Nothing has been lost. BTC is not stored on the wallet...a copy of the ledger is stored on tens of thousands of nodes, all around the world.
BTC is the only "thing" that it is possible to truly own. All of those tools (truck, generator) can be taken from you. If Biden were to outlaw fossil fuels, police can come take those things from you. Your drug addicted neighbor can shoot you and drive away in your 4x4. Bitcoin cannot be taken. You can take it to the grave and it yet it still cannot be taken by anyone unless you want it to.
If you don't take responsibility and don't secure your Bitcoin properly, yes it can be stolen. But with proper security, it is the most secure property that has ever existed.
Electricity and the internet. Everything in our civilization depends on these things. Everyone is screwed if those go down! This is a nonsense argument. Maybe a coronal mass ejection would do this, but it still doesn't break Bitcoin...it still exists, unless you think we will never have electricity or Internet again...
Something as important as electricity and telecom...essential infrastructure that humans will move heaven and earth to protect and re-establish. Also, the millions of people with $1 trillion in BTC are incentivised to keep it running.
It's never been hacked, and whether it is made illegal or not, is meaningless and hilarious. Making BTC illegal is like trying to outlaw pre-marital sex. Good luck with that, government...
Nothing has been lost. BTC is not stored on the wallet...a copy of the ledger is stored on tens of thousands of nodes, all around the world.
BTC is the only "thing" that it is possible to truly own. All of those tools (truck, generator) can be taken from you. If Biden were to outlaw fossil fuels, police can come take those things from you. Your drug addicted neighbor can shoot you and drive away in your 4x4. Bitcoin cannot be taken. You can take it to the grave and it yet it still cannot be taken by anyone unless you want it to.
If you don't take responsibility and don't secure your Bitcoin properly, yes it can be stolen. But with proper security, it is the most secure property that has ever existed.
Electricity and the internet. Everything in our civilization depends on these things. Everyone is screwed if those go down! This is a nonsense argument. Maybe a coronal mass ejection would do this, but it still doesn't break Bitcoin...it still exists, unless you think we will never have electricity or Internet again...
Something as important as electricity and telecom...essential infrastructure that humans will move heaven and earth to protect and re-establish. Also, the millions of people with $1 trillion in BTC are incentivised to keep it running.
It's never been hacked, and whether it is made illegal or not, is meaningless and hilarious. Making BTC illegal is like trying to outlaw pre-marital sex. Good luck with that, government...
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