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Search results

  1. T

    Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Thread

    Why go through all of this effort to recreate humans? They can just bring back slavery.
  2. T

    The Jewish Question (JQ)

    Today I learned Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux are both jewish. Honestly had no idea. I remember there being some kind of fallout with Lauren about her sleeping around with libertarian influencers. Makes sense now. Also, I listened to Stefan way too much from 2011-2016 because of his...
  3. T

    2024 Election Lounge

    My prediction is that if Trump wins, it means he's in on it, he's a part of it, the controlled opposition. I say this because I fully believe they can steal the election whenever they want and get away with it. I think Trump being president is too juicy of an option to pass up. They can go full...
  4. T

    Is fast food as a business doing well or is fast food dying out, how about vs the chipotle model.

    I suspect a lot of places are being kept in business because of boomers. Places like Ruby Tuesday, Applebees, Red Lobster and others of similar like. I tend to think younger generations demand better quality food because they grew up with the food channel and big celebrity chefs like Gordon...
  5. T

    What are you currently reading?

    I'm reading through Malcolm X's autobiography. Only about 70 pages in, initial thoughts: - He was 39 when assassinated by Nation of Islam folks. Had he not rejected Christianity early in his life because he couldn't get behind Jesus's divinity, he probably could have avoided early violent death...
  6. T

    The Jewish Question (JQ)

    I almost wonder if Ishmael is the descendent of Jews, not Arabs, given how much more they fight against their neighbors.
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    The TV Shows Thread

    Almost tempted to watch it Mystery Science Theater 3000 style. Almost.
  8. T

    The Juneteenth Thread

    I kind of got the sense that the dad wasn't being portrayed as the smart one or one who knew how to help. His greatest act was to simply be in his kid's life long enough to keep him from committing murder or getting a girl pregnant, which were things the no-father kids ended up doing. I think...
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    The Juneteenth Thread

    In honor of Juneteenth my wife and I watched Boyz in the Hood. It's about black on black violence with some commentary on how they mistreat their women. Funny how 33 years ago this was important enough to make a feature film about it, but all of the BLM stuff never addressed the same issue.
  10. T

    The TV Shows Thread

    Last night for some reason I wondered if Sarah Jessica Parker was Jewish because of how people made fun of her long face (Southpark). Anyway, she is, and growing up I simply never thought of her as that. Then I decided I'd look into the creators and producers of several shows. Turns out Sex and...
  11. T

    The Off-Topic and Random Thoughts Thread(Anything Goes!)

    When I did some Door Dashing in the past and hung out near the restaurants there'd be almost no shade anywhere. Just a barren sea of concrete and asphalt and box stores Also, in the past when I used to have some time to kill and I'd be in town I'd eventually sit in a parking lot somewhere...
  12. T

    The Movie Thread

    A few years ago I watched The Last Duel with Adam Driver, Matt Damon, Ben Affleck. At the time I liked the movie for its grittiness, it's stark brutality. But now I'm not so sure. I looked it up and one of the writers is a Jewish woman. Every. Single. Time. Right? The thing about the movie is...
  13. T

    The Off-Topic and Random Thoughts Thread(Anything Goes!)

    Indeed. Devolved, for sure. I was bitter because my wife and I were counting on what seemed like a slam dunk for securing a commercial client and then the manager ghosted us and had a secretary make excuses. This is in a heavily Christianized Southern culture, too. I am realizing a lot of...
  14. T

    The Off-Topic and Random Thoughts Thread(Anything Goes!)

    I have no clue about his pizza recipe but use 00 flour and San Marzano peeled tomatoes. Open the can of tomatoes and mash them up with your hand into a bowl then sprinkle some salt on them then spread that on your pizza dough. It's by far the best pizza sauce I've ever tasted. Also use the best...
  15. T

    The Off-Topic and Random Thoughts Thread(Anything Goes!)

    Was ghosting people always a thing? Was there ever a time when people made a point to get back to others, even if it was to let them know they weren't doing business, or going out with them, or anything? I feel like hardly anyone is capable of basic conflict resolution. I wish American culture...
  16. T


    Wife and I went to a Peruvian restaurant the other day. The food we got was very good and tasty, especially when sampling their dips with the rotisserie chicken we got. The fried plantains were a delight and something I'd otherwise never get to eat. A lot of chicken places and bbq is good down...
  17. T

    Rise of the DINKs (Final Civ Death Stage)

    Ah, you're right, and I guess I should have clarified when I was writing that that I had in mind young people, teenagers and college kids who plague social media with their victimhood. I struggled a lot before I had my child but I never had a panic attack or terror like I did when my child was...
  18. T

    Rise of the DINKs (Final Civ Death Stage)

    Now that I think about it, I don't know any DINK couples. The one that was that way, they divorced when they were still young and neither has remarried. My wife and I were only DINKs for less than a year, when we were both working before we had our child. It was nice, all that extra income and...
  19. T

    The Jewish Question (JQ)

    And apparently Sam is the son of a successful Hollywood director, also a Jew, Barry Levinson. More Jewish nepotism going on there, all to produce more filth.
  20. T

    The Off-Topic and Random Thoughts Thread(Anything Goes!)

    My cleaning business is beginning to get clients and leads and I have to say: I'm disappointed I spent so much of my life agonizing over having a career or getting a career when all I needed was to focus on making money and it didn't matter the vector. I am also annoyed I thought I could only do...