Overall Latin America has probably the most decayed societies on the planet. Sociopathy and psychopathy are common traits there, especially amongst women. Very loose sexual morals amongst all classes. Relatively high drug usage - marijuana use is normalized and considered cool. Lots of flamboyant homosexualists that up until recently were hard to notice. In places likes Brazil, Argentina and Colombia amongst under 30s 70-80 percent are tatted up. Younger people overall are materialistic, vain, unreliable and lie with ease.
The poster above that mentioned the older generation was spot on. Completely different breed. Humble, hardworking people.
South America is very classist and has strong social strata. People within their social strata usually keep to their own. Obviously there is mobility but not a lot. The upper strata keep their wealth and positions for themselves. This type of nepotism and kleptocracy hurts the countries immensely. Imagine going to the doctor and there is someone that basically bought his/her certificate.
Strangely enough the degeneracy push in the last 10 years didn't coincide with a lot of economic prosperity in South America. Poverty levels are either stagnant or growing. South American countries have a huge crime problem.
South America used to be a religious continent but no more. Many still claim to be religious but only nominally. Can a 22 year old tatted up single mother with a 30+ bodycount who claims she is Christian 'pero solo creo en Dios' be considered such? In that sense it's a bit like Spain 25 years ago - when I grew up it was still a Catholic country - for instance all the footballer players would make crosses when entering the pitch. Now it's just materialistic leftist degenerates.
I am sure on an individual and community level there are many exceptions but overall this is the vibe.
Brazil is certainly way ahead of the US when it comes to moral decay. People who have visited both countries probably understand what I am talking about.Younger people overall are materialistic, vain, unreliable and lie with ease.