Characteristics of People in Different Latin American Countries?

Overall Latin America has probably the most decayed societies on the planet. Sociopathy and psychopathy are common traits there, especially amongst women. Very loose sexual morals amongst all classes. Relatively high drug usage - marijuana use is normalized and considered cool. Lots of flamboyant homosexualists that up until recently were hard to notice. In places likes Brazil, Argentina and Colombia amongst under 30s 70-80 percent are tatted up. Younger people overall are materialistic, vain, unreliable and lie with ease.

The poster above that mentioned the older generation was spot on. Completely different breed. Humble, hardworking people.

South America is very classist and has strong social strata. People within their social strata usually keep to their own. Obviously there is mobility but not a lot. The upper strata keep their wealth and positions for themselves. This type of nepotism and kleptocracy hurts the countries immensely. Imagine going to the doctor and there is someone that basically bought his/her certificate.

Strangely enough the degeneracy push in the last 10 years didn't coincide with a lot of economic prosperity in South America. Poverty levels are either stagnant or growing. South American countries have a huge crime problem.

South America used to be a religious continent but no more. Many still claim to be religious but only nominally. Can a 22 year old tatted up single mother with a 30+ bodycount who claims she is Christian 'pero solo creo en Dios' be considered such? In that sense it's a bit like Spain 25 years ago - when I grew up it was still a Catholic country - for instance all the footballer players would make crosses when entering the pitch. Now it's just materialistic leftist degenerates.

I am sure on an individual and community level there are many exceptions but overall this is the vibe.
Younger people overall are materialistic, vain, unreliable and lie with ease.
Brazil is certainly way ahead of the US when it comes to moral decay. People who have visited both countries probably understand what I am talking about.

Brazil is certainly way ahead of the US when it comes to moral decay. People who have visited both countries probably understand what I am talking about.
Probably true (I have not been to either country though) but at least Brazilian women are an upgrade from Anglosphere women,

I have not been to Brazil but we have lots of Brazilians in Australia.

Brazilian girls are pretty cute overall and like Colombian women the attractiveness spans across rich and poor and white, mestizo/mulatto and blacks. Although again it depends on what you are comparing to. If you are comparing Brazilian girls to girls from Australia or USA they are more attractive on average. However attractiveness wise the average is much lower than say Spanish or Italian or Czech or Serbian girls. There are a lot of stunning Brazilian women but that is balanced out by a large number of fatties. Whereas say Italian or Czech girls or Serbian girls the quality is very consistent with very few women under 30 being unattractive.
How about small/medium cities?

Colombia - Manizales, Pereira, Ibague, Rionegro
El Salvador - San Miguel, Santa Ana
Ecuador - Cuenca, Loja

Are they as degenerate as the larger cities?
How about small/medium cities?

Colombia - Manizales, Pereira, Ibague, Rionegro
El Salvador - San Miguel, Santa Ana
Ecuador - Cuenca, Loja

Are they as degenerate as the larger cities?
I have been to Manizales and Pereira. They seemed like somewhat cleaner cities and felt slightly safer than the major cities but still pretty degenerate, overall. Ibague I only passed in the bus but it looked like a decaying dilapidated crime infested hole. I have not been to Rionegro.

There were a few touristic towns in Colombia that seemed like they would be clean, safe, low crime and overall very pleasant (beautiful surroundings and architecture, etc) to live in but they are not real towns (it would be like living in Tulum) and are swarmed by tourists and everything is much more expensive. Examples would be Barichara and Salento and Villa De LLeyva and Minca.

In my experience in Latin America anywhere thats actually liveable and pleasant long-term is also not dirt cheap and is packed with tourists, rich people and vacation homes. There are few undiscovered gems in Latin America.

In Europe there are plenty of small towns and smaller cities which are highly liveable but are undiscovered gems. In Latin Amnerica because there are so few pockets of genuinely civilised places they are swamped with rich people, vacation homes and tourists so its a completely different vibe to living in a normal city/town.
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All women in Latin America, and probably elsewhere, are absolute whores. The ones here are also unbelievably ugly.

Are you Brazilian and living in Brazil?

Here is my experience with Brazilians in the United Stares. Many of the women here are indeed straight whores. Bolsonaro had a quote we’re he stated one of Brazils main exports was prostitution. There are very very attractive ones blowing their American counterparts out of the water, but they will do it all. Not good. There are some religious ones, but I don’t know them well enough. Latin guys don’t care much either, that culture seems to accept infidelity.

Other input:

Mexicans - mixed bag some can be very conservative

Colombians - pretty women, submissive, but can be crazy.

Other nations, can’t say.
Eh, maybe it's going too far to call it that, but there are a lot of scammers in the big cities, yes.
Is it any worse than anywhere else in Latin America? I've never been to Colombia, but I find that in general in third world countries when people have the option to 1) rip you off for $100 today or 2) establish a business relationship based on trust that could be worth exponentially more to them in the long term, very, very many of them will go for the first option. I've always imagined that this mentality is ultimately what makes third world countries they way they are.
Colombian women may be attractive (or so people say, I honestly don't see it), but they are so whorish that they are actually hated by women of neighboring countries, such ad Ecuador, because they go and have affairs with married men there so often. I would stay away from them, take it from a Colombian man.
Is it any worse than anywhere else in Latin America?
In my experience, it's worse than the majority white latin american countries, but about the same as the others, I think.
I've never been to Colombia, but I find that in general in third world countries when people have the option to 1) rip you off for $100 today or 2) establish a business relationship based on trust that could be worth exponentially more to them in the long term, very, very many of them will go for the first option. I've always imagined that this mentality is ultimately what makes third world countries they way they are.
Agreed. It's partly because long-nosed "Americans" sabotage us in various ways and whatnot, but I also think the character of most people here is not good and does not lead to prosperity.
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Edit: Trinidad and Tobago has a higher HDI than Brazil by 60 points. Apologies for the misinformation.
I was about to correct you: T&T's HDI is higher than Brazil's.
On the other hand, the GDP per cpita (both nominal and PPP) is higher in Brazil than in Haiti (the societal inequality is pretty extreme in both countries so the comparison is not that far-fetched).
The rest is largely correct. Brazil is not good place...unless you are a billionaire (in dollars or reais) AND have good connections to the members of the Brazilian government.
There are few undiscovered gems in Latin America.
I don't know many. I have been to Colombia, but am curious if Santa Marta would be good or if it is too touristy. My suspicion is that Uruguay would truly be good but if it is, it is likely what they say, which is that it's boring. Boring with a wife that actually does stuff for you would be better than most places in the west, though. Also, this is why Doug Casey types probably love it; boring is perfect for old people who have other worldly ideas, podcasts, money and random interests.
I've always imagined that this mentality is ultimately what makes third world countries they way they are.
Yes, low time preference. It's one of the reasons why knowing what goes on in LatAm is so dangerous for me. I think, but I don't know, that ultimately I can only take people of euro descent seriously, and as such, LatAm just becomes a "fun" place that is a version of "better" degeneracy than the dumb 5 eyes nations.
I don't know many. I have been to Colombia, but am curious if Santa Marta would be good or if it is too touristy. My suspicion is that Uruguay would truly be good but if it is, it is likely what they say, which is that it's boring. Boring with a wife that actually does stuff for you would be better than most places in the west, though. Also, this is why Doug Casey types probably love it; boring is perfect for old people who have other worldly ideas, podcasts, money and random interests.

Yes, low time preference. It's one of the reasons why knowing what goes on in LatAm is so dangerous for me. I think, but I don't know, that ultimately I can only take people of euro descent seriously, and as such, LatAm just becomes a "fun" place that is a version of "better" degeneracy than the dumb 5 eyes nations.
Thew women in Uruguay and Argentina are practically similar to the White women of Western Europe and North America.
Add poverty and desperation into the mix (yes, most people in both of those countries are dirt poor) and you wonder why any sane Western men would want to move to those countries.
there are Argentinian and Uruguayan economic Brazil. A situation when Brazil seems like a desirable alternative to your own country.
Let that sink in for a minute.

PS The only place in South America where the "White God factor" still exists are remote regions of Peru. The indigenous women in the height of the Andes or near cities like Iquitos (which is the entry to the Amazonian jungle) often are genuinely open and happy to marry White European or White American men. Are you White European/White American? Do you speak decent Spanish?Do you have any income coming in from a first-world country (that is higher than the Peruvian minimal wage)? You are good to go!
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Thew women in Uruguay and Argentina are practically similar to the White women of Western Europe and North America.
Add poverty and desperation into the mix (yes, most people in both of those countries are dirt poor) and you wonder why any sane Western men would want to move to those countries.
there are Argentinian and Uruguayan economic Brazil. A situation when Brazil seems like a desirable alternative to your own country.
Let that sink in for a minute.

PS The only place in South America where the "White God factor" still exists are remote regions of Peru. The indigenous women in the height of the Andes or near cities like Iquitos (which is the entry to the Amazonian jungle) often are genuinely open and happy to marry White European or White American men. Are you White European/White American? Do you speak decent Spanish?Do you have any income coming in from a first-world country (that is higher than the Peruvian minimal wage)? You are good to go!
I have been to the Andes and Iquitos. There are very very few attractive indigenous looking Peruvians. The attractive women in Peru will be mostly white with a few mestizos in the mix.
Thew women in Uruguay and Argentina are practically similar to the White women of Western Europe and North America.
Add poverty and desperation into the mix (yes, most people in both of those countries are dirt poor) and you wonder why any sane Western men would want to move to those countries.
there are Argentinian and Uruguayan economic Brazil. A situation when Brazil seems like a desirable alternative to your own country.
Let that sink in for a minute.

PS The only place in South America where the "White God factor" still exists are remote regions of Peru. The indigenous women in the height of the Andes or near cities like Iquitos (which is the entry to the Amazonian jungle) often are genuinely open and happy to marry White European or White American men. Are you White European/White American? Do you speak decent Spanish?Do you have any income coming in from a first-world country (that is higher than the Peruvian minimal wage)? You are good to go!
The whole point of moving to those countries is the poverty. When women cannot provide for themselves they are more open to the idea of marrying a man. Do you think western men would have ever moved to countries like Russia or Belarus to find a wife if those countries had the same GDP per capita as Switzerland?
Spend some time around White Argentinian women...and soon those indigenous ladies in Iquitos will seem like a reasonable alternative...
I have not been to Argentina but the Argentinian women I met in other countries were mostly insufferable so I understand where you are coming from. But at least most over them stay thin and attractive well into their 30s unlike western women. And Argentinian women are still less bad than western women (although not by that much). But I agree less bad then the worst women on the planet is hardly enough reason to go. There are better countries for wife hunting then Argentina or Uruguay.