• ChristIsKing.eu has moved to ChristIsKing.cc - see the announcement for more details. If you don't know your password PM a mod on Element or via a temporary account here to confirm your username and email.

Search results

  1. soli.deo.gloria

    Forum Down Time 11-10-2023

    Dear users, Apologies for the down time today. We had an issue with our hosting provider and it took them a bit to respond. I want everyone to know we take this stuff really seriously and are going to make some changes in the coming days to make sure this kind of thing never happens again...
  2. soli.deo.gloria

    Fr. Peter Heers Thread

    I am a big fan of FPH / Orthodox Ethos and listen often. I hope you continue to update this thread so others can be introduced to him. Thanks. :)
  3. soli.deo.gloria

    Is there more to nuclear bombs than we know?

    It saddens me to see people getting so upset and arguing like this. I can see there are strong beliefs and feelings involved but at the end of the day this forum is called Christ is King. So I hope everyone will take a moment to remember why we are here and try to empathize with others and pray...
  4. soli.deo.gloria

    Is there more to nuclear bombs than we know?

    I pray that everyone can find a way to discuss this and other topics in a peaceful and loving manner even where we disagree. God bless you all.
  5. soli.deo.gloria

    ChristIsKing.eu Is Moving To ChristIsKing.cc

    you bet. i'm sorry if anything i did caused a problem. i tested it earlier and it seemed to be working 100% but i think something happened after i went to dinner. i ran through the configs again and it should be all good now. also just a reminder you can get help on matrix/element if the site is...
  6. soli.deo.gloria

    ChristIsKing.eu Is Moving To ChristIsKing.cc

    the domain is christisking, not christforking. that might be your issue.
  7. soli.deo.gloria

    ChristIsKing.eu Is Moving To ChristIsKing.cc

    Pebkac... but who am I to say since I goofed the config and broke the site. *looks in the mirror* :p
  8. soli.deo.gloria

    ChristIsKing.eu Is Moving To ChristIsKing.cc

    Everything should be working as intended now. Visitors to the old domain .eu will be redirected to the new domain .cc without having to do anything. If you or someone you know has a problem please clear your cookies and close the browser tab and start over and it should work. I also had some...
  9. soli.deo.gloria

    ChristIsKing.eu Is Moving To ChristIsKing.cc

    Hello everyone, We are moving Christ is King forum from the .eu domain to .cc. This is being done proactively to avoid potential issues down the road as the EU is not exactly friendly regarding freedom of speech. The .cc TLD is managed by Verisign in the US and they have a good track record...
  10. soli.deo.gloria

    12/10 :love:

    12/10 :love: