Fr. Peter Heers Thread

Yes, that's a tough question. If you can make a clear argument that it's defensive, it might be reasonable. For many reasons, this likely wouldn't apply to me so it's also hard to answer. For a young man, I'd probably do all I could to avoid fighting if it weren't illegal or significantly punishable, especially if it were not defensive, which you'd almost be called into in some capacity in any case, if it actually were an attack on home soil.
Couple of centuries ago people learned Greek. Now almost no one does it and we are bewildered why there's a loss of understanding today.
I still have my father's Greek textbooks, from when he was in high school in the USA, no less. That was in the 1950s. He was reading Xenaphon's Anabasis, Plato, Aristotle, etc.

This was a great interview. I hope Fr. Peter does a few more sessions with Ruslan. The concepts they are discussing are subject to different enough interpretations that they bear repeated explanation. For instance, it was clear that Ruslan was still not getting that the entire concept of salvation is distinct in Orthodoxy. Fr. Peter would explain the Orthodox view, and Ruslan would go back to asking about "losing one's salvation" as if "gaining" it or "losing" it are one time events at a moment in time. Likewise the entire dichotomy between faith and works in Orthodoxy is outside of the Western (Catholic or Protestant) paradigm, and it is not something that he will grasp in one session. But I think Ruslan is a great interlocutor: He has a big audience, he is open to learning and he isn't overly confrontational.
I signed up for a free trial to see the "Patreon exclusive" version and it's just a private YouTube video. I think it's fine to share here since anyone could sign up for free and see it and the video is publicly accessible without authentication and it allows embeds (which they could disable if they chose to). If anyone sees a problem with this please tell me. The "exclusive" content starts at 1:54:33.

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