Candace Owens

I have to chuckle a little bit.

The skeptical community here will eat it's own...

Anyone who we might agree with doesn't pass a purity spiral must be a controlled opposition figure.... see I have 5 photos that confirm it!!!

Touch grass all
Thankyou for noticing @PurpleUrkel

@RedLagoon you might notice that - in this excerpt - she basically employs stock standard leftist 'anti-Israel' talking points that have already been used a thousand times.
Then she gets in her analogy that we can't call "left, right and up, down" just because it suits propaganda.
This is a re-rendering of the Chinese legalist philosopher Mo Tse who argued that in war you cannot just call what was called "evil" in peacetime suddeenly "good".
But notice that she uses the "light/dark" metaphors to get across her point to her fellow kabbala masonic crafter.. deploying the old 'black/white' Kabbala symbolism. Sons of light vs Sons of Dark etc.

Then she just tops off a fairly standard leftist set of talking points with "..and I would say also! er.. you er jews are the synagogue of satan!" words which gat some very theologically minded truthers out there excited - but words that just sound odd to everybody else watching. They seemed a bit jarring in the context of the rest of her speech.
BUT they crucially confirm, to those on the Israeli side, that their critics indeed are prejudiced antisemites. Same reason why Israel backed Hamas over the PLO - Israel and World Jewry NEED crazed anti-semites and there is a demand and supply problem with that - hence the manufacturing of Candace Owens.

@Get2choppaaa I'd be very interested to hear you and @Cooper explanations for Candace's latest antics.

Given the context that:

1. Candace was managed and astroturfed throughout her career by jewish media moguls.

2. She married into one of the most zionist and philo semitic freemason families in all of England (possibly crypto-jews themselves).

3. Her husband was made the CEO of Parler, when Parler made the headlines in late 2020 we can all remember -or maybe we don't - Andrew Torba revealing that Trumps people would not allow him on any platform that didn't agree to extra controls on speech, namely extra controls on >>antisemitism<<, one of Trumps jews Jason Miller moved across to GETTR, which along with Parler, was the only non-anti-semitic platform Trumps jews would allow him to use. Miller was on Tim Pool saying that he embraced people of all affiliations in the name of free speech - EXCEPT for "anti semites", wouldn't allow Nick Fuentes as these platforms "are not designed to be OKCupid for White Nationalists", but Mossad-aligned Tommy Robinson (controlled operation) was just Fine..

4. At LEAST when controlled operation Lawrence Fox went on BBC TV and had a (very scripted) confrontation in a town hall tv programme that segued into his whole kosher grift "resistance" political party (that it was painfully obviously was astro turfed, he's best buddies with "Enemy of the State" Tommy Robinson and they are both merrily broadcasting away on YouTube) but AT LEAST his team spotted that Fox the controlled op came from a luvvie liberal acting family that left wing black man Richard Ayoade was married into and so they had the common sense to put out that there were "big fallings out within his family" "tensions in the family" to at least offer a fig leaf of plausibility.
WHERE is that with based anti semitic Candace and her ultra zionist family? How is it that her ZIonist family are okay with her doing all this bizarre and odd 'anti semitism'?
Is she broadcasting from under the broom cupboard while their servants seek her out with torches and pitchforks?
Oh no she's broadcasting from high end well appointed studios, so.. are the rich and powerful, connected (close to Trumps jews) and zionist Farmers now.. protecting her? It doesn't pass the sniff test.
There's a precedent for this in one Nick Griffin who led the British National Party which was unabashed in naming the jew when it came to the West's problems.
Now, Nick Griffin comes from a well established English family and so he was seen as a threat from an early age.
As far back as the late 80's jewish journalists like Bill Buford were following him and doing hit pieces on him. Notice that Bill Buford is a left wing American jew and that Nick Griffin in rural Oxfordshire had to be tracked down and exposed, wherever he was.
Well Nick Griffin was taken out, over time, and his political party the BNP was taken out (in many ways by the MI6 Mossadnik Tommy Robinson) and now, still moneyed and still connected, he keeps a very small media profile posting on his Telegram channel every now and then about how - everything going on now was happening to him back in his day - and "... listen to this amazing piece of English Folk Music" - his family background wasn't enough to protect him from being forced into a very small and obscure media footprint from which he won't get to expand out of any time soon.
Because Griffin was monied and establishment and connected and - None of that mattered when he took on the jews -

5. Remember what happened to Roosh when he allowed "anti semitic" speech on his free speech forum? Apart from the world wide hate campaign against him we also him get doxxed, get photographed outside his Washington postcode address, the media took great delight in posting pictures of the address and informing us that he lived with his mother
MORE than that we saw Roosh get effectively, taken off AirBnB, unable to receive the reveniues he used to receive, Amazon took down all his books,
We also saw with Kanye how his supposed amazing fortune disappeared through his very fingers - from being worth billions to being worth mere millions and a fraction of his money remaining. @Rax Moscow himself said "well, we'll know soon enough if she's genuine, she'll get the Kanye treatment"
And yet here Candace is:
- still happily posting away on YouTube
- taking big grift donations from anyone who wants a one to one with her.

6. Once we get into the realm of Schmuley Boteach we are getting into the more lurid and grotesque areas of the media pantomime.
Very similar to Michael Rappaport and his little rants "take the word .. jew.. out of yo mouth! you don't get to say the word jew! get me!"
Later Michael Rappaport filmed himself walking up and down a hotel corridor saying loudly "how much will ya pay me if I mention da holocaust! how much yes gonna pay me if I mention Jerusalem?" and the less smart people on the internet were sharing it to their hearts content saying "we got him! he works for Mossad!" - THEN Rappaport revealed that it had been satire, and he had been "owning" the anti semites on the net.
The cumulative experience is one of being forced to sit in a room with brattish children making fart jokes for several hours - the natural response is one of distaste and disgust with the tiresomeness of it all.
Rabbi Schmuley and his sex products was a walking joke back in the days when he inveigled himself into Michael Jacksons life and annoyed the living heck out of Michael Jacksons fans everywhere. Just a dishonest jew who made Jacksons life hell - (remember the "they're leeches!" recording from Jackson?)
These days he's just a sick joke, so having her on a broadcast interview arguing with idiots like Piers Morgan (someone who is not exactly taken seriously on either side of the Atlantic) and parody figures like Rabbi (dildo necklace) Schmuley is not exactly the height of debate.
These talking points have been batted back and forth since the early 1980s, the days when Ariel Sharons IDF oversaw the genocide of the women and small children dwelling in Sabra and al Shatila Palestinian camps, and the IDF blew up and murdered so many American soldiers in Beirut.
There is nothing new under the sun - except for the seriousness of the debates.
In the past we had jewish mossadnik Noam Chomsky, trained by zionist British Intelligence, at least having the veneer of being a serious academic and Israel critic, and thus pretending to be serious in his criticisms.
NOW we get Candace and penis nose Schmuley yelling at each other with the moronic Piers Morgan yelling over the top of them.
The murdered and soon to be murdered children in Gaza deserve better.

7. So yes - she posted a photo of herself being led between two pillars along a chequered floor to an altar - Freemason temple imagery.
And as @MrRedsquare pointed out she has been photographed throughout her career (married into a powerful zionist freemason family) throwing freemason hand gestures. It is a point of excommunication for an avowed Catholic to engage in Freemasonry.
Does she ever mention this? Does she ever acknowledge the Kabbala Freemason symbolism she is throwing out? Possible conflicts for a "devout Catholic" like herself being married to a Freemason and operating in a freemasonry dominated media landscape?
AND THEN we get David Icke the zionist controlled freemason retweeting the pillars and the chequered floor and saying "oh no! the Catholic Church is sos so bad..!"
Instead of Mad Magazine and Spy vs Spy, we get kosher Sock Puppet vs kosher Sock Puppet.

8. Notice that she always chooses the most obscure and roundabout ways of calling out the hebrews..
"there was a church in France that the American troops were told to destroy but they were confused and didn't see the tactical need. Well, it turned out that there was no need to blow up that church.."
She's hardly going about things in a straightforward and organised manner.
What is she doing? She is singlehandedly writing the funding applications for a million different jewish backed NGOs and left and right wing kosher journalists.
All they need to do is to point out her slightly weird and cartoonish rants on the internet, or the kind of comments that Vaudeville acts like Rabbi Schmuley and Michael Rappaport attract from anonymous posters and - hey presto! - "dangerous anti semitism" and "right wing fascism" are TRULY on the rise! The Far Right is, indeed, growing in numbers and this is dangerous to our democracy!
You thought that the Netflix movie the Obamas were attached to, all about a Right Wing vigilante take over of America, was a badly drawn fantasy?
Oh No!! Look at this Ker-azy Black Women! The Far Right really are THIS deranged!

And what is her Noble Hill to Die On? What is The Issue that she has nailed her colours to the mast on?
Brigitte Macron Is a Man.
After the 7/7 bombings in London a lot of people had a lot of questions as the official story didn't pass the sniff test. The official story wasn't exactly helped by Bibi Netanyahu saying "yes I was in the area and I was forewarned about the bombings, our intelligence is really that good that I knew beforehand, but only - just-beforehand-mind-you. we knew, but not in time to stop it."
People in the UK were very angry but eventually became philosophical when they saw that their organic Truther movement was fast hijacked by the kosher grift types following intel agency directions.
During Covid it was interesting to see all the organic resistance to Cover tyranny in the UK swift taken over by kosher (usually jewish frontmen and women) grift types. And what did we see being pushed on all these channels? Q level stuff.
Basically everybody was in Guantanamo bay ..? For a while..? And their replacements were all wearing masks..?
Very flipping odd.
Talk about Covid controls and how to resist them? Oh, no..
Yep, talk about how Bill Gates' wife is actually the man Kevin Kline using his acting experience to successfully imitate a woman.
Don't know.
So recently Candace said that Brigitte Macron is not only Really A Man but.. that little factoid is The Most Important Political Scandal of the Modern Age!
I would argue that the jewish bolsheviks being run from London and Wall Street Banks and by the MI6 and OSS while those western aligned jews murdered 10s of Millions of white christian Russians, and the Western establishment helping to cover it up, I would argue that THAT is the biggest political scandal of the modern age.
But no..
Just like the Simpsons the the entire populace is Up in Arms and rioting and the Mayor of Springfield is told to go out there and tell the angry masses something that will really placate them. So he wanders out in front of the crowd and says "Err.. In that Movie the Crying Game? The Chick in it..? She's Really a Man!"
- I thought that was the one Simpsons episode that WASNT predictive programming, but..
"Dear Covid Resistance - don't focus on how to resist this overarching tyranny - Focus instead on how "Bill Gates' wife is.. really... a man! Played by the jewish actor Kevin Kline!"
"Dear populations living under Zionist occupation, Kalergi Immigration and useless wars for Israel - Please Focus instead on how Brigitte Macron is, also, ...really a man!"
She's making people look stupid, which was her job, all along.

And notice how in her recent interviews on the subject the groundbreaking French journalists claim that they were "visited by the secret services!" for revealing the scandal.
Just as "enemy of the State" (actually agent of the state) Tommy Robinson claimed that "the secret services visited me and tried to get me to work for them!" Ironic, that
so these Brave French Journos told the identikit ACME "secret services" where to go! (just like David Icke says that he tells the evil spirits he encounters on his visits to their lairs to 'Get Lost!" which apparently works because, according to him, Demons 'are just prats') Take solace Christians everywhere!
The Frenchies just.. told the Secret Services where to go!! because of course..
Theres a truth teller who goes in to a lot of the scandals around the Dunblane massacre that ushered in UK Gun Controls. She comes out with some interesting stuff but make sure to sprinkle in absurdities and make claims that seem ridiculous.
And what are these French journalists (who told the secret services to just.. get lost!) revealing to us all?
That the age difference is Even Bigger than first thought!

Really? The official version is that in the small town of Amiens in Northern France (same size as a town like Hemel Hempstead in the UK.) there were a few schools and at ONE small school there was a 15 year old boy called Emmanuel Macron who came into contact with drama teacher Brigitte who ALSO had a kid at Macron's school and whose relations with Macron creeped out the locals but not to the extent that, as he got older, their relationship was allowed to go ahead.
An underage student and a female teacher aged 39/40 with a kid roughly his own age, a 24 and a half year age gap.
That is creepy enough as it is.
Now, because its a small town, it's small enough that people get to know a lot about what is going on.
Any town of 100-150,000 people has all its laundry done by gossiping neighbours. Ive seen it in the UK, even a "city" like Aberdeen in Scotland with a similar population (Scotlands population centres are tiny once you leave Edinburgh and Glasgow) has its gossiping locals say to one another "everybody knows everyones business, this place really is a village".
Thats especially the case in French towns.
And we're being told that some bloke, some white man. was wandering around this small French town, passing himself off as not only the MOTHER of a local girl school pupil, but also inveigling himself onto the Teaching staff of this small local school and hitting on the underage boys in the school?
Now, we can all IMAGINE that a gay man dressing himself as a woman WOULD start hitting on underage boys BUT the question is ,,
Nobody noticed any of this?
No one?
The internet with its various filters, Ai and Deepfakes is one thing - how many people here have EVER met a male "female impersonator" and been fooled? Ever...
Ive spent a lot of time in South East Asia, where the famed ladyboys are part of town life and where they proliferate in tourist areas.
Never, Not once, seen a convincing lady boy in real life.
There are at least twenty two skeletal differences between a male skull and a female skull,
Then there's the different body shape. The hands. The VOICE.
even with the neoteny of small, bird like, gay Asian twinks, having had untold amounts of surgery, it is impossible for them to be convincing females. They just approximate the appearance enough to appeal to tourists seeking diverting spectacles and to appeal to closeted homos.
So how did the hundreds, and cumulatively thousands, of people around Brigitte and young Emmanuel Macron fail to notice a Male "Female impersonator" a man, hanging around their kids?

But Not Only did they fail to Notice this weirdo MAN (with a daughter?) wandering around.. but they ALL got the dates wrong!
Turns out, says Candace and friends, that Macron was ACTUALLY FOURTEEN
and Brigitte the Man was ACTUALLY FORTY SEVEN!

now, if you haven't caught up yet, Candace just brought us up to speed on The Biggest Political Scandal of the Modern Age -
***THIRTY THREE*** YEARS!! all along..
33 you say?
As in 33rd degree freemason?
As in Chequered floors and Two pillars that she is being led between?
As in 'King David had 33 royal advisors"?
As in there were '33 steps" to the inner chamber of Solomon's Temple?
The Woman who pushes "Dunblane Unburied" (and there are genuine questions about the Dunblane massacre) will seed into every interview she ever does that the caretaker at Dunblane was THIRTY THREE years old. Every interview. Why? Your guess is a s good as mine, ...I guess.

I would love to hear how we are all being paranoid in noticing this constant signposting?

Notice that Im not the only member who keeps noticing this phenomenon but that people don't see the point in posting frequently or much at all because - they just get ridiculed for said noticing - "LOL. Touch Grass y'all" etc. etc.
Nice Frame control there but, you have to ask, is this famed Overton Window really shifting?

Back in the 90s we had Holocaust Denialists on Donahue and when a "Holocaust SurvivorTM" started ranting about "I saw! I saw vizz mine own eyes! zey made us jews into zee soap!" an official Holocaust expert leaned over in his chair and said softly "er, no that's not possible.."
When there were Holocaust Deniers on Montel Williams' show a Ukrainian stood up and said "it was the jews who murdered millions of my people" and then a black guy in overalls stood up and said "and another thing, who really brought the slaves to America? It was the jews!" (Montel saying hurriedly "Okay! Okay! Lets go to break!")

So.. is the Overton Window really shifting? Thanks to controlled Ops like Tucker and Candace?
But not in the direction that people think..
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Yes and no... The more I listen to all of this "gotcha" bickering the more sense @BarrontheTigerCat makes. Somebody has got to get more verbally radical than this. Candace and Tucker and Nick and the rest just aren't stringing enough intense kill-shots together. In the end, "discussions" like this that are meant to "clarify" just seem to muddy the waters even more. Thus the question becomes, "Is this unintentional or by design?"
I think Nick does a pretty good job. That is why Candace and Tucker will never have him on their shows. At least Alex Jones has the courage to let Nick speak, I'll give Alex Jones the nod there, even if he seems to be a disinformation agent.
This pretty much goes against everything Barron wrote about Candace:

She calls out the Lubavitch cult and its religious doctrine of supremacy.

Okay so I listened to this, waiting to hear my opinions confounded. Waiting to see Rabbi Schmuley face drop.

Im not sure that we watched the same video.
3 Minutes to go - 180 seconds -
aaand we're off..

First of all - the whole world agrees that Rabbi Schmuley is mentally unwell ... so MSM talking heads using their tiny windows of opportunity to ignore the key issues and just insult each other.
Then the concern trolling "Im actually sad.." that you're a mental case Schmuley! This is High school tier insults. She's only got a small window in which to condense what she needs to get across. Candace did not make her name in the Main Stream Media by being as sloppy as this.

Next - "Rabbi Schmuley ... you.. Michael Jackson.. black community" which I presume was a response to Schmuley (who I stated previously is NOT a serious figure) trying to shame Candace for her criticisms of BLM.
But there is Red Meat there for her to go into if she wants go ad hominem and talk aboutSchmuleys duplicity and greed - but she doesn't, she just says "er, you and Michael Jackson? No Black Community for you!"
she could have spurred off into exploitation and 360 degree contracts and record executives like Lyor Cohen OR if she was the brave edgy firebrand we are being told she is THEN she could have talked about jewish Clive Davis who sexually abused P Diddy and taught him all the sexual harassment and blackmail tricks that Diddy ever knew. But no, didn't happen.

Okay so she's only got 3 minutes. Actually less, now.. what's next?

She talks about how Supremacy is a universally accepted bad thing.
White Supremacy! - Jewish myth, jewish bete noire
Black Supremacy! - well they're good at some things Candy, but not so much Supreme or even Superior in most things.
Radical Islam! - oh that old jewish bets noire that they hate so much - good work, Candace.

Ah, no, wait! Don't say that she is going to tackle Jewish Supremacy? That the whole religion teaches that they are ethnically the chosen race AND that they are biologically to us as humans are to dumb animals.
She's going to say it! Quote the Talmud! The "its okay to molest kids part" or.. The prophesy that all jews would be guaranteed 200 goyim slaves after the Moshiach comes!
and... yes... she's actually doing it! She's going after the Ethnically Supremacist teachings of .... the jewi- no, wai-what?
She's... going after.... the Ethnically Supremacist teachings of .. Rabbi Schneerson?
So not - the entire jewish religion? Just some rabbi that most viewers have never heard of?

But any viewer will see that Rabbi Schmuley is.. a jewish rabbi.
So what she says next makes no sense whatsoever.
he's a jew. he's not a Hindu Muslim Taoist Christian Buddhist etc. so.. is he supposed to be a Christian as well? Of course not.
Candace: "So.. rejecting Christ as his messiah, and taking another.."
Lets try this again shall we Candace? What is your problem with jewish people? Answer: they don't believe in Christianity.
That does not come across well.
But when the jews tell people that non-elitist America is full of weird Christians full of weird prejudices against non Christians that messaging has been strengthened by Candace saying she doesn't like other religions and that we should be critical of other religions because they're ..checks notes... "other religions".
Doing the rabbis work for them it seems.

So rather than pointing out that jews believe that they are most gods and the rest of the world are just vermin - and witness the fruits of that attitude in Gaza, instead she starts in on an obscure (to most viewers) Rabbi. Bizarre. She and the people behind her are not this dumb, unless its on purpose.

But I mean.. Schneerson right? So if she is this crazed firebrand we willl hear about how Klaus Schwab sat with Rabbi Schneerson in Greenwich Village and watched the towers fall as they are breakfast together, And then, Dancing Israelis! Lucky Larry Silverstein! The jews did 9-11!
OR if she is this smart and genuine critic of all things semitic then she will start in on the Chabad cult - and crucially point out how they surround both the Trump White House and Vladimir Putin. Why does this nutty cult have so much access to halls of power - go on, talk about Chabad Candace! Let her rip!
No? No.. Nope.
Its all Rabbi Schneerson, Schneerson.. Schneerson - that will mean nothing to viewers, hardly any mention of Chabad.. and an open goal missed. (deliberately?)
And then she quotes her evidence - a speech by Schneerson.

At this point its just appears to the average viewer that there's a conflict in the Middle East and a muslim cleric has come on and.. "the other guest is focusing on the cleric instead and quoting some obscure speech made by some Mufti that the cleric follows" Hardly Persuasive.
And remember that this debate was touching on Gaza -where children are murdered, have been murdered, will continue to be murdered..
What a dropped ball. Seriously, whose side is she even on?

So she quotes this speech about the inner (spiritual? etheric? cosmic?) body and the outer body that didn't really sound very straightforward - why is she wasting time, doing this and barbering on about some Rabbi Schneerson instead of jewry in general or Chabad at the very least.
And she says "it was translated by Israel Shahak" - irony levels are high.

If you tell a jew that you are reading a book about jewry and judaism written by a jew there are only a very few names that will draw their ire or amusement:
Ron Unz
Norman Finkelstein
and... Israel Shahak

And she must know that Shahak is not only controversial but that he has been accused in Israel of "fabricating events" and generally making things up. She will know that.. and she will know that Schmuley made a criticism of Shahak and what he saw as fabrications in quite a restrained and thoughtful way, for Boteach. Schmuley "makes things up out of thin air" eh? I mean he probably does but funny to mention that and then invoke Shahak as an authority.
Of all the authorities for Candace to invoke.
So she is sitting there in 3 minutes of valuable air time and she is pulling every punch she should be delivering.
"There were jews in New York! who built tunnels! and they threw things! at the police! (deep breath) ...Rabbi Schneerson" (yeah well its 2024 Candace and what most viewers have noticed that throwing things at the police is en vogue and knows no barrier of race, creed, caste or religion)
"per the Times of Isreal that group was aligned to a faction that was headquarters .. Rabbi Schneerson!" - just say Chabbad, Candace.

"There ARE radical jews!" Not so much that as the religion itself and the beliefs are... a little bit mental. I don't want to hear about "there are moderate satanists!"
For some fearless firebrand she certainly does water down every message she delivers.

I read somewhere that Schmuleys face "visibly dropped" during this 'withering broadside' from Candace. I didn't see that - I saw him just stay more or less passive faced as she did all his work for him.
He didn't take Jesus as his Messiah!
He follows a guy who gave a talk once as translated by and I quote professor mend- (Im falling asleep)
New York! Fought with Police!
Chabb- no, wait Don't Mention Chabad. Shut that down, quick smart.

And her and this weirdo Rabbi Schmuley seem to be becoming a familiar double act. That smacks of programming, creating duelling celebrities for the public to root for. But you can't root for either because they're both so off key in their messaging.

She's aimless, wandering, its completely unpersuasive.. she either had a frontal lobotomy or, sure enough, just like Kemi Bdenoch or Suella Braverman in the UK she is yet another Based Black/Brown WomanTM brought to you by her jewish owners..
giving the opposition the Red Meat they crave, giving their own side the "Christian Antisemitism" propaganda they need and moving the needle of weakening jewish power precisely nowhere. Only enhancing it, long term.
... she is yet another Based Black/Brown WomanTM brought to you by her jewish owners..
This is a serious question... In your opinion does Candace actually know she is "owned" or is she unconsciously being "controlled." For example, if you put her under a truth serum would she actually say "I'm a jewish Freemason agent of Satan and my handler's name is...", or would she say, "I have no idea what you're talking about, I'm a Christian woman being directed by God to speak truth to JQ power"?
This is a serious question... In your opinion does Candace actually know she is "owned" or is she unconsciously being "controlled." For example, if you put her under a truth serum would she actually say "I'm a jewish Freemason agent of Satan and my handler's name is...", or would she say, "I have no idea what you're talking about, I'm a Christian woman being directed by God to speak truth to JQ power"?

and @BarrontheTigerCat

Don't forget the option of semi-conscious. I (unfortunately) find myself going through the world semi-conscious at times. I don't mean drunk but I do find myself making compromises and conveniently forgetting the significance of those sorts of things sometimes.
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@PurpleUrkel @Northumber

Its deliberate.

She pulls every punch, gets bogged down in trivia, ends up in the weeds - she's a very smart woman, she knows exactly what she's doing.

When Peter Boyle starred as "wizard" in Taxi Driver he said that Scorsese's advice to him before the scene was: "Bickle's character really needs help, he really needs advice, so give him advice... but make it the worst, least helpful advice a man could get"

We're all aware of the Chabad tunnels in New York. There is so much mileage to be gotten out of that subject.
Remember at the beginning of their debate Piers Morgan emphasises "3 minutes" and then when Boteach bangs on and on about himself for 4 and a half minutes Piers Morgan said "three minutes! make use of your time" so it is not possible that she doesn't realise how much time she is wasting.

In the movie Taxi Driver Robert de Niro, hands in his pockets, says "I don't know I don't know man, I just feel .."
And his "advisor"Peter Boyle as Wizard tells him "I don't know man I mean people say "you are what you do" I mean .. I'm a taxi driver, okay? that's what I do, that's me I guess."
Deliberately meaningless advice.

WE could all go in to any interview and shoot round after round on target, jews did 9-11, jews killed Kennedy, AIPAC owns the US political system, if jews did 9-11 then think about all those other "terrorist" incidents.

What does SHE say "And er per the Times of Israel there was a building in New York and allegedly it was connected to Rabbi Schneerson"
What? "connections to Rabbi Shneerson"?
Why not just say .... Chabad? It was the Chabad headquarters ..after all.
She deliberately spiked what she was saying.
Why does she say "refer to the translation done by the er professors Mende-wicz(?) and, also the professor Israel Shahak.." why doesn't she just go straight to the quote? what's the need for these professors names?
Why is she going round the houses on this issue? She's spiking the message.
Definitely spiking the message by citing Israel Shahak - who is a discredited source in jewish and Israeli eyes - and she knows that, which is why she mentioned him. Spiking the message again.

I follow the career of a sportsman called Sonny Bill Williams who I find quite annoying and especially regarding the introduction of ISlam into New Zealand.
Now, if I want to go after Sonny Bill Williams' reputation I will mention his relationship with South African imam Mufti Menk who has made a lot of oddball pronouncements.
But that's very specific.
If were debating Islam in the west and grooming gangs and cultural compatibility Im not going to talk about one controversial figure that most people have never heard of.

She should, at the very least, be saying "Chabad Chabad Chabad" relentlessly. Instead she keeps mentioning the Rabbi Schneerson.
Normies don't care about one obscure (to them) Rabbi.
Interestingly we have a JQ thread on here that runs for dozens and dozens and pages - Rabbi Schneerson hardly ever gets mentioned. Chabad gets mentioned far more.
Because we are concerned with the truth. She isn't. She keeps replacing Chabad with Schneerson.
Not the first time she's done this - she previously talked about "Frankists". And she does that a lot.
The old "No True Scotsman" fallacy.
Every time E Michael Jones interviews a Rabbi they wriggle out of points he makes saying "Yes but that's not the jews! that's the Frankist Sabbateans!"
And she does the same thing "The Frankists!" "The Cultists!" "The Luciferian Globalists!" she plays along with the jewish defence of "that's not real judaism"
She plays their game.
Candace: "And there ARE satanic cults operating within ALL of the faiths and using them ALL"
OH! so... its not judaism and the jews? Its not the jews right?
Its ..checks notes.. mysterious satanists involved in ALL religions at the SAME time.
Its all so obscure and poking at the leaves and twigs around the edges, "In 1945 an American unit received orders to attack a Church and they were confused.." leaves and twigs and refusing to go for the Heartwood
- lets try this again.. There Was No Holocaust. Never Happened.
Quote the jewish British Intelligence operative Cavendish-Bentinck who said during the war (more-or-less) "the fictional gas chamber narrative isn't working .. so lets just let it slide"
Say it again. The Holocaust is a Myth.
Did she do that?

Piers Morgan played the tape where she says the "problems with Hitler is that he had plans Outside Germany.." which is not necessarily true "he invaded Poland"
well, Poland attacked Germany so.. she's lying on that one. She's constantly lying, invoking bad sources, and focusing on strange trivia and just refusing to go for the jugular.
Put on the spot by Piers Morgan she said "No I am not a Holocaust Denier. ..terrible things that the Nazi Scientists did... Operation Paperclip they continued, the Nazi Scientists continued and did terrible experiments on Americans"
Piers Morgan: "to be clear Do you accept the Nazis murdered 6 million jews in the Holocaust?"
Candace: "Absolutely I am NOT a Holocaust denier I have said that many times" LIAR.
Piers Morgan: "You accept that Joseph Mengele was a despicable man?"
Candace: "Oh yes all of the horrific things that the Nazi Scientists did, the Nazi Scientists, all of them, were horrific" LIAR.
Piers Morgan came to her defence - "She just made it crystal clear that she doesn't deny the Holocaust She just said it You can't call someone a Holocaust denier when she says that 6 million jews died in the Holocaust!"

She's a LIAR.

LIES. she's just a liar, a skilful gate keeper working for her jewish handlers.
I once saw her saying that "Anne Frank and Leo Frank were direct relatives of Jacob Frank"
I mean is that true? Is she poisoning the well more or is that an honest fact?

And I know so many Christians who watched the same interview and are getting really excited.
Well you see - and this is a direct quote - "Israel relies on the Evangelical Christian base in America, Candace just pointed out that they are Christ Killers and so now the evangelicals will withdraw all support for Israel and thus America will no longer support Israel. If America washes its hands of Zionism Israel is Caput. This is awesome dude!"
When I pointed out that she, several times, affirmed the Holocaust myth his reply was: "she's facing an evil Satanic force and she's having to ward off their psychic attacks - you can see she is keeping her mind and body together and warding off what they're doing to her while speaking to an audience that is new to a lot of this stuff, Id say that she looks very well mentally and physically and is juggling the demands of her task very well!"
And then he sent me this post about an exhibition of Nazi propaganda in the Netherlands being "closed down early because people were misinterpreting the propaganda incorrectly".. and he says "we're winning!"

We're losing.
Scrabbling around desperately on the internet trying to find some crumbs of comfort, of consolation.
We have been reduced to little teenage fan club members trawling the internet for the most obscure and random things that we can share with each other as .. winning! Thats not winning.
Controlling your own states finances is winning.
Getting free of Usury is winning.
Having secure borders is winning.
Having leaders we can more or less trust is Winning.
Instead what we cling to as winning is having Candace
out there,
prowling around.. winning for all of us, y'know doing things like
>affirming the Holocaust myth..
>throwing freemason hand gestures
>putting out chequered floor dual pillar symbolism
>putting out Freemason "Christ Consciousness" blasphemy on her channel
>Safe and Monetised on Youtube
> Taking donations from anyone who wants to contact her. Real thorn in the establishment side obviously..
>telling us that Brigitte Macron being a dude is "the biggest political scandal of the modern age"
>taking time to tell us that The Real Age Difference Is "THIRTY THREE/ "33" !!!
>telling us (just like David Icke) that "its Not the jews!" its the... Frankists!
>telling us that "its not the jews" its the ... "Satanic Cults that have taken over ALL religions! ALL of them" oh, okay then..
would that be Satanic Cults like the one that you and your entourage belong to Candace?
You did deliberately say that you want to "get a Pizza" with Rabbi Schmuley..

so, about that.. "winning with shabbos goy Candace" < ?
Firebrand truth tellers usually.. checks notes.. tell the truth? Don't they?
They don't go around affirming jewish lies about human soap and gas chambers to the entire world. that's not what's typically called "truth telling".
I don't understand this level of wishful thinking I keep seeing from the various little fan clubs I know.
They'd be better off joining a fan club for Taylor Swift or Marvel Comics. Then they'd know its all an entertaining fantasy.
The Overton Window hasn't shifted as the fan boys keep claiming.
She is not going to convince many to buy her messaging because it is (deliberately) all over the shop.
so no America is not going to pull out of Israel because Candace and Rabbi Schmuley kept shouting over each other.
In fact she will alienate just as many from her message as she will attract. Thats the Overton Window shifting for the jews.
The jewish blood libel that Christians are irrationally anti semitic because of weird 'Christian superstitions' has been strengthened. Thats the Overton Window shifting - for the jews again.

So yes Candace is another jewish controlled op. Just las, in the past, supposed "Israel critic" Noam Chomsky was actually working for the Israeli Zionists that secretly employed him.
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I haven't read your post in detail, as it's too long and I am at work, but taking that church floor as evidence of masonic signaling is simply far too weak and inconclusive a basis to discredit her as controlled opposition.
Doesn't read my post because of being "at work"
But falsely summarises an argument I didn't rely on.
Straw Mans me and thus declares that I am wrong.

Will eventually take the time to read what I wrote? And get back to me?
That was in April.
Never got back to me.

Posts again in September that I, and my arguments, have been "confounded". Im still not sure how, though.
Post and point out that my arguments haven't been "confounded" all..
No reply on the points I made, not since April.

Tag @Get2choppaaa a couple of days ago.. "And STILL no comment from the nay sayers on the relentless freemason/satanism with all its hand signals and numerology"
STILL No Response.
And Candace is out there - going out of her way to tell us that not only is Brigitte a man BUT the real age difference is... 33"
I would like a comment on the constant kabbalah/freemason signposting Candace "I believe the Holocaust Happened" Owens does..
cos I think MrRedSquare and I and others can all pour ourselves Big Drinks having called that one many moons ago.

Funny thing is, there's one crowd that tells us to ignore "conspiracy thinking" be it East Palestine/Netflix chemical spills or whatever and tells us to just stay on the plantation and "Vote Harder". This is the crowd that dismisses peremptorily any argument without needing to even acknowledge the points made.
Without needing to address any points made.
This is the same crowd that actually tells people how they should type and structure their arguments, and then dismisses whatever gets written.

The more people marshall their arguments and obstinately refuse to believe that say, "Lee Harvey Oswald shot a useless Caracano out of a sixth floor window and any other version of events is just nonsense!" etc etc, the more the response is "Walls of text! LOL! Can someone read that for me? ha ha"
That's passive aggressive conduct.

And it really does seem like people want to make pronouncements - which is fine.
And then avoid any attempts to get them to justify those pronouncements - which is a sign, not of strength or confidence, but of insecurity.

We're not going to always agree. A lot of the time it takes a while for events to shake out (like Jordan Petreson and Tommy Robinson being jewish-controlled ops, for example)
But actually reading the arguments people were forced to make in order to counter our own pronouncements?
Thats not a big ask.
That's part and parcel of having a "forum", I would argue.
Doesn't read my post because of being "at work"
But falsely summarises an argument I didn't rely on.
Straw Mans me and thus declares that I am wrong.

Will eventually take the time to read what I wrote? And get back to me?
That was in April.
Never got back to me.

Posts again in September that I, and my arguments, have been "confounded". Im still not sure how, though.
Post and point out that my arguments haven't been "confounded" all..
No reply on the points I made, not since April.

Tag @Get2choppaaa a couple of days ago.. "And STILL no comment from the nay sayers on the relentless freemason/satanism with all its hand signals and numerology"
STILL No Response.
And Candace is out there - going out of her way to tell us that not only is Brigitte a man BUT the real age difference is... 33"
I would like a comment on the constant kabbalah/freemason signposting Candace "I believe the Holocaust Happened" Owens does..
cos I think MrRedSquare and I and others can all pour ourselves Big Drinks having called that one many moons ago.

Funny thing is, there's one crowd that tells us to ignore "conspiracy thinking" be it East Palestine/Netflix chemical spills or whatever and tells us to just stay on the plantation and "Vote Harder". This is the crowd that dismisses peremptorily any argument without needing to even acknowledge the points made.
Without needing to address any points made.
This is the same crowd that actually tells people how they should type and structure their arguments, and then dismisses whatever gets written.

The more people marshall their arguments and obstinately refuse to believe that say, "Lee Harvey Oswald shot a useless Caracano out of a sixth floor window and any other version of events is just nonsense!" etc etc, the more the response is "Walls of text! LOL! Can someone read that for me? ha ha"
That's passive aggressive conduct.

And it really does seem like people want to make pronouncements - which is fine.
And then avoid any attempts to get them to justify those pronouncements - which is a sign, not of strength or confidence, but of insecurity.

We're not going to always agree. A lot of the time it takes a while for events to shake out (like Jordan Petreson and Tommy Robinson being jewish-controlled ops, for example)
But actually reading the arguments people were forced to make in order to counter our own pronouncements?
Thats not a big ask.
That's part and parcel of having a "forum", I would argue.
I'm sorry but where did you tag me so I can decide if you're looking for a response
At this point claiming that Candace is controlled opposition is plain dumb.

I know she's not saying Israel did 9/11 here, and some folks are going to complain about this, but that's because she is smart enough to understand how far and how quickly she can lead her audience.

People are eventually going to figure out that Silverstein here is part of a bigger cabal, once they start digesting the hard truth that building 7 was brought down by a controlled demolition. Once this fact is fully absorbed, many corollaries will flow from this, mainly that 9/11 was an inside job. Her main task here is to start driving home that fact with her audience.

The points Candace is actively taking on are extremely sensitive and huge, there really are no bigger truths, and she is approaching them in a path that can successfully engage and lead her audience to the truth, gradually. There is no better approach here, people who are criticizing her for hiding certain elements and not revealing everything at once are completely misguided here and don't understand how complicated the process of managing the cognitive dissonance of her large, purple-pilled audience. Candace's strength is that she understands this basic psychological element.

Doesn't read my post because of being "at work"
But falsely summarises an argument I didn't rely on.
Straw Mans me and thus declares that I am wrong.

Will eventually take the time to read what I wrote? And get back to me?
That was in April.
Never got back to me.

Posts again in September that I, and my arguments, have been "confounded". Im still not sure how, though.
Post and point out that my arguments haven't been "confounded" all..
No reply on the points I made, not since April.

Please try to write in a less rambling style, with more concise posts, and try to organize your content in paragraphs.

It is not reasonable to expect people to reply to every item in a long-winded, disorganized series of posts.

Present your main case against Candace in a clear, concise and precise manner and I will respond promptly.
There is no better approach here, people who are criticizing her for hiding certain elements and not revealing everything at once are completely misguided here and don't understand how complicated the process of managing the cognitive dissonance of her large, purple-pilled audience. Candace's strength is that she understands this basic psychological element.

I understand this process. There are many things I wouldn't know if not for various purple pilled sources stringing things together.

For me it's essentially a trust issue with Candace. I find it very difficult to get over symbolism like that church floor/architecture she entered the Church in. I also don't trust public figures in general (even to a certain extent my favorite youtubers) because I know vainglory is persistent in that realm.

That being said I still appreciate her posts and your posts about her here.