The threat of annihilation awakens parts of the soul that are not merely bound to creed. There is a blood recognizance among the Aryan races. That may sound like "esoteric sophistry" to some of the monastic hermits here, but when you are in the cities of man surrounded by aliens who are hostile and violent towards you primarily because of the difference in race, which they are aware of and internalize from the moment they are capable of self-recognition, then the propaganda that neutered the Aryan peoples cracks and falls away like a dry mud cast.Catholics are like Elves, Protestants like Dwarfs, Orthodox like Man.
Catholics claimed Universal Authority, which is arrogant, like an elf.
They also have the largest numbers, which is reminiscent of elves long lives, and magic.
Protestants are stubborner than rock, like Dwarves.
They have considerable influence and numbers in America, a country known for it's engineering and technology, and blacksmithing. Like a Dwarf.
While some do not, many do indeed, drink.
Orthodox are varied, incredibly varied, like men are in comparison to Elves and Dwarves.
Men have the largest population in LOTR, but the Orthodox instead have the greatest number of Saints.
100,000 Martyrs of Tbilisi by the Mongols
In 1227 Sultan Jalal al-Din of Khwarazm and his army of Turkmen attacked Georgia. On the first day of the battle the Georgian army valorously warded off the invaders as they were approaching Tbilisi. That night, however, a group of Persians who were living in Tbilisi secretly opened the gates and…
So, this all means that when the Irish Loyalists and Unionists joined forces together a few months ago last year against immigration, that it was metaphorically Dwarves and Elves teaming up against an endless horde of Orcs.
Belfast violence brings together unlikely protest alliance
Anti-immigration protesters in Belfast at the weekend included British loyalists and Irish
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When you see someone stabbing, shooting, beating to death, or running over another person because they are of a different race, and doing it with devilish impunity, there is no way it does not leave the imprint of severe cognitive dissonance in the deracinated mind, because they cannot make sense of it. They simply believe it to be a myriad of other reasons, but it is not. Surely, there is a spiritual component to it, as there is to everything, but God made both the variances of flesh and blood just like He made the uniqueness of each soul.
Sometimes God reminds people what happens to them when they divide themselves. I say this as a Catholic that the great schism was an error, that it should have been handled differently and none of this would have happened. There is blame on both sides, but now under the threat of extinction, the various breakaways of Christendom are beginning to understand that they are united by blood, that they are ultimately one by blood in the sea of a hostile world of alien peoples. That same sentiment applies to the faith, it began as one, and it was only meant to be one. Protestants and Catholics will become more closer the more and the longer under threat we all are, isn't that ironic? They will begin to have serious discussions that ameliorate theological differences soon enough. Just like how God reminded the original Adamic Israelites of their sins through suffering many times, He does the same with us, but He doesn't want to wipe us out, we are here for a purpose.
Even if one is not a pure Aryan, one still have the ability to do good and act morally under the eyes of the Creator. He does not forget those who keep their honor and repent from evil.