Catholicism: Criticism & Debate Thread

Catholics are like Elves, Protestants like Dwarfs, Orthodox like Man.

Catholics claimed Universal Authority, which is arrogant, like an elf.

They also have the largest numbers, which is reminiscent of elves long lives, and magic.

Protestants are stubborner than rock, like Dwarves.

They have considerable influence and numbers in America, a country known for it's engineering and technology, and blacksmithing. Like a Dwarf.

While some do not, many do indeed, drink.

Orthodox are varied, incredibly varied, like men are in comparison to Elves and Dwarves.

Men have the largest population in LOTR, but the Orthodox instead have the greatest number of Saints.

So, this all means that when the Irish Loyalists and Unionists joined forces together a few months ago last year against immigration, that it was metaphorically Dwarves and Elves teaming up against an endless horde of Orcs.

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The threat of annihilation awakens parts of the soul that are not merely bound to creed. There is a blood recognizance among the Aryan races. That may sound like "esoteric sophistry" to some of the monastic hermits here, but when you are in the cities of man surrounded by aliens who are hostile and violent towards you primarily because of the difference in race, which they are aware of and internalize from the moment they are capable of self-recognition, then the propaganda that neutered the Aryan peoples cracks and falls away like a dry mud cast.

When you see someone stabbing, shooting, beating to death, or running over another person because they are of a different race, and doing it with devilish impunity, there is no way it does not leave the imprint of severe cognitive dissonance in the deracinated mind, because they cannot make sense of it. They simply believe it to be a myriad of other reasons, but it is not. Surely, there is a spiritual component to it, as there is to everything, but God made both the variances of flesh and blood just like He made the uniqueness of each soul.

Sometimes God reminds people what happens to them when they divide themselves. I say this as a Catholic that the great schism was an error, that it should have been handled differently and none of this would have happened. There is blame on both sides, but now under the threat of extinction, the various breakaways of Christendom are beginning to understand that they are united by blood, that they are ultimately one by blood in the sea of a hostile world of alien peoples. That same sentiment applies to the faith, it began as one, and it was only meant to be one. Protestants and Catholics will become more closer the more and the longer under threat we all are, isn't that ironic? They will begin to have serious discussions that ameliorate theological differences soon enough. Just like how God reminded the original Adamic Israelites of their sins through suffering many times, He does the same with us, but He doesn't want to wipe us out, we are here for a purpose.

Even if one is not a pure Aryan, one still have the ability to do good and act morally under the eyes of the Creator. He does not forget those who keep their honor and repent from evil.
So Sam Shamoun, apologist extraordinaire, the terror of Muslims, Jehovah's Witnesses and miscellaneous heretics has finally chosen his Christian home. Maybe Samseau will drop in on his YT channel live stream and challenge him on his decision, since he's so stridently confident in his own apologetics.

I do pray for Catholics to come to their senses and to rejoin the Church. I respect your decision to stay in the Catholic church, but, you should do so with an aim to reconciliation, which means advocating for the removal of universal jurisdiction, and from there, other heresies can be corrected: virgin birth of Mary, infallibility, no marriages for priests, etc.
"Virgin birth of Mary" what are you speaking about? If you mean the Immaculate Conception (ie. her being born without original sin) then I don't see the heresy here.

Infallibility - there have been only 2 statements made by popes in Ex Cathedra, both Marian doctrine, one above and the other on her Assumption into Heaven. Many popes have said they will never speak infallibly.

Heaven is a heirarchy, therefore it would make complete sense there is a heirarchy in the Church (of which the keys were handed to Peter). Matthew 16:15-19. It is right there in the book. Irenaeus wrote of the supremacy of Rome in the year 180.
If you mean the Immaculate Conception (ie. her being born without original sin)
Which is impossible if she was born of human parents.

Infallibility - there have been only 2 statements made by popes in Ex Cathedra, both Marian doctrine, one above and the other on her Assumption into Heaven. Many popes have said they will never speak infallibly.

Only councils, which represent the entire Church, can be held as authorities.

Heaven is a heirarchy, therefore it would make complete sense there is a heirarchy in the Church (of which the keys were handed to Peter). Matthew 16:15-19. It is right there in the book. Irenaeus wrote of the supremacy of Rome in the year 180.

Many other Saints have said the opposite, but, also, the councils themselves never declare the universal jurisdiction of Rome. If such a thing was important, it would have been stated then.

The "keys" are the power to bind and loosen, and the power to bind and loosen are given to all of Christ's disciples in other passages. So they all got the same keys.

The "rock" upon which Christ builds his Church is the faith that Peter expresses in Matthew 16:18.

John Chrysostom​

What then says Christ? You are Simon, the son of Jonas; you shall be called Cephas. Thus since you have proclaimed my Father, I too name him that begot you; all but saying, As you are son of Jonas, even so am I of my Father. Else it were superfluous to say, You are Son of Jonas; but since he had said, Son of God, to point out that He is so Son of God, as the other son of Jonas, of the same substance with Him that begot Him, therefore He added this, And I say unto you, You are Peter, and upon this rock will I build my Church; Matthew 16:18 that is, on the faith of his confession.

Additionally, Peter's first Church, and first Bishops, were at Antioch. St. Ignatius being the first Bishop of Peter, was from Antioch. Thus it is impossible for the Pope of Rome to claim the sole heir to Peter, and it is impossible for only Peter to have the keys.

So anyone with the faith of Peter is the rock of which Christ builds His Church, and the keys are those who carry Apostolic succession. Which is exactly how it was understood by the entire Church for the first 1000 years.
“2357 Homosexuality refers to relations between men or between women who experience an exclusive or predominant sexual attraction toward persons of the same sex. It has taken a great variety of forms through the centuries and in different cultures. Its psychological genesis remains largely unexplained.
Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity, has always declared that "homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered."They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved.”

You didn't get the gist of my post.

I'm talking about Fr. Martin working with a radical LGBQT organization, GLAAD. He is the middleman-messenger between GLAAD and The Vatican.

Edit. Fr. Martin personally knows the CEO of GLAAD. This is why it's been an ongoing dialog for several years between LGBQT and The Vatican due to Fr. Martin's influence.
So Sam Shamoun, apologist extraordinaire, the terror of Muslims, Jehovah's Witnesses and miscellaneous heretics has finally chosen his Christian home. Maybe Samseau will drop in on his YT channel live stream and challenge him on his decision, since he's so stridently confident in his own apologetics.

Regarding Mr. Shamoun, I have seen many of his apologetics threads pop up as he has great knowledge of the scriptures and the Islamic ones, as well, being an arabic speaker. I had noticed he was coming around a long time ago to apostolic succession choices and was open to Catholic and Orthodox confessions. His particular reason, and he encourages similar things to callers or other viewers that ask him questions, is that he had particular experiences in Roman Catholic churches that edified him. I can tell you that he is very aware of some of the problematic parts of RC that we Orthodox have talked about ad nauseum, but the two he points out that he does have questions about are the filioque (because it's so obviously innovation) and the papacy. Knowing the Scriptures, and being a protestant formerly, I'm sure that he is aware that Peter quite literally did not speak with authority at Jerusalem, something which I haven't even heard RCs attempt to counter; of course James did. That means, as of course the Orthodox state and quite correctly, that the Apostles are not bishops and never were, they are universal teachers of the faith.

Are any of them lacking in any way when they teach? They were all with the Lord. Even Paul goes to pain staking length to convince the churches that he was an Apostle, and the Church agrees. What's even more amusing is that he even corrected Peter.

People are going to have their reasons to convert, seek, find, etc. Over time I've been less concerned with all of that and more concerned with defending and representing the faith. Mostly, I feel that way because there are very few that are "convinced" by "logical" arguments in life, no matter what the topic, in the first place. For a laugh, think about when our Lord spoke with the Pharisees, and how many times "they could not refute him" or they "said nothing". Did they change their ways because of his words? Some did; most didn't.
You didn't get the gist of my post.

I'm talking about Fr. Martin working with a radical LGBQT organization, GLAAD. He is the middleman-messenger between GLAAD and The Vatican.

Edit. Fr. Martin personally knows the CEO of GLAAD. This is why it's been an ongoing dialog for several years between LGBQT and The Vatican due to Fr. Martin's influence.

I understood perfectly. And you will probably understand this post also:

“Over the weekend, the outlet published an interview with Archbishop Elpidophoros of the Patriarchate of Constantinople’s Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America entitled, “Discriminating against people based on their love life isn’t Orthodoxy.”

In the interview, the Archbishop discusses the Baptism that he served in Greece in the summer of 2022, dubbed the Greek Church’s “first openly gay Baptism” by one of the gay fathers of the children who were baptized.”

Theres a cohencidence in both ortho and cath pastor. Try to find it. Its about a country.

The diference between roman catholics and protestants or even orthodoxes is we are centralized by an authority “the church” which has canonical law. This “law” applies to all catholics.
Theres no such thing as one catholic believes this or another believes that. And the law is crystal clear. Fags will never be approved.

I will repeat it for you:

“… under no circumstances can they be approved…”

This is called a closed ended clause in continental law. It cannot be filled with interpretations.

Now like in all orgs made by man there are black sheeps. But If you go against at least the fundamental teachings of the church you become a protestant or any other looney sect. If that faggot who calls hinself a priest wants to bless gays. He already has a church to do it.

Now my advice to you is you should let your wife be a good catholic. You will regret If she loses her faith. Dont play with fire.

In other news I can render walls better than the russian. I tried to explain to him the difference between finishing cement and filling cement. But he doesnt get it. He is surprised how in one month. He was going to pour cement and water. I had to yel at him. The finishing cement is almost 1/1 cement and sand. But thats too weak.

The older contractor who is taking care of the fireplace. Passes by the house sometimes to have a laugh. He gives valid tips. Puting broken bricks so the cement dries faster. Or instead of using glue cement for the windows stones using normal and spraying some dry cement powder. Levelling everything. Im writting everything down. Im actually surprised cause He is normally a cunt. But he seems to enjoy teaching.

One thing is for sure. I couldnt do this everyday. Its like playing tennis 8hours per day. Your like a pro tennis player. Already lost 9kg so. Today we install windowds. I normally make them custom. But I dont want to wait 2 months. To fit the window its a nightmare. But its done.
“Over the weekend, the outlet published an interview with Archbishop Elpidophoros of the Patriarchate of Constantinople’s Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America entitled, “Discriminating against people based on their love life isn’t Orthodoxy.”
I dunno man? This sounds to me like he loves anti-gay bishops.
Archbishop Elpidophoros compares Greek bishops against gay marriage law to antisemites and Nazis
I'm not joking either, Nazi and anti-Semite are high praise to anyone who doesn't have their eyes blinded by Satan.

In this case? Saint Anthony the Great says it best.

Remember guys, gatekeeping is always necessary.

—Is there room for modernization in the Church?

—Over the years, the Church has changed and evolved. Clearly, what cannot be influenced are the principles of the faith. Everything else, however, can be modernized. Undoubtedly, some people get agitated even at the mention of the word “change.”
I understood perfectly. And you will probably understand this post also:

“Over the weekend, the outlet published an interview with Archbishop Elpidophoros of the Patriarchate of Constantinople’s Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America entitled, “Discriminating against people based on their love life isn’t Orthodoxy.”

In the interview, the Archbishop discusses the Baptism that he served in Greece in the summer of 2022, dubbed the Greek Church’s “first openly gay Baptism” by one of the gay fathers of the children who were baptized.”

Theres a cohencidence in both ortho and cath pastor. Try to find it. Its about a country.

The diference between roman catholics and protestants or even orthodoxes is we are centralized by an authority “the church” which has canonical law. This “law” applies to all catholics.
Theres no such thing as one catholic believes this or another believes that. And the law is crystal clear. Fags will never be approved.

I will repeat it for you:

“… under no circumstances can they be approved…”

This is called a closed ended clause in continental law. It cannot be filled with interpretations.

Now like in all orgs made by man there are black sheeps. But If you go against at least the fundamental teachings of the church you become a protestant or any other looney sect. If that faggot who calls hinself a priest wants to bless gays. He already has a church to do it.

Now my advice to you is you should let your wife be a good catholic. You will regret If she loses her faith. Dont play with fire.

In other news I can render walls better than the russian. I tried to explain to him the difference between finishing cement and filling cement. But he doesnt get it. He is surprised how in one month. He was going to pour cement and water. I had to yel at him. The finishing cement is almost 1/1 cement and sand. But thats too weak.

The older contractor who is taking care of the fireplace. Passes by the house sometimes to have a laugh. He gives valid tips. Puting broken bricks so the cement dries faster. Or instead of using glue cement for the windows stones using normal and spraying some dry cement powder. Levelling everything. Im writting everything down. Im actually surprised cause He is normally a cunt. But he seems to enjoy teaching.

One thing is for sure. I couldnt do this everyday. Its like playing tennis 8hours per day. Your like a pro tennis player. Already lost 9kg so. Today we install windowds. I normally make them custom. But I dont want to wait 2 months. To fit the window its a nightmare. But its done.

This has all been discussed at length in the "Troubles in the Greek Church" thread.
If anyone is wondering why people criticized and called out the USCCB organization for being a NGO, below book has just been released.

Has the American Catholic Church Become 'Just Another NGO'?

As news has come out in recent days about the unfortunate role our dear Catholic Church has had via groups like Catholic Charities in the illegal invasion of our Country....many are asking how did we get here? This book nails it giving the history of how the @USCCB became dependent on Government grants for nearly half of its annual budget.

Written by former Senate Staffer during the Reagan Administration and longtime professor at Christendom College @realchrismanion lays out the historical case as well as the path forward for the Church to free herself from her slavery to mammon so that she can better fulfill her Divine Mission of saving souls as the Bride of Christ.

This book is part of the solution as Catholics who love America seek to better serve our Nation witnessing to our Faith in the public square!

Published by @CforCatholics
It has been revealed that the pro-immigration stance of the Catholic Church is directly due to corruption. They take in millions from the USAID(s) in order to help resettle immigrants here.

- Luke 8:17
It’s not only the Catholic Church. In that list you have several Christian denominations. Orthodoxy probably doesn’t show up due to its irrelevancy in western world.

If you google orthodoxy immigration services you will find a lot of similar organizations to those named.

The Catholic Church doesn’t need government sponsorship to function. Your talking about the biggest landowner in the world. Saying the biggest landowner in the world needs government subsisidies is nonsense. Cash cow or whatever.

The richest catholic families own the government. They don’t get paid by it. They are the ones who pay.

In this forum people have a misconception of the magnitude of the Catholic Church.

It seems jesuits are betting on Trump. Most likely cause of JD Vance. And they dislike Bezos.
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It’s not only the Catholic Church. In that list you have several Christian denominations. Orthodoxy probably doesn’t show up due to its irrelevancy in western world.

Yes, but we expect Prot Churches to be corrupt and full of charlatans, not Churches which claim to have holy Apostolic succession.

If you google orthodoxy immigration services you will find a lot of similar organizations to those named.

Literally nothing in common with refugee resettlement, Orthodox charity actually takes the charity to where the refugees are. Ortho Aid is what charity has looked like for thousands of years, not the fake refugee scams being run on the West by globohomo.

The fact the Catholics are part of such things is absolutely disgraceful. You've got Catholic ministries settling Muslims into YOUR France, as you sit there defending them.

The Catholic Church doesn’t need government sponsorship to function. Your talking about the biggest landowner in the world. Saying the biggest landowner in the world needs government subsisidies is nonsense. Cash cow or whatever.

The richest catholic families own the government. They don’t get paid by it. They are the ones who pay.

In this forum people have a misconception of the magnitude of the Catholic Church.

It seems jesuits are betting on Trump. Most likely cause of JD Vance. And they dislike Bezos.

They won't be for much longer at current rates. Pride cometh before the fall.
Yes, but we expect Prot Churches to be corrupt and full of charlatans, not Churches which claim to have holy Apostolic succession.

Literally nothing in common with refugee resettlement, Orthodox charity actually takes the charity to where the refugees are. Ortho Aid is what charity has looked like for thousands of years, not the fake refugee scams being run on the West by globohomo.

The fact the Catholics are part of such things is absolutely disgraceful. You've got Catholic ministries settling Muslims into YOUR France, as you sit there defending them.

They won't be for much longer at current rates. Pride cometh before the fall.

Orthodox Patriarch Urges Europe to Open Doors to Refugees​

I seriously doubt ortho groups werent involved with migrant crisis.

The biggest problem for me with the migrants besides the excessive number is they are not forced to integrate.

Orthodox Patriarch Urges Europe to Open Doors to Refugees​

I seriously doubt ortho groups werent involved with migrant crisis.

The biggest problem for me with the migrants besides the excessive number is they are not forced to integrate.

Again, you're confusing the Orthodox Church with the one corrupt section of the Orthodox Church, the hierarchs of the Greek Church, which doesn't speak for 90% of Orthodoxy.

Please inform yourself and read the "Troubles in the Greek Church" thread.
Again, you're confusing the Orthodox Church with the one corrupt section of the Orthodox Church, the hierarchs of the Greek Church, which doesn't speak for 90% of Orthodoxy.

Please inform yourself and read the "Troubles in the Greek Church" thread.
“Patriarch Bartholomew, the spiritual leader of Orthodox Christians, is urging Europe to stop trying to divide what he calls economic migrants from asylum seekers.”

Im not really savy on orthodox organization but Bartholomew is a primus inter pares and represents constantinople.

Will check the thread on greek problems.