Characteristics of People in Different Latin American Countries?

Valentin Pearson

Other Religion
Which countries have the most crazy people? Where can you find more relaxed people? Are Brazilians totally different to people in the rest of latin america? Which people are easier to get along with? Is Cuba really a nation of whores? Is Colombia really a nation of scammers? Which countries are most/least religious?

Etc etc
To roughly summarize, this square is the only place with mildly human individuals. Not from there, but I've been there enough. Exclude Bolivia.

Which countries have the most crazy people?
The ones with the most native admixture, or just general admixture of "a little from everything". Not sure if you differ crazy from violent.

Are Brazilians totally different to people in the rest of latin america?
They have a completely different culture and the white ones usually call me a macaco. Brazil is not part of Latin America, and Brazilians are not considered Latino in the US. I'm talking about Brazil here since you included it in, and the image has it.

Which people are easier to get along with?
The white ones. I've received too many call outs from mulattoes. Most of the time if you have pale skin in a majority non-white area, you are going to be judged by them or be squeezed of your dollars and green cards.

Is Cuba really a nation of whores?
All women in Latin America, and probably elsewhere, are absolute whores. The ones here are also unbelievably ugly.


Which countries are most/least religious?
They're all pretty much equally non-religious. Try looking on a map of a denomination that takes itself seriously, or a conservative election map if this is what you're looking for.

If this comes off as racist, it's not. I just despise living in North Brazil and I'm too white to get along with the new demographics after most sensible people moved out of my state, or just country in general. I used to have almost entirely white classrooms growing up, but my last high school one only had me and one other guy being remotely pale. It is not the best.
To roughly summarize, this square is the only place with mildly human individuals. Not from there, but I've been there enough. Exclude Bolivia.
south america.webp
Which countries have the most crazy people? Where can you find more relaxed people? Are Brazilians totally different to people in the rest of latin america? Which people are easier to get along with? Is Cuba really a nation of whores? Is Colombia really a nation of scammers? Which countries are most/least religious?

Etc etc
Brazil has greater diversity than any other country on the continent.
A little bit of everything.
To roughly summarize, this square is the only place with mildly human individuals. Not from there, but I've been there enough. Exclude Bolivia.
View attachment 3467

The ones with the most native admixture, or just general admixture of "a little from everything". Not sure if you differ crazy from violent.

They have a completely different culture and the white ones usually call me a macaco. Brazil is not part of Latin America, and Brazilians are not considered Latino in the US. I'm talking about Brazil here since you included it in, and the image has it.

The white ones. I've received too many call outs from mulattoes. Most of the time if you have pale skin in a majority non-white area, you are going to be judged by them or be squeezed of your dollars and green cards.

All women in Latin America, and probably elsewhere, are absolute whores. The ones here are also unbelievably ugly.

View attachment 3468

They're all pretty much equally non-religious. Try looking on a map of a denomination that takes itself seriously, or a conservative election map if this is what you're looking for.

If this comes off as racist, it's not. I just despise living in North Brazil and I'm too white to get along with the new demographics after most sensible people moved out of my state, or just country in general. I used to have almost entirely white classrooms growing up, but my last high school one only had me and one other guy being remotely pale. It is not the

The issue with Brazilian women - more often than not- is not their looks (plenty of attractive women over there, even in the Northeast) but their mentality.
French Guiana - a very interesting part of the continent.
Legally speaking it is an integral part of France and thus the European Union (while geographically) situated in South Africa.
Wealthier and safer than its neighbors on the continent (Brazil and Suriname).
The issue with Brazilian women - more often than not- is not their looks (plenty of attractive women over there, even in the Northeast) but their mentality.
The subtitles include some of their tendencies like starting fights in public.
The looks are a product of them being lazy to the point where they will literally drag their sandals around the floor to not get to lift their legs up.
Brazilians are some of the nicest people you will ever meet....and as long as you don't expect things like them being on time for appointments or keeping all of their promises, you will not be disappointed.

Sure, Argentinians are more "European", but they are also a lot colder and more cutthroat, and despite being one of the more "advanced" countries in south america they have never managed to keep their own economy and currency stable or reliable.

Nothing is ever clear cut, and your preferences may change once you live for a while in both countries.
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What about the Florianopolis region @God's lonely asperger ?
It's within the square. Great place to live in, and great people. Guy at my church used to live in Santa Catarina and his only complaint was that it was too quiet for someone who lives in the big cities.

He's black, but despite Santa Catarina being majority white, no reports of racism or even feeling out of place with the German migrants. That is the general trend and how the law works . "Reverse racism" is denied in all forms, along with the word created to demoralize.
Brazilians are some of the nicest people you will ever meet....and as long as you don't expect things like them being on time for appointments or keeping all of their promises, you will not be disappointed.
I have mixed views on the subject. Fernando in Canada is very different than Klebson De França in Rio de Janeiro. The country in general has one of the lowest trust levels out there. I once had an incident where my mother was tying my shoes when I was very young, on a crowded street, and she dropped her glasses. The bacteria wasn't as quick as one of the guys there. I'd be here all day if I started talking about Beyblades and Pokémon cards being stolen.

If you slip over on the pavement, there is a very high chance literally no one will help you, or they will record or laugh. A lot of charity and other things are done for personal benefit or fame, with everyone NEEDING to see. You are often questioned for ulterior motives just for being nice, and that would make me seethe when it happened to me. The women in my class would brush the teacher's hair in droves, ONLY when she was correcting the tests, to have a gander at the class retards. People are self-centered to the point of not feeding their kids to buy an iPhone to take photos with to look rich.

The hivemind mentality is also real and absurd. I had a grammar teacher (woman) who claimed she was shy to go to the mall alone because "there are Instagram accounts dedicated to posting pictures of city residents sitting alone". People love that type of drama here and that reflects itself on this time of year when Big Brother starts playing on the national TV and people take sides on which self-centered retard causes the least drama or rudeness. You don't have cliques here, you have excommunications where no one will interact with you or give you bad looks, based on wearing a pink shirt or something extremely stupid.
If you are Protestant and are looking to find a wife abroad I think looking into Brazilian evangelical women. I haven't been to Brazil myself but I've met tons of Brazilians that have immigrated to the US due to some of my interests (jiu jitsu and church) and I think lots of them seem like wifey material. Every time I see a Brazilian that is enthusiastic about Jesus and on fire for God it's pretty much always some sort of evangelical. It seems like all the Brazilian Catholics I've encountered tend to be cultural Catholics and it isn't uncommon for them to mix in a bunch of pagan beliefs. Famous example I can think of is Adriana Lima who was supposed to be some sort of devout traditional Catholic but I've seen her post about some water goddess from her town as well.
As for characteristics of Latin America in general, I noticed a difference with the Caribbean Latin countries compared to the other ones. The amount of rachet and insane behavior seems to be off the charts even compared to already stereotypical fiery Latin person. Puerto Ricans I would say are the top when it all the stereotypical negative Latin traits such as an inability to control their tempers, inability to stay faithful in romantic relationships and friends, general laziness, and general low class behavior.
I have been to Peru, Colombia, Chile and Mexico. My personal observation was that older people were brought up in much more religious and conservative times and many of them are real Christians (usually Catholics). There was actually a decent percentage of people over 50 (and over 60 especially) who behaved like decent human beings (still not the majority though). Fear of god keeps those people behaving in a somewhat civilized manner.

As for the younger people they seemed to be super messed up and immoral irrespective of whether they are white, mestizo or black or poor or rich. And I say this as an agnostic that religiousness and fear of god tends to get people to behave better and is useful in and of itself whether god exists or not. Western countries even though largely atheistic by now seem to still have some last remnants of religious morals left over from previous times still keeping society somewhat civilized, although my guess is that those last remnants will vanish within the next 50 - 80 years and we will be not much better than third world banana republics.
As for the appearances of women. Colombia has a decent percentage of attractive women (compared at least to the west obviously not comparable to a country such as Ukraine or Slovakia, etc) and that applies across all social strata and skin colours (whites, mestizos and blacks),

Chile the percentage of attractive women is much lower than Colombia but a little higher than Peru or Mexico.

Mexico and Peru have very few attractive women and at least 95% of those attractive women come from the European descended upper classes. And those women are snobby as anything.
Overall Latin America has probably the most decayed societies on the planet. Sociopathy and psychopathy are common traits there, especially amongst women. Very loose sexual morals amongst all classes. Relatively high drug usage - marijuana use is normalized and considered cool. Lots of flamboyant homosexualists that up until recently were hard to notice. In places likes Brazil, Argentina and Colombia amongst under 30s 70-80 percent are tatted up. Younger people overall are materialistic, vain, unreliable and lie with ease.

The poster above that mentioned the older generation was spot on. Completely different breed. Humble, hardworking people.

South America is very classist and has strong social strata. People within their social strata usually keep to their own. Obviously there is mobility but not a lot. The upper strata keep their wealth and positions for themselves. This type of nepotism and kleptocracy hurts the countries immensely. Imagine going to the doctor and there is someone that basically bought his/her certificate.

Strangely enough the degeneracy push in the last 10 years didn't coincide with a lot of economic prosperity in South America. Poverty levels are either stagnant or growing. South American countries have a huge crime problem.

South America used to be a religious continent but no more. Many still claim to be religious but only nominally. Can a 22 year old tatted up single mother with a 30+ bodycount who claims she is Christian 'pero solo creo en Dios' be considered such? In that sense it's a bit like Spain 25 years ago - when I grew up it was still a Catholic country - for instance all the footballer players would make crosses when entering the pitch. Now it's just materialistic leftist degenerates.

I am sure on an individual and community level there are many exceptions but overall this is the vibe.
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What about Central America? The impression I get is that people are nice, humble, and fairly normal. Also, there are surprisingly a lot of light skinned people.
Many people in the US (and in Central America) look down on Salvadorans (people from El Salvadoran) but I have found them -on average- the most genuine and most hardworking folks in the whole of Latin America.