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Brother Nathanael Thread

Thank goodness! Thanks for posting these. It's great that he is on YouTube now but sometimes you just like to hear his best invective when speaking of international jewry.
Is he still in Colorado? I swear I saw him at a ROCOR church in the south some years ago, and he asked me who the presiding priest was (or whatever, it was vespers, IDK I'm not Orthodox and the worst person to ask). I didn't engage him beyond that (or him me).

That's all I got.
I suspected Jewtube would would catch on eventually. That's a shame.

This is why you will never see me paying for "Premium" Jewtube, and why I will continue to use uBlock Origin.
One of my top favorites of his:

"Hitler's New Popularity"

He really knows how to deliver truth with a comedic touch:

From 3:39 "What jew has ever invented anything? The gentiles have given us edison, tesla, ford, graham bell, orville wright, and goodyear! I mean what tool has ever been named after a jew?! We have DeWalt drills, Bosch grinders, Stanley hammers, and Milwaukee saws, but no Garfinkel grinders, no Dershowitz drills, nor Rubenstein routers! What jew has ever created great works of architecture?! The gentiles have given us Buckminster Fullers and Frank Lloyd Wrights, no Abrams, Silversteins, or Levins! What jew has ever created great works of literature?! The gentiles have given us Melvilles, Twains, Tolstoys, Conan Doyles and Kiplings, but the jew barfs out sick fiction in the Ross, the Kafkas, the Salingers, the Millers, and the Steins!"

And from 6:13
"I mean everywhere you look, some yid has a grandma that's a "survivor"!
Yesterday on Brother's Nathanael's site:

Screenshot 2024-01-11 at 9.49.25 PM.png

Later that day:

