April 8th, 2024 Solar Eclipse


I'm worried about the upcoming solar eclipse which people will be able to view in parts of the US and Mexico. Usually, this would just be something casual to talk about around the water cooler. However, given the current political climate and the evil plans of the Globalists, this could very well be something much more. There are also some strange coincidences surrounding this event as you'll see in the video below.

I have seen some of this hype, with various jurisdictions declaring emergencies in advance.

I saw the eclipse in 2017, and was stuck for many hours in stop and go traffic out in the middle of nowhere. It all cleared out by the next day, and everything was back to normal. However, this was in a rural area. I could imagine this causing problems in a more populated area.

I can imagine especially in Indiana that they could have 3-4 million people from neighboring states come in to see the eclipse. That many people can create situations where emergency responders can't get through due to traffic, or other such situation.

Of course nowadays the real risk is that people will get unruly and that some kind of violence could break out in areas with large numbers of people. There's no telling if that kind of thing will happen.

As for the eclipse itself, I am seeing that large parts of the eclipse area will be heavily overcast, so many areas will miss seeing it entirely. It's still 5 days out, but weather forecasts are showing a better chance for clear skies from Southern Illinois on through to the north east. Even in those areas, I think the risk of clouds is still 50%. You could have only partly cloudy skies, and still have one lone cloud block your view of the actual event of totality.

If you do get a chance to see the eclipse, I would suggest finding a way to take it. An eclipse is an amazing sight. Obviously we've all seen pictures, but pictures can't convey the amazing impact of seeing it in real life.

There are all kinds of effects that show up as the moon covers more and more of the sun,
with the air cooling off, animals, birds, and insects going into night mode, the tiny little moons showing where the sun shines in patches through the leaves, all these little details.

Then there is the moment when the eclipse becomes total and you can stop using your protective glasses and see it with a naked eye. It's such a unique sight, a complete departure from normality.
It seems like the Elites running the world also follow astrology and they wait for certain astrological times of the year to make major decisions or actions and so I do expect something to happen politically because they are following this stuff and if they following they will act with the times, like the other day there was a shooting star I heard and a shooting star is intepreted as a death of a king just for example
It seems like the Elites running the world also follow astrology and they wait for certain astrological times of the year to make major decisions or actions and so I do expect something to happen politically because they are following this stuff and if they following they will act with the times, like the other day there was a shooting star I heard and a shooting star is intepreted as a death of a king just for example
What really worries me is those rockets they're sending up into space on the same day. Why that day? And why are they named after some Egyptian God of destruction?

I fear that they'll do something to the grid and then blame it on the sun.
I have seen some of this hype, with various jurisdictions declaring emergencies in advance.

I saw the eclipse in 2017, and was stuck for many hours in stop and go traffic out in the middle of nowhere. It all cleared out by the next day, and everything was back to normal. However, this was in a rural area. I could imagine this causing problems in a more populated area.

I can imagine especially in Indiana that they could have 3-4 million people from neighboring states come in to see the eclipse. That many people can create situations where emergency responders can't get through due to traffic, or other such situation.

Of course nowadays the real risk is that people will get unruly and that some kind of violence could break out in areas with large numbers of people. There's no telling if that kind of thing will happen.

As for the eclipse itself, I am seeing that large parts of the eclipse area will be heavily overcast, so many areas will miss seeing it entirely. It's still 5 days out, but weather forecasts are showing a better chance for clear skies from Southern Illinois on through to the north east. Even in those areas, I think the risk of clouds is still 50%. You could have only partly cloudy skies, and still have one lone cloud block your view of the actual event of totality.

If you do get a chance to see the eclipse, I would suggest finding a way to take it. An eclipse is an amazing sight. Obviously we've all seen pictures, but pictures can't convey the amazing impact of seeing it in real life.

There are all kinds of effects that show up as the moon covers more and more of the sun,
with the air cooling off, animals, birds, and insects going into night mode, the tiny little moons showing where the sun shines in patches through the leaves, all these little details.

Then there is the moment when the eclipse becomes total and you can stop using your protective glasses and see it with a naked eye. It's such a unique sight, a complete departure from normality.
I'm gonna go see it because this may be the only chance I have. Got my PTO scheduled Monday and I'll set out with a full tank of gas and some provisions just in case.

The panic spreading is ridiculous, but I'm sure the traffic won't be great. I heard last time the Interstates were a nightmare, but the secondary roads weren't so bad so I'm going to a park or rural area along one of those. Avoiding the larger towns and cities is probably the best bet since as soon as it's over, getting out of the town may prove challenging and parking will be a nightmare.

Clouds are a risk but unless it's completely overcast and raining I think it would still be a sight to see. Apparently clouds often dissipate as totality approaches due to the lower levels of solar radiation and heat, causing them to disperse. So even on a cloudy day, you may just get lucky.

Also I'd like to add that the worst congestion will likely be close to the centerline. But it's not necessary to go all the way there. 2-3 mins of totality are plenty, and there are diminishing returns the closer you get to the centerline.

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What really worries me is those rockets they're sending up into space on the same day. Why that day? And why are they named after some Egyptian God of destruction?

I fear that they'll do something to the grid and then blame it on the sun.
Can you elaborate? There are no space launches scheduled for 4/8.

EDIT: Never mind, found it.

Apep aka Apophis was the Egyptian deity of chaos.
What really worries me is those rockets they're sending up into space on the same day. Why that day? And why are they named after some Egyptian God of destruction?

I fear that they'll do something to the grid and then blame it on the sun.
I dont know about those rockets will keep a look out, Im glad Im getting baptised the day before all this happens, God willing. Roosh once shared an article about Ronald Regans astrologer they had an astrologer throughout his presidency guiding him, and he was supposed to be a Christian president, so I can gaurantee you these elite leaders are following the astrologers advice, I heard also that during the upcoming US elections it will also be during an eclipse, do you think they chose that day by accident?
Been getting so many rediculous YouTube videos on the eclipse last couple of weeks. It’s surpassing the most stupid tabloid magazine articles from 20 years ago. Kinda embarrassing the algorithms are pumping this insanity into my recommended feed. I don’t care to watch any of these clips and don’t think I’ve even watch one of them. Very strange.
I'm gonna go see it because this may be the only chance I have. Got my PTO scheduled Monday and I'll set out with a full tank of gas and some provisions just in case.
It’s the most beautiful sight I’ve ever seen. Use a site like
Determine the exact second totality starts and ends, and don’t be tempted to look at it a second early or late…diamond ring lasts 5 seconds or so IIRC, so you don’t need to risk permanent eye damage to catch it. Use an accurate watch (quartz that is hacked to the second) or phone for time reference.
I suggest not attempting to take pictures, because unless you know how to stack multiple exposures and you have a nice telephoto or telescope, it will not capture anything like your eyes can see.
And if it’s your first, you don’t want to waste a moment, just enjoy every second of it.

Next one over CONUS is 12 Aug, 2045
Roosh once shared an article about Ronald Regans astrologer they had an astrologer throughout his presidency guiding him, and he was supposed to be a Christian president

Just asking - but where is the proof for the modern assumption that astrology would be anti-Christian? In earlier times, astrology seems to have been widely accepted by Christians.


Apparently there was a famous English astrologer named William Lilly who even wrote a book explicitly titled "Christian Astrology" (published 1647 in London).

Does anyone know if this person was named and condemned by his Church?​
It’s the most beautiful sight I’ve ever seen. Use a site like
Determine the exact second totality starts and ends, and don’t be tempted to look at it a second early or late…diamond ring lasts 5 seconds or so IIRC, so you don’t need to risk permanent eye damage to catch it. Use an accurate watch (quartz that is hacked to the second) or phone for time reference.
I suggest not attempting to take pictures, because unless you know how to stack multiple exposures and you have a nice telephoto or telescope, it will not capture anything like your eyes can see.
And if it’s your first, you don’t want to waste a moment, just enjoy every second of it.

Next one over CONUS is 12 Aug, 2045
When I saw the one in 2017, I just wore my cheap protective glasses with the dark filters, so I could see it leading up to totality. Like you said, even the diamond ring effect is still too bright for the naked eye. However, it is fine with the protective filter.

With the filters, it's easy to see when the last strong light has gone, and totality has started. The corona doesn't bloom out until this point.

I agree not to waste time taking pictures unless you have a custom setup. I tried taking pictures with my phone, and it still looked white in the middle, not black like I could see with the naked eye. I fiddled around trying to get it to work, and pretty soon the sun started to peek through on the other side, and totality was over. I wouldn't say I missed it because I was fooling with my camera, but it was a distraction. I would have done much better just looking at the eclipse directly, or looking around at the dark sky and other effects.

Just asking - but where is the proof for the modern assumption that astrology would be anti-Christian? In earlier times, astrology seems to have been widely accepted by Christians.

View attachment 6994

Apparently there was a famous English astrologer named William Lilly who even wrote a book explicitly titled "Christian Astrology" (published 1647 in London).

Does anyone know if this person was named and condemned by his Church?​

That's witchcraft bro
That's witchcraft bro
Witchcraft that dares to call itself "Christian"? I thought celestial phenomena were something different than earthbound ones.

Also, it's rather ominous that they say the solar eclipse might coincide with the appearance of the two-horned "devil comet" Pons-Brooks. Is God trying to warn us?​
Witchcraft that dares to call itself "Christian"?​

Just asking - but where is the proof for the modern assumption that astrology would be anti-Christian? In earlier times, astrology seems to have been widely accepted by Christians.

Apparently there was a famous English astrologer named William Lilly who even wrote a book explicitly titled "Christian Astrology" (published 1647 in London).

Does anyone know if this person was named and condemned by his Church?​

Divination and soothsaying are clearly forbidden in Scripture. Just because some Christians were doing something in the 17th century, it does not logically follow that that practice is therefore acceptable and Godly.

Leviticus 19:26: You shall not practice divination or soothsaying.
Deuteronomy 18:10-11: Let no one be found among you ... who is an augur, a soothsayer, a diviner, a sorcerer, one who casts spells, or one who consults ghosts or familiar spirits, or one who inquires of the dead.

Furthermore, the 1600s hardly qualifies as "earlier times" in Christian history. If we go back to actually early time we have the testimony of Church Fathers.

St. Athanasius: Astrologers have fabricated books which they call books of tables, in which they shew stars, to which they give the names of Saints. And therein of a truth they have inflicted on themselves a double reproach: those who have written such books, because they have perfected themselves in a lying and contemptible science; and as to the ignorant and simple, they have led them astray by evil thoughts concerning the right faith established in all truth and upright in the presence of God.

St. Augustine: “To whom then must we make an answer first—to the heretics or to the astrologers? For both come from the serpent, and desire to corrupt the Church’s virginity of heart, which she holds in undefiled faith”

St. Basil: "Both those who give themselves up to this imaginary science [of divination/fortune-telling by the stars] and those who listen to them open-mouthed, as if they could learn from them the future, are supremely ridiculous." (full read is interesting: https://www.ccel.org/ccel/schaff/npnf208.viii.vii.html)


It's safe to say that use of celestial bodies for divination and fortune-telling has always been condemned by the Scripture and Church. And to be perfectly clear, this is different from astronomy, the observation of stars and their properties for navigation and measuring the passage of time, their meteorological effects and so forth, which is very much Godly as their purpose was stated to be in Genesis 1.

Nice post, like always.

The cited passages in Leviticus and Deuteronomy do not explicitly mention astrology/stargazing, but rather ambiguously "divination". Also, the overwhelming emphasis on the two luminaries Sun and Moon - as well as the other celestial bodies - in the beginning of Genesis, and especially the word "omina" in 1:14 left me thinking that there might be more purpose to astronomy than just serving as a tool to navigating earthly life.

I have more arguments in store - for instance the Ptolemaic model (2nd century AD) of the cosmos which has been adapted by Christians, where there are planetary spheres and God together with his angels are held to reside in the highest sphere of the Empyreum. But I fear that further expanding on this matter might derail this thread. Perhaps I'll post something about the Ptolemaic model in the other thread about the Flat Earth model of the universe, which I hold to be false.​

Just asking - but where is the proof for the modern assumption that astrology would be anti-Christian? In earlier times, astrology seems to have been widely accepted by Christians.

View attachment 6994

Apparently there was a famous English astrologer named William Lilly who even wrote a book explicitly titled "Christian Astrology" (published 1647 in London).

Does anyone know if this person was named and condemned by his Church?​
Astrology was taught to humans by the angels that sinned against God, its harmful for us, those kinds of things are also forbidden in the scriptures to practice, so this book and guy I cant help notice the date and country he came from, with all due respect thats from a heretical Christianity, do you think these elite leaders of the world who are using astrology and planning big events like elections on these eclipses are doing it out of their love for the Lord?