April 8th, 2024 Solar Eclipse

Witchcraft that dares to call itself "Christian"? I thought celestial phenomena were something different than earthbound ones.

Also, it's rather ominous that they say the solar eclipse might coincide with the appearance of the two-horned "devil comet" Pons-Brooks. Is God trying to warn us?​
Thats satans calendar, creation is fallen and so are human beings and so are the ones who taught this to humans, do you think they taught this for our good or to harm us?

Nice post, like always.

The cited passages in Leviticus and Deuteronomy do not explicitly mention astrology/stargazing, but rather ambiguously "divination". Also, the overwhelming emphasis on the two luminaries Sun and Moon - as well as the other celestial bodies - in the beginning of Genesis, and especially the word "omina" in 1:14 left me thinking that there might be more purpose to astronomy than just serving as a tool to navigating earthly life.

I have more arguments in store - for instance the Ptolemaic model (2nd century AD) of the cosmos which has been adapted by Christians, where there are planetary spheres and God together with his angels are held to reside in the highest sphere of the Empyreum. But I fear that further expanding on this matter might derail this thread. Perhaps I'll post something about the Ptolemaic model in the other thread about the Flat Earth model of the universe, which I hold to be false.​
Gazing up at the stars and getting life direction and intepritation from them is not the same things no church father or saint did these things yet they had great wisdom and insight, also notice how many people who practice astrology have bent the knee to Christ, none, you are on a dangerous path my friend its going to lead you away from Christ and the church

Just asking - but where is the proof for the modern assumption that astrology would be anti-Christian? In earlier times, astrology seems to have been widely accepted by Christians.

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Apparently there was a famous English astrologer named William Lilly who even wrote a book explicitly titled "Christian Astrology" (published 1647 in London).

Does anyone know if this person was named and condemned by his Church?​
This type of thing was not uncommon in it's context. The most famous examples of these "Christian occultists" are John Dee, and his student, Edward Kelley.

They viewed these magical practices as sciences and something that God gave humans to explore.

Obviously, astrology (which is a form of divination) is forbidden by God but that doesn't stop people, who call themselves Christians, from rationalizing their way out of His ordinances as they do with the other commandments.

Occultism is a very powerful temptation so I would not court it for a second.
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Astrology is not magic, though. It should not be lumped together with earthbound divination practices such as tarot cards. The celestial bodies are moving in accordance with God's will. We can predict their motions with like 100% mathematical precision for years, if not millennia in advance. God literally commanded us to do this.

Calculating astronomical phenomena in itself already is a form of divination. Astronomers have predicted that the Moon will eclipse the Sun on April 8th, 2024, and also that the path of totality will lie over parts of Mexico and the US.

Think about Genesis 1:14 and what happens during a total solar eclipse. "Day" is turned into "night" for a few minutes. The light is getting switched off. Is this just some random, meaningless event for us to gaze and marvel at?​

Astrology is not magic, though. It should not be lumped together with earthbound divination practices such as tarot cards. The celestial bodies are moving in accordance with God's will. We can predict their motions with like 100% mathematical precision for years, if not millennia in advance. God literally commanded us to do this.

Calculating astronomical phenomena in itself already is a form of divination. Astronomers have predicted that the Moon will eclipse the Sun on April 8th, 2024, and also that the path of totality will lie over parts of Mexico and the US.

Think about Genesis 1:14 and what happens during a total solar eclipse. "Day" is turned into "night" for a few minutes. The light is getting switched off. Is this just some random, meaningless event for us to gaze and marvel at?​
Saying that astrology can be ok with Christianity is a fringe view. I'd say most of the people on this forum (including me) categorically denounce astrology as pagan/heathen/new age/witchcraft.

You might think we're all wrong, and some charlatan from the pre-modern era that claimed to do Christian astrology was right. How do you tell who to believe?

You can go by church tradition, and you can go by scripture.

A quick search immediately finds plenty of material showing what scripture has to say about astrology.

A quick search on Christian perspectives on astrology quickly shows that all major Christian traditions reject it. There were some periods in medieval times when some people dabbled with it, but these have all been roundly rejected for many centuries.

I certainly wouldn't go back to find the ancient writings of one of those heretics, and announce that they were right all along!
Y'all were triggered into NPC mode upon reading the word "astrology" and thus went on a witch-hunt, totally forgetting about the topic of this thread which is the upcoming solar eclipse.

Also, it's rather ominous that they say the solar eclipse might coincide with the appearance of the two-horned "devil comet" Pons-Brooks. Is God trying to warn us?​
Think about Genesis 1:14 and what happens during a total solar eclipse. "Day" is turned into "night" for a few minutes. The light is getting switched off. Is this just some random, meaningless event for us to gaze and marvel at?​

You still haven't answered my questions. What's the point of watching the eclipse?

Astrology is not magic, though. It should not be lumped together with earthbound divination practices such as tarot cards. The celestial bodies are moving in accordance with God's will. We can predict their motions with like 100% mathematical precision for years, if not millennia in advance. God literally commanded us to do this.

Calculating astronomical phenomena in itself already is a form of divination. Astronomers have predicted that the Moon will eclipse the Sun on April 8th, 2024, and also that the path of totality will lie over parts of Mexico and the US.

Think about Genesis 1:14 and what happens during a total solar eclipse. "Day" is turned into "night" for a few minutes. The light is getting switched off. Is this just some random, meaningless event for us to gaze and marvel at?​
know when the seasons will change or where the moon is going to be in a few days from now is not fortune telling, giving an intepritation as to why the moon sun or planets is where they are thats fortune telling, we can look at the sun moon and stars and predict weather but we not adding any intepritation to that,
Y'all were triggered into NPC mode upon reading the word "astrology" and thus went on a witch-hunt, totally forgetting about the topic of this thread which is the upcoming solar eclipse.

You still haven't answered my questions. What's the point of watching the eclipse?
It's no mystery that needs an explanation. An eclipse is an amazing sight. Who doean't want to see an amazing sight? That doesn't give it astrological significance.
Yesterday a cashier at a gas station tried to sell me solar eclipse glasses made for this year's eclipse. I may just point my phone at it and film it so I can see it.
I just got myself a Twitter/X account.

So far I'm following one "far right" influencer and that's it. My newsfeed has been empty. the account is only a few days old.

But today I was 'suggested' a post about the woo-woo aspects of Eclipses. 1/2
AND an influencer Ive never heard of was "suggested" for me saying "I have a feeling a terrible event is about to happen in the world, something awful is written in the heavens, please join me and pray" 2/2

They are signal boosting this eclipse hard.
Maybe nothing will happen..

Its definitely the case though that our Occult Overlords believe in things like Numerology, Gemattria, Geomancy and Atrology .. so this Eclipse will mean a lot - To Them At Least.

Whether they plan any big happening on the date of the eclipse remains to be seen, it could just be that they use it to draft particularly evil legislation or plan something drastic for further down the line. But Im persuaded that our overlords are very concerned with the motion of the heavens and how to capitalise on them.
I don't believe anything gubermint-involved-wise will happen on April 8. No power outages, no internet down, no security breaches, etc, etc. It will be just another day, save for the eclipse itself.

But I do think things will happen AFTER this event. Things that WILL be by the hand of the gubermint.

And the masses will simply attribute it to something else, because "if the gubermint were really going to do that, then they would have done it when the eclipse happened so then no one would have even suspected them".
I'm worried about hysteria with people. Although the way I think of things people do become subject to various "spirits" that are out there. And there are certainly interesting spirits these days.

Some interesting coincidences to consider

- They are firing up CERN at the same time
- NASA's rocket launch that was mentioned before (and it being named after a deity of chaos)
- eclipses in the US have coincided with earthquakes in the past (one just happened today in NY)
- eclipses do affect nature's cycles: birds stop singing, nocturnal animals come out
- larger than usual cicadas hatch on the horizon
What really worries me is those rockets they're sending up into space on the same day. Why that day? And why are they named after some Egyptian God of destruction?
Can you elaborate? There are no space launches scheduled for 4/8.

EDIT: Never mind, found it.

Apep aka Apophis was the Egyptian deity of chaos.
The 2017 eclipse was across the country from west to east. The eclipse on Monday is from Texas to Maine.

The paths of totality meet at Carbondale, Illinois, also known as “Little Egypt.”
They have a college there with a mascot named the Saluki’s, which is:
“an Egyptian-bred dog which is the oldest of all domesticated dogs," reported the Southern Illinoisan after the dog was proposed as the university's mascot in 1951. "The salukis are carved on Egyptian tombs of 4,000 years ago and mummified bodies have been found in graves. The dogs were first taken out of Egypt in 329 B.C. when Alexander the Great invaded India and Palestine. The saluki-type dogs are the probable ancestors of the greyhound, the Russian and Irish wolfhounds and the Scottish deerhound."

LHC April 8.webp
Apophis Eclipser.webp
Comet eclipse 2024.webp

By the way, "signs from the sky" and divination / daily astrology / fortune telling / superstitiousness / getting life directions from the stars are not the same thing.
"And God said; "Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:" (Genesis 1:14)
"Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, saying; "Where is he that is born King of the Jews? For we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him." (...) When they had heard the king, they departed; and, lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young child was. When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy." (Matthew 2)
"And great earthquakes shall be in diverse places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven." (Luke 21:11)
You still haven't answered my questions. What's the point of watching the eclipse?
You won't know the point until you see it for yourself.
Some things in this world can't be abstracted into words, pictures, or even photographs.
We don't have the language or technology.
Cameras don't have the dynamic range to capture it.
I would say it's magic but that doesn't tell you anything.
What really worries me is those rockets they're sending up into space on the same day. Why that day? And why are they named after some Egyptian God of destruction?

I fear that they'll do something to the grid and then blame it on the sun.
