate to say this, but Colombians are the Jews of Latin America. Colombians love their usury, even your average law-abiding one might be eager to lend you some money with worse-than-Jewish interest rates if he sees the chance, even if he's absolutely not a loan shark and has an actual job.

Most of the good, hard-working ones just leave as soon as they can, so instead of an actual country you have one big tournament of who can serve mammon harder. It's such a bleak, violent environment to grow up in. Can't go around being funny and talking trash because whoops, pissed off the wrong guy, guess you're getting tied to a tree in the middle of nowhere and left for dead. And you know that the law doesn't apply to anyone, except to you and yours. It absolutely applies to you, because you actually work for a living and try to live in a way that wouldn't make your great-grandma puke, which means the government sees you as a target.

They hold being a street-wise amoral conniver as a high virtue, they call it "malicia indígena", and you're a weirdo if you lack that, and what do you mean you just gave your cousin 50k pesos to buy some food, for free because he is family and was in need, instead of Jewing him and turning them into 100k through usury like some dupe glitch in a videogame?
there are Argentinian and Uruguayan economic Brazil. A situation when Brazil seems like a desirable alternative to your own country.
Let that sink in for a minute.
Really? I've literally never heard that. I don't know if it's true, so I'm not saying it's not.
You are good to go!
Yes, I've noticed that from Peru. It's clearly a version of, as another poster who agrees with me but sees so many problems with our attempts at reasonable euro women (meaning they won't prioritize marriage or family early at all if good looking), their elation and your desperation. That's the problem with the race SMV difference; for most, it doesn't fit since it's hard to trade a better life for kids that are going to look worse and lose your rare traits overall. I'm just telling you how I feel since it's based in reality. Whether it matters is for you to decide.
The whole point of moving to those countries is the poverty.
This is the truth. What one needs is the combo of genes, some possible tradition to mold, and reliance on men. That's why EE is still the best, though yes it will have pitfalls and materialism. Beware of the duck faces, of course.
The women in Belarus and Russia aren't more humble than White American.
I disagree. There's not that much of a difference overall. The clever ones will crush you, but the quality overall is so much higher in terms of actual attractiveness and youth, you don't even play the game over here anymore, so it's irrelevant. The game's over before it started if women aren't young and/or good looking, at least for a few years.
In a couple generations, assuming that the West doesn't collapse, even rural areas in Ecuador won't be safe from globohomo degeneracy, which exacerbates the more negative aspects of Latin American culture.
I agree. That's why it's almost a weird duty to root for the collapse. I know it sounds weird, and of course I'm not God, but this stuff is getting so clowny it's amazing. I don't know why it's coming to my mind, but at least the Ninevites repented. Jonah was salty that they actually turned from their ways and weren't punished! Yet we talk about obvious things, and the society is so far gone, I don't even see a recognition of truth let alone turning from their ways. Control is a strange thing from on high at this point in modernity; it's pretty sickening.
They hold being a street-wise amoral conniver as a high virtue
Is this really true? I haven't noticed it when there but don't know and can't conclude you are wrong. I do know that a lot of the honest ones I know that came over, most of whom were in the medical field, were pretty solid people. But that's hard to disentangle from also coming because this is where the money is.
Right. I hate to say this, but Colombians are the Jews of Latin America. Colombians love their usury, even your average law-abiding one might be eager to lend you some money with worse-than-Jewish interest rates if he sees the chance, even if he's absolutely not a loan shark and has an actual job.

Most of the good, hard-working ones just leave as soon as they can, so instead of an actual country you have one big tournament of who can serve mammon harder. It's such a bleak, violent environment to grow up in. Can't go around being funny and talking trash because whoops, ****** off the wrong guy, guess you're getting tied to a tree in the middle of nowhere and left for dead. And you know that the law doesn't apply to anyone, except to you and yours. It absolutely applies to you, because you actually work for a living and try to live in a way that wouldn't make your great-grandma puke, which means the government sees you as a target.

They hold being a street-wise amoral conniver as a high virtue, they call it "malicia indígena", and you're a weirdo if you lack that, and what do you mean you just gave your cousin 50k pesos to buy some food, for free because he is family and was in need, instead of Jewing him and turning them into 100k through usury like some dupe glitch in a videogame?
I spent 6 months in Colombia. It was very rare to find anybody under 50 that seemed like a decent human being.
If you don't like Latinos or want to learn Spanish, don't go to Latin America. Simple as that
That was already why I had made a point of not going there.
Overall Latin America has probably the most decayed societies on the planet. Sociopathy and psychopathy are common traits there, especially amongst women. Very loose sexual morals amongst all classes. Relatively high drug usage - marijuana use is normalized and considered cool. Lots of flamboyant homosexualists that up until recently were hard to notice. In places likes Brazil, Argentina and Colombia amongst under 30s 70-80 percent are tatted up. Younger people overall are materialistic, vain, unreliable and lie with ease.
Now I will definitely give it a wide berth unless I need to stop there to get to Antarctica one day.
French Guiana - a very interesting part of the continent.
That place might be interesting - the European space program launches its Ariane rockets from there. I met some French guys who were living and working there, they said the sea temperatures were very warm, it sounds positively tropical.

There is also Suriname, which the Dutch traded with the British for the former New Amsterdam on Manhattan which is now New York. Just wonder how Dutch it is nowadays..
That was already why I had made a point of not going there.

Now I will definitely give it a wide berth unless I need to stop there to get to Antarctica one day.

That place might be interesting - the European space program launches its Ariane rockets from there. I met some French guys who were living and working there, they said the sea temperatures were very warm, it sounds positively tropical.

There is also Suriname, which the Dutch traded with the British for the former New Amsterdam on Manhattan which is now New York. Just wonder how Dutch it is nowadays..
I think the European space program has fallen on hard times since SpaceX has made their old fashioned throw-away rockets unaffordable and obsolete.
Why Central America?
Central America has always been the least developed (and this is saying something, only Haiti or the Guyanas are worse) portion of the region, and this is going back to the days of the Spanish Empire. The people that tend to come from the region are also know to be the most ignorant, in my experience, and prone to joining gangs. Also, this was and still is the backyard of big US agricultural companies (Dole, Chiquita, formally Standard Fruit and United Fruit) who have cajoled and manipulated the "republics" there since the 19th century, exacerbating the already latent corruption and poor living standards found in the region as a whole.
Overall Latin America has probably the most decayed societies on the planet. Sociopathy and psychopathy are common traits there, especially amongst women. Very loose sexual morals amongst all classes. Relatively high drug usage - marijuana use is normalized and considered cool. Lots of flamboyant homosexualists that up until recently were hard to notice. In places likes Brazil, Argentina and Colombia amongst under 30s 70-80 percent are tatted up. Younger people overall are materialistic, vain, unreliable and lie with ease.

The poster above that mentioned the older generation was spot on. Completely different breed. Humble, hardworking people.

South America is very classist and has strong social strata. People within their social strata usually keep to their own. Obviously there is mobility but not a lot. The upper strata keep their wealth and positions for themselves. This type of nepotism and kleptocracy hurts the countries immensely. Imagine going to the doctor and there is someone that basically bought his/her certificate.

Strangely enough the degeneracy push in the last 10 years didn't coincide with a lot of economic prosperity in South America. Poverty levels are either stagnant or growing. South American countries have a huge crime problem.

South America used to be a religious continent but no more. Many still claim to be religious but only nominally. Can a 22 year old tatted up single mother with a 30+ bodycount who claims she is Christian 'pero solo creo en Dios' be considered such? In that sense it's a bit like Spain 25 years ago - when I grew up it was still a Catholic country - for instance all the footballer players would make crosses when entering the pitch. Now it's just materialistic leftist degenerates.

I am sure on an individual and community level there are many exceptions but overall this is the vibe.
I agree with you, but cannot agree that it contains the most decayed societies period. I'd argue that what is found there is the same type of decay and degeneracy found in the West, the difference being that this is the Latin American flavor of it, with all that entails. Also coupled with poverty, especially in urban areas, the existence of this decay is more apparent than in Anglo America and Europe.
Right. I hate to say this, but Colombians are the Jews of Latin America. Colombians love their usury, even your average law-abiding one might be eager to lend you some money with worse-than-Jewish interest rates if he sees the chance, even if he's absolutely not a loan shark and has an actual job.

Most of the good, hard-working ones just leave as soon as they can, so instead of an actual country you have one big tournament of who can serve mammon harder. It's such a bleak, violent environment to grow up in. Can't go around being funny and talking trash because whoops, ****** off the wrong guy, guess you're getting tied to a tree in the middle of nowhere and left for dead. And you know that the law doesn't apply to anyone, except to you and yours. It absolutely applies to you, because you actually work for a living and try to live in a way that wouldn't make your great-grandma puke, which means the government sees you as a target.

They hold being a street-wise amoral conniver as a high virtue, they call it "malicia indígena", and you're a weirdo if you lack that, and what do you mean you just gave your cousin 50k pesos to buy some food, for free because he is family and was in need, instead of Jewing him and turning them into 100k through usury like some dupe glitch in a videogame?
It's funny that you mention the 'Malicia Indigena'. In Ecuador and in other places in the rest of South America, that kind of philosophy/approach to life is called "Viveza Criolla", which supposedly comes from the example set by elites. I've also heard it called being "vivo", but usually from less educated people.
It's funny that you mention the 'Malicia Indigena'. In Ecuador and in other places in the rest of South America, that kind of philosophy/approach to life is called "Viveza Criolla", which supposedly comes from the example set by elites. I've also heard it called being "vivo", but usually from less educated people.
It's funny that you mention creole as part of it, as that seems to fit perfectly into the paradigm of what would be after the oligarchy, cultural setup, and admixture.

antonius, what's your take on the regions of South America being "worth it" as a result? You seem rather negative, but perhaps that is the answer. Do you have a take on El Salvador if it becomes a BTC nation, or do you think like most eurocentric posters (like myself) that you have to go down to Uru/Para/Arg/Chile, maybe Florianopolis, to have any hope?
South America used to be a religious continent but no more. Many still claim to be religious but only nominally. Can a 22 year old tatted up single mother with a 30+ bodycount who claims she is Christian 'pero solo creo en Dios' be considered such?
This post is late, but this is one of the best quotes I heard on the forum. "Pero solo creo en Dios" is absurdly accurate, LOL.

When I was in high school, my philosophy teacher once asked everyone who believes in God to raise their hand. Only one woman with red hair did not. The same women and guys raising their hands would go on to do things like dress in bunny suits and fishnets on the few days non-uniform clothing was allowed at school, LOL. The guys had this obsession with dressing like women as a joke. I have no clue how or why they found that funny.

I get that it's a hot weather country, but these people expose skin like it's not an issue at all. Don't even get me started on obese brown women wearing crop tops, like anyone wants to see that horrendous feijoada pouch. Then they will complain about the R crime. Many such cases!
On the one hand, there are things that one should bear in mind when considering moving to a country or a region. Certain negative things. But on the other hand, I think it's probably fine to move to any Latin American country and the positives will most probably outweigh the negatives, depending on your lifestyle and what you want.

It's the same with the Philippines. some people will swear up and down that it's a country of scammers, whereas others will have mostly good things to say about the people. The Philippines is like a mirror. I think Latin America is such mixed bag that it's also a mirror. Everything is there in abundance and you get what you attract. It might even be possible to live a life there in which you almost completely tune out the typical negative aspects that others might experience often.
It's funny that you mention creole as part of it, as that seems to fit perfectly into the paradigm of what would be after the oligarchy, cultural setup, and admixture.

antonius, what's your take on the regions of South America being "worth it" as a result? You seem rather negative, but perhaps that is the answer. Do you have a take on El Salvador if it becomes a BTC nation, or do you think like most eurocentric posters (like myself) that you have to go down to Uru/Para/Arg/Chile, maybe Florianopolis, to have any hope?
I'm actually not trying to be negative, just realistic. I personally think that traditional Hispanic (Spanish and Latin American) culture is great, and that there is a lot of good to be found in it. I do also think that there's certain places in the region, just like anywhere else, that are good to live in and decent enough to raise a family in.

As for El Salvador, I don't really have a take per se. I like what Bukele is doing but I don't know enough yet about him or his doings to really have a solid opinion. As a result, I've decided to take a "wait and see" approach to his actions, along with doing more digging on Salvadorian history to get a feel for the context of those actions.

With respect to being eurocentric, I have to admit that I somewhat share that sentiment. The issue though is that being around "Whites" in Latin America usually translates to being around liberals, with few exceptions. Especially if we're talking about elites, who are liberal to the T and are often very proud and unpleasant to be around. Just look at the vast majority of Argentines and Uruguayans, who while being mostly of European descent, are often godless and liberal (especially those of major cities, like Buenos Aires, Montevideo, Cordoba, etc). For myself, I'd prefer to be around traditional-minded mestizos (light skinned in the best case) or even native americans over those types.

In an ideal world of course, it would be best to be around other Whites with traditional values, but such communities are few and far between within the region (obviously there are exceptions, like German Methodists and the tight-knit ethnic communities of southern brazil). It doesn't help that Whites are outnumbered by mestizos, who are the vast majority of the continent's population, and can often be just as bad if not worse than liberal Whites.

At the end of the day, there is no perfect place on Earth. With respect to South America, there's good and bad aspects associated with it, and whether or not one wishes to live there depends on how those are taken to account on an individual basis.

In my opinion, the region is "worth it" in so far as you have/find a good community, have a church nearby, and more or less maintain a good distance away from local governments. Also, since governments are very incompetent and corrupt in this region, I'd like to believe that future attempts at enforcing globohomo policies in it are going to be mostly unsuccessfully, especially outside of capital cities. Things just don't work in South America as they would in the West, there's an annoying amount of redtape and just outright stupidty associated with any offical process which, while annoying, will most likely be a blessing in the coming years.
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I'd like to believe that future attempts at enforcing globohomo policies in it are going to be mostly unsuccessfully, especially outside of capital cities. Things just don't work in South America as they would in the West, there's an annoying amount of redtape and just outright stupidty associated with any offical process which, while annoying, will most likely be a blessing in the coming years.
I don't know about that, man. They pulled off the COVID hoax just fine almost everywhere, and it's hard to overstate how extreme it was, even if it wasn't as bad here as it was in the US or Australia.

Of course, we latinos half-ass everything, so some of the insane rules were often unenforced, but many were not, because there was a holier-than-thou hall monitor spiritual/emotional aspect to it that many people couldn't resist. I was completely unable to find a job during that whole hoax, because HR/recruiter ladies never half-ass their jobs, because they love their jobs, because their jobs consist almost entirely of emasculating random grown men, which I at this point believe gives them some kind of satanic ecstasy on the level of consuming fentanyl.

Imagine asking a grown adult man the question "if you could have a superpower, which one would it be?", knowing that he has to give some kind of serious answer despite knowing that such questions have no right to exist outside the boundaries of elementary school playgrounds, because while you don't know his situation, you know it's within the realm of possibility that his family's lives are on the line, so he has no choice, and then after forcing him to go through an hour of other infantilizing questions where he has to read out a corpospeak script pretending to tell you about his ability to something something "empathy" something something "teamwork", you tell him that, actually, he needs to have the clot shot if he wants to work there. Amazing stuff. The pleasure and power you feel almost makes you forget about your seething hatred for your father for a brief moment. Let's see if asking the next grown man about his favorite dinosaur will give you the same high.
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I don't know about that, man. They pulled off the COVID hoax just fine almost everywhere, and it's hard to overstate how extreme it was, even if it wasn't as bad here as it was in the US or Australia.

Of course, we latinos half-ass everything, so some of the insane rules were often unenforced, but many were not, because there was a holier-than-thou hall monitor spiritual/emotional aspect to it that many people couldn't resist. I was completely unable to find a job during that whole hoax, because HR/recruiter ladies never half-ass their jobs, because they love their jobs, because their jobs consist almost entirely of emasculating random grown men, which I at this point believe gives them some kind of satanic ecstasy on the level of consuming fentanyl.

Imagine asking a grown adult man the question "if you could have a superpower, which one would it be?", knowing that he has to give some kind of serious answer despite knowing that such questions have no right to exist outside the boundaries of elementary school playgrounds, because while you don't know his situation, you know it's within the realm of possibility that his family's lives are on the line, so he has no choice, and then after forcing him to go through an hour of other infantilizing questions where he has to read out a corpospeak script pretending to tell you about his ability to something something "empathy" something something "teamwork", you tell him that, actually, he needs to have the clot shot if he wants to work there. Amazing stuff. The pleasure and power you feel almost makes you forget about your seething hatred for your father for a brief moment. Let's see if asking the next grown man about his favorite dinosaur will give you the same high.
Maybe in cities. In rural areas (I was visiting Ecuador during the time of the coof) literally no one cared. I went about my business in el campo no problem, only encountering masking and all that weird stuff when traveling to a large town or city, since the vast majority of people there are ignorant enough to believe the government with respect to such things (but not others! An absurd contradiction).

Also I'm not surprised that you were given a hard time by urbanite HR ladies. Of course they would be the first to go on the power trip related to the "enforcement" of the vaxx, along with government bureaucrats. My heart goes out to you, sounds like you had a lousy time.