Candace Owens

At this point claiming that Candace is controlled opposition is plain dumb.

I know she's not saying Israel did 9/11 here, and some folks are going to complain about this, but that's because she is smart enough to understand how far and how quickly she can lead her audience.

People are eventually going to figure out that Silverstein here is part of a bigger cabal, once they start digesting the hard truth that building 7 was brought down by a controlled demolition. Once this fact is fully absorbed, many corollaries will flow from this, mainly that 9/11 was an inside job. Her main task here is to start driving home that fact with her audience.

The points Candace is actively taking on are extremely sensitive and huge, there really are no bigger truths, and she is approaching them in a path that can successfully engage and lead her audience to the truth, gradually. There is no better approach here, people who are criticizing her for hiding certain elements and not revealing everything at once are completely misguided here and don't understand how complicated the process of managing the cognitive dissonance of her large, purple-pilled audience. Candace's strength is that she understands this basic psychological element.

Please try to write in a less rambling style, with more concise posts, and try to organize your content in paragraphs.

It is not reasonable to expect people to reply to every item in a long-winded, disorganized series of posts.

Present your main case against Candace in a clear, concise and precise manner and I will respond promptly.

Its not good enough.
You dismiss everyone's arguments and then when they double down and get more granular in the face of your blithe dismissals you
a) ignore it
b) say you're busy at work, haven't read any of it "but I know you're wrong anyway"
c) never ever bother to even answer the points made in the intervening weeks and months
d) keep posting weak arguments
e) each time you're challenged you resort back to "its too long I can't read this"
f) THEN you start giving instructions on how to type out arguments.
Well, if you actually tried to engage with uncomfortable points that people make rather than just dismissing them they wouldn't have to keep adding more detail -
but at this point the detail is more for others who are fine reading my posts and who seem to get what I and others are saying.
Not least about her bizarre spiking of any and all of her points in the Morgan/Boteach interview (see previous post)

As for Candace's "No Bigger Truths" - .... well, well, well,- Building 7 eh?
I was just around some Boomers in their 60s and 70s who are more or less blue pilled in their world view.
But you know what they were talking about? 9-11's anniversary and they all agreed that WTC 7 was the smoking gun. None trusted the official narrative any more and hadn't for years.
(I then promptly told them 9-11 was committed by World Jewry more than Israel > and they were suitably horrified because to them it was all about Bush and Rumsfeld and Cheney and just.. Greed - generic.)
Candace's material as a Gatekeeper is as weak as it gets - I argue with solid "official narrative" believers all the time and the WTC 7 and Larry "Pull It" Silverstein material don't ever move the needle for them - not for one minute.

- There is footage in some of the Truther documentaries of NYC luminaries like Rudy Giulani pulling up with protection to the scene in downtown Manhattan surrounded by their security and teams etc, there is footage of local journalists walking around with officials telling them in their ear "yes its coming down soon" ( I assume that was WTC 1 and 2)
- To the believers Lucky Larry is just an unpleasant guy who exaggerated his role in things on the day - he meant he said "Pull it!" in terms of Pulling people out of there - but then it turns out that he exaggerated his role at the scene.
Normies expect that from ageing blow hards - just as they see their hero/villain figure Donald Trump over exaggerating his role in many things - its what those kinds of self aggrandising and ageing NY high-society people do and the phenomenon doesn't signify anything to them.
- There is footage of Rudy Giuliani getting aggressively heckled by Fireman families at an FDNY inquiry into the manner in which things went down which resulted in the loss of their loved ones.
-There was a failure of equipment, shoddy equipment being handed out, operational rules being broken in the chaos, radios didn't even work etc etc (a sign of an FDNY that wasn't the beast it could have been because of City Hall negligence)
I've spoken to New Yorkers who insist that Rudy did not perform well on the day and who have shown me videos of Giuliani contradicting himself about events.
Did Rudy plot the Towers blowing up?
I don't think Rudy Giuliani sat down with the Mossad and planned out 9-11 but I do think that he was a public figure who contradicted himself after the event and wasn't the exact hero of the hour we were all told he was... therefore for normies someone unpleasant like Lucky Larry being an exaggerating idiot doesn't sway them at all.

At the point that the BBC gave away another smoking gun by reporting the WTC 7 collapse there were only 28 minutes to go til its demolition and there were fires and chaos inside WTC 7 (there is footage extant of this) and so a normie will believe the official story that structural damage from the collapse of WTC1 and WTC2 was what did for Building 7. It >seems believable< at least to them.
They also believe that when buildings collapse they tend to fall fast and not slowly.

Now YOU and I KNOW that 9-11 was a false flag.
I believe that WTC 7 was a controlled demolition and Lucky Larry's nonsense is a part of all the other clues that it was a false flag.
Because I and the rest of the world watched the several-hours-long kosher approved exposes like "Zeitgeist"
and "Loose Change"
and the "New Pearl Harbour"
which show that it was a False Flag but which stay way, way, away from who the jewish culprits were.
For my generation it was a False Flag from at least 2004 onwards. For some the realisation came earlier.

So what is Candace doing? She's taking us back to 2004/2005 now?
What normie is going to really listen hard to Candace "Brigitte Mcron is a Dude, dude!" Owens?
Most people are either way beyond WTC7 for much longer than a decade
wedded to the official narrative for emotional and psychological reasons that are unlikely to sway.

You say:
"she is approaching them in a path that can successfully engage and lead her audience to the truth, gradually. There is no better approach here.."
So you mean that she mentioned:
- Larry and Bibi phoning each other every Sunday for months leading up to 9-11?
That not only Larry and his kids but even his grandkids didn't turn up to the creche that day - but that their teachers and classmates all turned up - that hits hard, but she didn't mention it?
- The dancing Israelis and Urban Moving Systems?
- AIG Greenberg Kroll Associates - their shifty manoeuvres leading up to 9-11 and their ties to the Rothschilds?
- Various Mossadnik attempts to take over the security of the WTC beforehand?
No, no... none of that.
Every broadside she fires is convoluted, watered down, misleading -cough- rambling, and its all by design.

"I was born in New York and I don't remember any buddy buddy thing"
She was born in New York? Wait, what? Thats her Argument from Authority? She was "born in New York"?
"I don't remember any buddy buddy thing.." weak as piss - by design.

- She has had her whole career managed by jews.
- She is a jewish subservient freemason and relentlessly signals the fact.
- She does the old canard "Its not The Jews! Its the.. checks notes.. Frankists!" "Its the Khazarian Mafia!"
- Claims to be "going home to the Catholic Church", then posts Gnostic Freemason nonsense about the arising of "Christ Consciousness" in the world.
- She is married into probably THE premier Zionist family in the UK.
- ^ not surprising. London is headquarters of International Zionism after all. Just like how Israel critic Noam Chomsky was secretly trained in London by Mossad and MI6 to be another "Anti Israel critic" gatekeeping operation.

"she is approaching them in a path that can successfully engage and lead her audience to the truth, gradually. There is no better approach here"
- Claims that the Biggest Political Scandal of the Modern Age is that "Brigitte Macron is a Dude" - groundbreaking.
_ Even if that IS supposed to be the most important issue of our time she claims that No One in a small French Town where Brigitte taught their kids and where she was supposedly mother to her own kids even noticed that she was a man?
- When has anyone here ever been fooled by a tranny in real life? 22 skeletal differences between a mans face and a woman's face..

"she is approaching them in a path that can successfully engage and lead her audience to the truth, gradually. There is no better approach here"

> So she's ready to drop the Real History of WWII? Right? An Unnecessary War fought for jews? Holocaust is a myth?
Put on the spot by Piers Morgan she said "No I am not a Holocaust Denier. ..terrible things that the Nazi Scientists did... Operation Paperclip they continued, the Nazi Scientists continued and did terrible experiments on Americans"
Piers Morgan: "to be clear Do you accept the Nazis murdered 6 million jews in the Holocaust?"
Candace: "Absolutely I am NOT a Holocaust denier I have said that many times"she's a LIAR.
Piers Morgan: "You accept that Joseph Mengele was a despicable man?"
Candace: "Oh yes all of the horrific things that the Nazi Scientists did, the Nazi Scientists, all of them, were horrific" LIAR.
Piers Morgan came to her defence - "She just made it crystal clear that she doesn't deny the Holocaust She just said it You can't call someone a Holocaust denier when she says that 6 million jews died in the Holocaust!"

She's a Liar.

Oh and look at that.
"It is not reasonable to expect people to reply to every item in a long-winded, disorganized series of posts.
Present your main case against Candace in a clear, concise and precise manner and I will respond promptly.

From my previous reply, this condensed paragraph -
"Candace is:
>affirming the Holocaust myth..
>throwing freemason hand gestures
>putting out chequered floor dual pillar symbolism
>putting out Freemason "Christ Consciousness" blasphemy on her channel
>Safe and Monetised on Youtube.. posting away... "I am NOT a Holocaust Denier"
> Taking donations from anyone who wants to contact her. Not deBanked at all. Real thorn in the establishment side obviously..(remember how Roosh got cancelled from most nearly everything?)
>telling us that Brigitte Macron being a dude is "the biggest political scandal of the modern age"
>Hard hitting statements attacking "The Bolsheviks!" (NOT the jews) or saying "THEY are the Canaanites!" (NOT the jews.. nice and vague, only really means anything to practising Christians)
>taking time to tell us that The Real Age Difference Is a Freemason number "THIRTY THREE/ "33" !!! (Get it?)
>telling us (just like David Icke) that "its Not the jews!" its the... checks notes.. Frankists!
>telling us that "its not the jews" its the ...checks notes... "Satanic Cults that have taken over ALL religions! ALL of them" oh, okay then..
so its NOT the Jews? Not according to Candace...Its All Religions, Everywhere!
(remember jew is an ethnicity not a religion and so in saying that Candace is helping them twice over.)
>Its Not the Jews! Its the .. Frankists.. the KM etc etc
>Its "Every Religion!"
>Its these Satanic Cults - would that be "Satanic Cults" like the one that she and her entourage belong to?"

"Don't you see? She has to be careful! She can't tell the truth, or otherwise she will lose her platform for telling the truth!"

I enjoy reading the Babylon Bee comments section.
Mainly because The Babylon Bee is owned and run by Zionist jews and their unfunny jokes re Arabs being terrible and jews being heroic victims are usually met with a small vanguard of truthers calling out the JQ. But you've got to be quick - many comments get deleted quick smart.
Imagine my surprise when they ran another lame joke about Candace Owens and there in the comments section was RealCandaceOwens ..posting away unmolested and undeleted.
dropping truth bombs? Oh no, just saying things like "loving these comments guys!" and when 50%of the readership were tagging her and saying "you are despicable!" "You're an evil anti semite!" her response was to laugh emoji and say the equivalent of "whatever!"
Thats not censorship, Thats not risk - Thats a Pantomime.
She's putting on a show, a spectacle, along with all her jewish media handlers.

Firebrand truth tellers usually.. .. ... tell the truth? Don't they?
They don't go around affirming jewish lies about human soap and Mengeles evil experiments and non-existent gas chambers to the entire world. That's not what's typically called ------ "truth telling", last time anyone checked.

@Get2choppaaa you previously said -"I have to chuckle a little bit. The skeptical community here will eat it's own... Anyone who we might agree with doesn't pass a purity spiral must be a controlled opposition figure.... see I have 5 photos that confirm it!!! ...Touch grass all"
- and I tagged you in a follow up asking about her new claim regarding the Freemason number "33" being the Real Age Difference between the Macrons...
I asked you if you would comment on her further deployment of freemason Kabbala symbolism - no longer just chequered floors and pillars but now 33's abounding.. I'd like to know what you make of that.
Its not good enough.
You dismiss everyone's arguments and then when they double down and get more granular in the face of your blithe dismissals you
a) ignore it
b) say you're busy at work, haven't read any of it "but I know you're wrong anyway"
c) never ever bother to even answer the points made in the intervening weeks and months
d) keep posting weak arguments
e) each time you're challenged you resort back to "its too long I can't read this"
f) THEN you start giving instructions on how to type out arguments.
Well, if you actually tried to engage with uncomfortable points that people make rather than just dismissing them they wouldn't have to keep adding more detail -
but at this point the detail is more for others who are fine reading my posts and who seem to get what I and others are saying.
Not least about her bizarre spiking of any and all of her points in the Morgan/Boteach interview (see previous post)

As for Candace's "No Bigger Truths" - .... well, well, well,- Building 7 eh?
I was just around some Boomers in their 60s and 70s who are more or less blue pilled in their world view.
But you know what they were talking about? 9-11's anniversary and they all agreed that WTC 7 was the smoking gun. None trusted the official narrative any more and hadn't for years.
(I then promptly told them 9-11 was committed by World Jewry more than Israel > and they were suitably horrified because to them it was all about Bush and Rumsfeld and Cheney and just.. Greed - generic.)
Candace's material as a Gatekeeper is as weak as it gets - I argue with solid "official narrative" believers all the time and the WTC 7 and Larry "Pull It" Silverstein material don't ever move the needle for them - not for one minute.

- There is footage in some of the Truther documentaries of NYC luminaries like Rudy Giulani pulling up with protection to the scene in downtown Manhattan surrounded by their security and teams etc, there is footage of local journalists walking around with officials telling them in their ear "yes its coming down soon" ( I assume that was WTC 1 and 2)
- To the believers Lucky Larry is just an unpleasant guy who exaggerated his role in things on the day - he meant he said "Pull it!" in terms of Pulling people out of there - but then it turns out that he exaggerated his role at the scene.

I think you're really deluded if you actually believe that most Boomers believe that 9/11 was an inside job. The great majority of her audience, composed of BoomerCons weaned on content from Ben Shapiro and his ilk buy into the official version, and when they doubt that narrative, it is to the extent that they blame Bush and co for covering up for and being soft on Saudi sheiks who they believe did 9/11.

Also, most of them have no idea what Building 7 was and how it was demolished. Candace's approach of focusing on this, the weakest part of the official 9/11 narrative, is very smart. As well, you will notice that she doesn't focus on Bush, Cheney etc, but on Silverstein, a figure who is almost a caricature of the cabal.

If she went out and said it was "the Jews", she would (1) be totally crushed and finished as a pundit with million plus audience, and (2) 90% of her purple-pilled audience would instantly turn off and completely reject her. It would confirm to them that these 9/11 conspiracy theory people are just muzzie-apologizer America-hating unhinged tinfoilers.

Thankfully, she is smart enough to recognize this, her approach to redpilling them is sound and effective. You invest a well-protected medieval castle not by charging the front door so that the archers high up on the rims can mow you down with volleys of arrows, you invest it by working with small squads on building tunnels underneath the weakest point of the castle structure in order for that wall to collapse and open up a breach. That's exactly what she's doing here!

Also, she's technically accurate, as it's not "the Jews" that did 9/11, but Israeli intelligence, in conjunction with local sayanim like Silverstein and others like rabbi Dov Zackheim who are embeded in the Bush administration and other key government (and media) positions. Silverstein is a portmanteau for the cabal, he's a lifelike caricature of the greedy, conspiratorial cabal figure.

Her use of "Bolsheviks" and "Frankists" also is a smart way to present historical events in a tribal framework without crossing the lines that would have gotten her wiped out as a pundit.

You can't breach the Holocaustianity fortress by trying to attack it directly, it is the most well-defended ideological rampart. Only a total idiot would think you can make an impact or keep a platform by directly challenging that narrative, it would be like spear-chucking zulus trying to assault British positions with Gatling guns. "Holocaust Denier" is an NLP killshot, enabled by 6 decades of intensive and thoroughly pervasive, all-encompassing propaganda campaign in which people are immersed from early age and the conditioning is done across all educational, institutional and media channels.

What you do instead is prod at the weaker points, engage in an info guerilla campaign where you gradually take on the official narrative focusing on the weaker points. That's what she's doing here.

- and I tagged you in a follow up asking about her new claim regarding the Freemason number "33" being the Real Age Difference between the Macrons...
I asked you if you would comment on her further deployment of freemason Kabbala symbolism - no longer just chequered floors and pillars but now 33's abounding.. I'd like to know what you make of that.

This is really, really, really stupid. Her host, Xavier Poussard, whose work I am familiar with as I speak French and follow that infosphere closely, has impeccable credentials and is anything but a mason chill. You have no idea about who he is or what his work is, claiming that he is part of a masonic conspiracy is completely baseless and dumb. The age difference here is simply the result of the difference in age between Jean-Michel Trogneux aka Brigitte Macron's birth year and Macron's. It is beyond retarded to try to build that result into a masonic conspiracy, as was the bit about the floor tiles in her church, built over a century ago, as being proof that she is part of a masonic cabal.

This is a prime example of truthers going overboard based on the flimsiest of details.
I think you're really deluded if you actually believe that most Boomers believe that 9/11 was an inside job. The great majority of her audience, composed of BoomerCons weaned on content from Ben Shapiro and his ilk buy into the official version, and when they doubt that narrative, it is to the extent that they blame Bush and co for covering up for and being soft on Saudi sheiks who they believe did 9/11.

Also, most of them have no idea what Building 7 was and how it was demolished. Candace's approach of focusing on this, the weakest part of the official 9/11 narrative, is very smart. As well, you will notice that she doesn't focus on Bush, Cheney etc, but on Silverstein, a figure who is almost a caricature of the cabal.

If she went out and said it was "the Jews", she would (1) be totally crushed and finished as a pundit with million plus audience, and (2) 90% of her purple-pilled audience would instantly turn off and completely reject her. It would confirm to them that these 9/11 conspiracy theory people are just muzzie-apologizer America-hating unhinged tinfoilers.

Thankfully, she is smart enough to recognize this, her approach to redpilling them is sound and effective. You invest a well-protected medieval castle not by charging the front door so that the archers high up on the rims can mow you down with volleys of arrows, you invest it by working with small squads on building tunnels underneath the weakest point of the castle structure in order for that wall to collapse and open up a breach. That's exactly what she's doing here!

Also, she's technically accurate, as it's not "the Jews" that did 9/11, but Israeli intelligence, in conjunction with local sayanim like Silverstein and others like rabbi Dov Zackheim who are embeded in the Bush administration and other key government (and media) positions. Silverstein is a portmanteau for the cabal, he's a lifelike caricature of the greedy, conspiratorial cabal figure.

Her use of "Bolsheviks" and "Frankists" also is a smart way to present historical events in a tribal framework without crossing the lines that would have gotten her wiped out as a pundit.

You can't breach the Holocaustianity fortress by trying to attack it directly, it is the most well-defended ideological rampart. Only a total idiot would think you can make an impact or keep a platform by directly challenging that narrative, it would be like spear-chucking zulus trying to assault British positions with Gatling guns. "Holocaust Denier" is an NLP killshot, enabled by 6 decades of intensive and thoroughly pervasive, all-encompassing propaganda campaign in which people are immersed from early age and the conditioning is done across all educational, institutional and media channels.

What you do instead is prod at the weaker points, engage in an info guerilla campaign where you gradually take on the official narrative focusing on the weaker points. That's what she's doing here.

This is really, really, really stupid. Her host, Xavier Poussard, whose work I am familiar with as I speak French and follow that infosphere closely, has impeccable credentials and is anything but a mason chill. You have no idea about who he is or what his work is, claiming that he is part of a masonic conspiracy is completely baseless and dumb. The age difference here is simply the result of the difference in age between Jean-Michel Trogneux aka Brigitte Macron's birth year and Macron's. It is beyond retarded to try to build that result into a masonic conspiracy, as was the bit about the floor tiles in her church, built over a century ago, as being proof that she is part of a masonic cabal.

This is a prime example of truthers going overboard based on the flimsiest of details.
You know what I find kind of weird? Your fascination with this woman.

And by that I mean in terms biblical or even red-pilled dynamics - Who cares what a woman says anyway? There is a reason they are not allowed to lead the Church.

Is there any chance you could address this post by her? as @BarrontheTigerCat pointed out.


Labelling people "Truthers" and going too deep down the "rabbit hole" is just an excuse because you haven't done enough research into the enemies tactics.

Masonic triangles, 666 signs, multiple Triad claw's, devil horns and last but not least the infamous one eye symbolism.

Screenshot (6244).png
Screenshot (6245).png

Black and white jackets and even wears a white hat on profile picture - That's also a "secrect code" in freemasonry.

They are mocking you.
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You know what I find kind of weird? Your fascination with this woman.

And by that I mean in terms biblical or even red-pilled dynamics - Who cares what a woman says anyway? There is a reason they are not allowed to lead the Church.

Is there any chance you could address this post by her? as @BarrontheTigerCat pointed out.

View attachment 12355

Labelling people "Truthers" and going too deep down the "rabbit hole" is just an excuse because you haven't done enough research into the enemies tactics.

Masonic triangles, 666 signs, multiple Triad claw's, devil horns and last but not least the infamous one eye symbolism.
View attachment 12358

View attachment 12356
View attachment 12357

Black and white jackets and even wears a white hat on profile picture - That's also a "secrect code" in freemasonry.

They are mocking you.

You never 'leave' the club.

* it's also interesting to note that we had 'Lauren Southern' before they threw this quite nice looking mulatto all over us (as in people with dignity) after she married 'British' royalty or whatever Duke that is still left there in that place.

Uh the Kalergi plan doesn't look so bad after all... right?
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You never 'leave' the club.

* it's also interesting to note that we had 'Lauren Southern' before they threw this quite nice looking mulatto all over us (as in people with dignity) after she married 'British' royalty or whatever Duke that is still left there in that place.

Uh the Kalergi plan doesn't look so bad after all... right?
It's the age old classic to use "attractive females" to play on the natural reaction men have to beauty.

You mean this Lauren Southern:

Screenshot (6249).png
Screenshot (6247).pngScreenshot (6248).png

Just like the new hot stuff EU political commentator Eva Vlaardingerbroek - Given unlimited air-time to voice her opinion. Establishment actors - every last one of them.

Eva Vlaardingerbroek..png

Nice way to put your fingers to pose for a photo (from her own Instagram).

It's not a triad claw - she's just messing around.

It's the age old classic to use "attractive females" to play on the natural reaction men have to beauty.

You mean this Lauren Southern:

View attachment 12363
View attachment 12361View attachment 12362

Just like the new hot stuff EU political commentator Eva Vlaardingerbroek - Given unlimited air-time to voice her opinion. Establishment actors - every last one of them.

View attachment 12364

Nice way to put your fingers to pose for a photo (from her own Instagram).

It's not a triad claw - she's just messing around.


You mean Napoleon was wrong all this time?
I think you're really deluded if you actually believe that most Boomers believe that 9/11 was an inside job. The great majority of her audience, composed of BoomerCons weaned on content from Ben Shapiro and his ilk buy into the official version, and when they doubt that narrative, it is to the extent that they blame Bush and co for covering up for and being soft on Saudi sheiks who they believe did 9/11.

Also, most of them have no idea what Building 7 was and how it was demolished. Candace's approach of focusing on this, the weakest part of the official 9/11 narrative, is very smart. As well, you will notice that she doesn't focus on Bush, Cheney etc, but on Silverstein, a figure who is almost a caricature of the cabal.

If she went out and said it was "the Jews", she would (1) be totally crushed and finished as a pundit with million plus audience, and (2) 90% of her purple-pilled audience would instantly turn off and completely reject her. It would confirm to them that these 9/11 conspiracy theory people are just muzzie-apologizer America-hating unhinged tinfoilers.

Thankfully, she is smart enough to recognize this, her approach to redpilling them is sound and effective. You invest a well-protected medieval castle not by charging the front door so that the archers high up on the rims can mow you down with volleys of arrows, you invest it by working with small squads on building tunnels underneath the weakest point of the castle structure in order for that wall to collapse and open up a breach. That's exactly what she's doing here!

Also, she's technically accurate, as it's not "the Jews" that did 9/11, but Israeli intelligence, in conjunction with local sayanim like Silverstein and others like rabbi Dov Zackheim who are embeded in the Bush administration and other key government (and media) positions. Silverstein is a portmanteau for the cabal, he's a lifelike caricature of the greedy, conspiratorial cabal figure.

Her use of "Bolsheviks" and "Frankists" also is a smart way to present historical events in a tribal framework without crossing the lines that would have gotten her wiped out as a pundit.

You can't breach the Holocaustianity fortress by trying to attack it directly, it is the most well-defended ideological rampart. Only a total idiot would think you can make an impact or keep a platform by directly challenging that narrative, it would be like spear-chucking zulus trying to assault British positions with Gatling guns. "Holocaust Denier" is an NLP killshot, enabled by 6 decades of intensive and thoroughly pervasive, all-encompassing propaganda campaign in which people are immersed from early age and the conditioning is done across all educational, institutional and media channels.

What you do instead is prod at the weaker points, engage in an info guerilla campaign where you gradually take on the official narrative focusing on the weaker points. That's what she's doing here.

This is really, really, really stupid. Her host, Xavier Poussard, whose work I am familiar with as I speak French and follow that infosphere closely, has impeccable credentials and is anything but a mason chill. You have no idea about who he is or what his work is, claiming that he is part of a masonic conspiracy is completely baseless and dumb. The age difference here is simply the result of the difference in age between Jean-Michel Trogneux aka Brigitte Macron's birth year and Macron's. It is beyond retarded to try to build that result into a masonic conspiracy, as was the bit about the floor tiles in her church, built over a century ago, as being proof that she is part of a masonic cabal.

This is a prime example of truthers going overboard based on the flimsiest of details.
"This is a prime example of truthers going overboard based on the flimsiest of details."
Says the guy who wants to convince us that Macrons squeeze for the last 30 plus years is a bloke.

As I said that was the controlled opposition grift during Covid - "Biden is in Guantanamo Bay and his doppelgänger is a guy wearing a latex Biden Mask" "Bill Gates' wife is actually a MAN, the actor Kevin Kline"
^ THAT is a prime example of truthers going overboard based on the flimsiest of details.
MAYBE Kevin Kline is sleeping with Bill Gates whilst wearing a wig.
MAYBE Biden is still in Guantanamo, trust the plan, and his lizard replacement is getting tired of the latex mask.
MAYBE an entire school and town of French people was taken in by a wrinkly ageing bloke who passed himself off as a much younger but still middle aged woman and this man went round seducing underage boys and nobody even noticed... maybe.

But we need details - not people going overboard based on the flimsiest of details.
"This is really, really, really stupid. Her host, Xavier Poussard, whose work I am familiar with as I speak French and follow that infosphere closely, has impeccable credentials and is anything but a mason chill. You have no idea about who he is or what his work is, claiming that he is part of a masonic conspiracy is completely baseless and dumb. The age difference here is simply the result of the difference in age between Jean-Michel Trogneux aka Brigitte Macron's birth year and Macron's. It is beyond retarded to try to build that result into a masonic conspiracy, as was the bit about the floor tiles in her church, built over a century ago, as being proof that she is part of a masonic cabal."

We have to believe this out-there theory because..?
"He has impeccable credentials!" - do me a favour - this is even weaker than saying "believe me because Im a doctor!" but you kind of do that next..
"I am familiar with it as I speak French.." bully for you, lots of people on this forum speak French, its not the height of achievement. It doesn't make you the last word on who is "going overboard based on the flimsiest of details" whilst touting that we are ruled by secret Transvestites.

We used to have 911 in here, a French speaking Canadian, who was wide ranging in his points, and who could extemporise about the takedown of Gaullist politicians or changes in French political realities, revealing that his ancestors were actually secret society Isis worshippers in France across generations (so - Freemasons) ..
Now we get..
You - trying to take up 9-11's territory whilst having a fraction of his knowledge or his subtlety.

The only way you could be 9-11 is if 9-11 had a stroke or if he is having to type upside down on a computer whilst being held hostage, suspended over a pit of crocodiles by the Trudeau regime.
9-11 used to come up with interesting facts about football players like Jean Tigana - things and people I was already aware of because I have lived, worked and also played representative sport in France.
You tried to copy it by insisting on how "French" the Thurams are - the France and Frenchness of Tigana and the latter France and Frenchness of the Thurams are not even on the same page.
Maybe not everybody noticed that Lauren Southern-esque Bait and Switch - but I did.
Instead of interesting factoids like the fact Notre Dame was built on the site of a former Isis Temple, or his family members' experience in academia or arcane JQ discussions full of in interesting trivia, we get ----
you. ---- "Silence! his credentials are impeccable!" also "I speak French y'know!"
"It can't be Freemason signposting! That church was built over a century ago!" (yeah well maybe that's why they picked it as it had the requisite Masonic signposts - I mean how does the church being built 100 years ago somehow nix any Masonic associations? How does-? Ah never mind)
Never mind because there is nothing Good Faith about your argumentation, it's entirely Bad Faith.

Why is the age difference in this highly unlikely love story a thoroughly Maonic "33" ?
"The age difference here is simply the result of the difference in age between Jean-Michel Trogneux aka Brigitte Macron's birth year and Macron's"
- Oh! Okay!
Okay then...? ha ha ha ha -You're like the opposite of 9-11 who was capable of spying skilful gatekeeping when it came to Alex Jones, Jordan Peterson etc.
But with you it's "There are no conspiracies! It just a completely normal "33" coincidence based on complete coincidence and chance!" its just Bad. Bad Faith, not even trying to take on board or consider the points other people make.
Because Candace's jewish owners want us to believe that she Genuinely walked off the plantation and therefore everyone else here needs to believe this too.
But we don't.

Okay, you're not 9-11 - and at this rate you won't be taking his place on here - BUT you can't be just dumb,
at some point, as @MrRedsquare has already pointed out, it isn't adding up anymore. Your arguments are still not smart."she has to mention the jews - by skilfully not mentioning the jews" and yet you push them on people who have already shrugged them off.
They shrug them off and present plenty of contradictory information and then you act in Bad Faith ..
First by claiming you're too busy to respond in depth
yet you throw shade anyway based on insinuations,
and then, when you realized that your interlocutor wasn't going away on the subject you entirely dropped it only to return a couple of days later pushing the same narrative but never addressing the former questions.

You're only doing that now while two three four people are asking the same questions - and your response is:
"his credentials are impeccable" (says who?)
"I speak French" (great)
"33 is there in the signposting because the age difference is.. 33 - and thats it. nothing more"
"It can't be Masonic signposting - (led between two pillars along a chequered floor toward an altar?) - because the church was built 100 years ago" (What?)

For most of us on this forum our posts are about trying to get at the Truth, whilst occasionally getting irritable with each other.
But we are still trying to get at the Truth.
It's not just you, but it is very odd when certain people KEEP trying to push plants, controlled ops, Con-Inc gimmicks, toothless politicians etc and then they either evade, evade, evade or they seem to suddenly disappear every time they are posed a difficult question.

As MrRedSquare has pointed out, she claimed to "come home" to Catholicism (just like jewish owned pets Vlaardingerbroek and Tammie Peterson also did) and yet she posted completely unasked for Masonic Heresy like that "Christ Consciousness" post on her X account...
^ How do you account for that?
"This is a prime example of truthers going overboard based on the flimsiest of details."
Says the guy who wants to convince us that Macrons squeeze for the last 30 plus years is a bloke.

You're kind of disqualifying yourself here right off the bat. There are reasons to believe that Brigitte Macron is a tranny, and Xavier Poussard, whom Candace interviewed, is the leading expert on that subject. The evidence he has provided is a lot more serious than people calling out Candace as a freemason shill for wearing a white hat on her profile picture, or because the church she attends has a black and white floor.

For most of us on this forum our posts are about trying to get at the Truth, whilst occasionally getting irritable with each other.
But we are still trying to get at the Truth.
It's not just you, but it is very odd when certain people KEEP trying to push plants, controlled ops, Con-Inc gimmicks, toothless politicians etc and then they either evade, evade, evade or they seem to suddenly disappear every time they are posed a difficult question.

There is nothing that I've seen from her that leads me to believe that she is a plant, gatekeeper, or lifetime actor, to the contrary. In fact sometimes I've felt she was pushing the enveloppe too far and pulling her audience too far outside their overton window.

There is absolutely no comparison between her and your run of the mill ziocons like Lauren "Southern" Simonsen. If she's really still in their plantation, or married to them, then her owners and in-laws must be quite peeved and distressed by her recent content.
The evidence he has provided is a lot more serious than people calling out Candace as a freemason shill for wearing a white hat on her profile picture, or because the church she attends has a black and white floor.

It's not just the floor but the entire way the interior architecture of that chapel is set up. It was strange enough for me to start digging into the history of that side church. It didn't look that way when it was first built by the way.

There is nothing that I've seen from her that leads me to believe that she is a plant, gatekeeper, or lifetime actor, to the contrary. In fact sometimes I've felt she was pushing the enveloppe too far and pulling her audience too far outside their overton window.

I think that was part of the argument, that there could be a push to entrap people basically. But aren't all these giant media figures kind of "lifetime actors" by definition? I actually do have a problem with most of these figures and generally trust sources less as they become more well known.
I think that was part of the argument, that there could be a push to entrap people basically. But aren't all these giant media figures kind of "lifetime actors" by definition? I actually do have a problem with most of these figures and generally trust sources less as they become more well known.

How exactly are you entrapping people by posting truth bombs about Building 7 featuring Lucky Larry?? That seems very highly counterproductive to zog purposes. All the channels and pundits that breach that subject are smaller with lower reach than Candace's.

When I said that she risks pushing people too far outisde their overton window, I was implying that the consequence was going to be that her purple-pilled audience would tune her out, and that she would become completely deplatformed. She has been skating on thin ice lately.

It's not just the floor but the entire way the interior architecture of that chapel is set up. It was strange enough for me to start digging into the history of that side church. It didn't look that way when it was first built by the way.

You're still talking about architectural features in a church, and jumping from that to conclusions about CO. That is a very flimsy base, Even if you assume that this church is some kind of a mason-led den, there are many parishes that have been compromised by pedo/homo/satanist infiltrators, but even then, the great majority of their congregation are innocent believers.
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This is what she meant, these people are clearly demented.

You can kind of look at this stuff on different levels.

1. The horrific bloodthirstiness involved here (and in the Armenian Genocide, Bolshevik Revolution, Eastern Bloc etc) Hopefully more people are seeing this for what it is. But unfortunately I see many people in the West who aren't jews celebrating this as they believe "only terrorists were hurt" - mostly boomers, but not entirely unfortunately.

2. Michael Rappaport mimicking the 'crypto-jew/mask off' journey. When he first came on the scene he was a good actor and played some good roles - such as Irish red head Super Boy in Copland, - always playing Irish Americans it seemed, you go to watch a movie about Irish Americans and instead you get jews with Red Hair. Then, as time goes on, these acting cuckoos go mask off and reveal that they were jews "all along" - most people didn't realise that Harrison Ford or William Shatner were jews, ------- and there we see the rabbit hole entrance for the whole crypto phenomenon, not least the recent "Hawk Tuah" girl.

3. Its worth bearing in mind the phenomenon of the "court jew".
Most jews will see the conduct of Rappaport that I posted just as a few pages ago in this thread as him playing his role as the "court jew".
When MI6 freemason Vernon Coleman wrote his misleading "Committee of 300" he named the Oppenheimers who are the boss jews of South Africa. There's actually lots of useful info about the Oppenheimers activities in there BUT Coleman (presumably jewish himself) has since gone out of his way to lecture people that "Oppenheimers are Court jews" ie: they are cultivated as stereotypical jews in order to draw the ire of the populace and direct it into anti semitism against the Poor Jews whilst the evil.. checks notes.. "black nobility" "Vatican" "black pope" get on with being the Real Bad Guys.
Coleman says in some talks that Oppenheimer plays the Court Jew BECAUSE he's .. not really jewish, he's just pretending in order to incriminate the real and blameless jews.
So a lot of jewish people will see the conduct of Rappaport and Schmuley Boteach (just saw video of him in a skimpy towel doing some sort of weird OnlyFans routine while he claims 'bombs are going off', but theres no noise but he says that he's 'terrified', its bizarre.) and see that, for whatever reason, they are playing the "Court Jew"and acting in ludicrous and borderline Fagin/Shylock ways.

Most people see Candace Rapaport and particularly Boteach squabbling away in their sand pit and just don't want to know.. and given the way they conduct themselves who can blame them?

Just as Noam Chomsky's work was actually the best criticism that Mossad could buy
So people come away fro Candace saying "oh, this is awful! look how awful they are!" filing it under every other condemnation they've seen that day from the rest of the Free Palestine crowd in the media,
The rest of Candace's interviews they come away with takeaways like..
"I am NOT a Holocaust Denier"
"Six Million jews WERE killed by the Nazis in the Holocaust"
"The Nazi doctors did horrible things"
"Its not the jews, the bad actors, they're Not the Real Jews" (just ike other Freemasons Coleman and Icke repeatedly say)
"Its the Frankists.."
"Its the KM.."
"Its All Religions, the Satanic Cults that have Taken Over All Religions" - oh so, the Russian Orthodox Church has been taken over by a Satanic Conspiracy that has nothing to do with jews, is that right? I mean if she's going to throw that out there in a Piers Morgan interview she could at least follow it up and go into a lot of detail by what she meant. She's still got plenty of money coming in, she's STILL up on youtube, she hasn't been debAnked as genuine truth tellers are.

As Purple Urkel said she needs to put together some kill shots. She's bright enough.
Instead she makes a lot of noise and in the process confuses misleads misdirects and also makes the whole message appear distasteful - an area of debate replete with bad taste and idiots wearing Dildo necklaces - that people just want to avoid.
Well, that was her job, I would argue, thats what she's been hired for.
The Freemasons are the obedient servants of the jews after all..
You know what I find kind of weird? Your fascination with this woman.

And by that I mean in terms biblical or even red-pilled dynamics - Who cares what a woman says anyway? There is a reason they are not allowed to lead the Church.

It's called doubling down & closing ranks.

He isn't responsive to your arguments because he isn't interested in hearing them. Ye boy Coop isn't here to learn, gain new insights or expand his horizon, he is here to herd the flock into the right direction and protect certain approved kosher narratives/ personalities.

We're talking thousands of hours spanning over a decade of shitposting here - and don't let that little Harry Houdini act in the middle throw you off guard.

It is what it is.
All you guys are arguing over a vestigial reality here. It does not matter what a woman says, least of all a black woman who is championed among clueless Whites. They have never heralded a direction in history beneficial for anyone other than their own immediate desires. Perhaps only the blessed Mother, and a few saints, but every other woman, even biblical ones, kept their mouths shut and knew it was the right thing to do so.

Just because she has the ability to influence doesn't mean that it will lastingly impact the male consciousness. The men that are awoken by her feuding with a perverted demonic jew in a skinsuit won't have much to go on. These men don't know of the writings of Martin Luther, of The Romanov dynasty's edicts against jews, of the reasons behind all the expulsions especially in Spain and England, or likely will never sit through Mein Kampf in its entirety to understand the true spiritual and racial rivalry for dominance that exists between the Aryan Adamic and the Edomite.

Weak men follow what women do rather than acknowledging that everything they do is for attention, what we have come to know in the latter days of RVF as serotonin and dopamine fixes, and whatever is hot and controversial right now, especially anti-satanism, gets their jollies rolling for hits. Some people are taking this jewish exposure to light as a means of promoting their own business and making a profit, in typical cuckservative fashion, someone who cares about their money more than their faith or race. EMJ is guilty of this.

At some level, the public persona "anti-semïtes" are allowed to do their schtick as long as they do not cross one line, that line being promoting Whites organizing along racial lines, especially with a commonality in spirit. None of these actors have or will cross that line, and if they do, you definitely won't see their videos on jewTube. Everything else is allowed within the jew-controlled public overton window or it would not be on-air.

For example if I were to do an interview with Thomas Rousseau offering some sincere questions and suggestions for expanding his organization, from one dissident of one thought to another dissident of another thought, it would never be allowed, unlike his sit down with that busybody half-Persian.

Don't worry about whether she is in on the take or not. She is a woman mouthing off in public and it should be a man doing that against the jews, but in this inverted totem pole of victimhood she gets more passes than a White male because of her "protected status" in the zoo. Let the swine fight amongst themselves, her crusade against the jew, as noble as it is for anyone no matter their racial origin, is moot because she is basing it in a civnat weltanschauung with a pinch of Christian morality. She should have gone full Farrakhan, married a black man, kept to her race, and pushed back further against jewish interests and their targeting of blacks both as experimental expendable humans and as bio-weapons against Whites.

Truly the only race to ever give a shit about blacks were Whites, and they gave the most shits about them during Colonialism because they respected their natural inclinations and kept them among their own people. Then the jewish merchants came along and commercialized localized tribal slavery into an intercontinental enterprise that doomed us all with a permanent underclass to be used as golems for nefarious talmudic plots. More and more blacks, especially the older ones, are coming to this conclusion now that the gibs factory smokestacks stopped belching.
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All you guys are arguing over a vestigial reality here. It does not matter what a woman says, least of all a black woman who is championed among clueless Whites. They have never heralded a direction in history beneficial for anyone other than their own immediate desires. Perhaps only the blessed Mother, and a few saints, but every other woman, even biblical ones, kept their mouths shut and knew it was the right thing to do so.

Just because she has the ability to influence doesn't mean that it will lastingly impact the male consciousness. The men that are awoken by her feuding with a perverted demonic jew in a skinsuit won't have much to go on. These men don't know of the writings of Martin Luther, of The Romanov dynasty's edicts against jews, of the reasons behind all the expulsions especially in Spain and England, or likely will never sit through Mein Kampf in its entirety to understand the true spiritual and racial rivalry for dominance that exists between the Aryan Adamic and the Edomite.

Weak men follow what women do rather than acknowledging that everything they do is for attention, what we have come to know in the latter days of RVF as serotonin and dopamine fixes, and whatever is hot and controversial right now, especially anti-satanism, gets their jollies rolling for hits. Some people are taking this jewish exposure to light as a means of promoting their own business and making a profit, in typical cuckservative fashion, someone who cares about their money more than their faith or race. EMJ is guilty of this.

At some level, the public persona "anti-semïtes" are allowed to do their schtick as long as they do not cross one line, that line being promoting Whites organizing along racial lines, especially with a commonality in spirit. None of these actors have or will cross that line, and if they do, you definitely won't see their videos on jewTube. Everything else is allowed within the jew-controlled public overton window or it would not be on-air.

For example if I were to do an interview with Thomas Rousseau offering some sincere questions and suggestions for expanding his organization, from one dissident of one thought to another dissident of another thought, it would never be allowed, unlike his sit down with that busybody half-Persian.

Don't worry about whether she is in on the take or not. She is a woman mouthing off in public and it should be a man doing that against the jews, but in this inverted totem pole of victimhood she gets more passes than a White male because of her "protected status" in the zoo. Let the swine fight amongst themselves, her crusade against the jew, as noble as it is for anyone no matter their racial origin, is moot because she is basing it in a civnat weltanschauung with a pinch of Christian morality. She should have gone full Farrakhan, married a black man, kept to her race, and pushed back further against jewish interests and their targeting of blacks both as experimental expendable humans and as bio-weapons against Whites.

Truly the only race to ever give a shit about blacks were Whites, and they gave the most shits about them during Colonialism because they respected their natural inclinations and kept them among their own people. Then the jewish merchants came along and commercialized localized tribal slavery into an intercontinental enterprise that doomed us all with a permanent underclass to be used as golems for nefarious talmudic plots. More and more blacks, especially the older ones, are coming to this conclusion now that the gibs factory smokestacks stopped belching.
In the interest of fairness I think some of the criticism here I don't agree with.

IF Cooper and others are right and Candace has genuinely slipped the leash of her jewish handlers then that is great news.
Good luck to her.
I think her messaging is all over the place and the "Brigitte Macron is a dude" stuff is bizarre and certainly not the hill to die on - but if she WAS actually genuine then - good luck.

The fact that she is a woman and therefore not the best spokesperson in Christian or liturgical terms as you and @MrRedsquare are pointing out is neither here nor there.
IF she was genuine then.. why look a gift horse in the mouth? I don't care if an actual talking horse is talking about jewish power on the TV - it will certainly get attention and thereby give confidence to others to speak up as well.

The main problem remains that...
I just don't think she is genuine. And there are a stack of clues piling up.
Not least how she confuses and waters down the message constantly.
And this issue with her being a "based brown woman" is yet another clue.

jews are very good at giving us Suella Braverman the based brown woman - married to a boss jew.
Or Kemi Bdenoch - another based Black Woman
Or Giorgia Meloni - not brown but still a mummy figure.
And they've all been complete wash outs.

You know what we don't get?
An Actual Based White Man taking on the chosenites. Thats not allowed. Because that would be a lightning rod.
Instead (mainly ethnic) mummy figures. Seems a strategic choice on behalf of the cabal to me.

I think the signs we keep asking for comment on are what tells us that she is yet another gate keeping operation.
But saying "well, she's just a woman anyway" is avoiding the thorny issue of whether she is a plant or not.
I believe that she is a plant, and I would still like to hear all the things that have been pointed out on this thread addressed methodically.

ALSO - careful what you wish for, Farrakhan is a Freemason and a controlled op himself. "The Secet Relationship between Blacks and Jews" ends its third and final volume with the Leo Frank Case.

Well, what about the Civil Rights Movement? What about the violence that followed MLK everywhere he went? What about the jewish communists behind MLK and Rosa Parks?
What about the murder of JFK and the Hart Cellar act that set back American Blacks who suddenly found they couldn't compete with third world migration?
What about jewish control of black entertainment?
Jewish record moguls? The whole gangster Rap jewish phenomenon?
I feel that Farrakhan plays it safe which isn't surprising considering he's a freemason - just like the freemasons and ANC stooges Nelson Mandela and Cyril Ramaphosa.
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