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Search results

  1. Deepdiver

    Donald Trump

    Amazing the impact of 20 years on a woman's looks.... that 2006 poster though likely touched up - if you had just come back from a 12 month Fast Attack Hunter Killer submarine patrol... and ran into her I hate to say it the first thought a red blooded man would have - being honest here - is...
  2. Deepdiver

    The Coming Confiscation of Financial Assets

    David Webb The Great Taking Channel and updates... https://www.youtube.com/@TheGreatTaking
  3. Deepdiver

    The Coming Confiscation of Financial Assets

    I like Monero a lot except it is under attack in the UK as the money laudering drug dealing islamo terrorists preferred privacy crypto subject to seizure... https://www.gov.uk/government/news/new-powers-to-seize-cryptoassets-used-by-criminals-go-live and; The United Kingdom has recently...
  4. Deepdiver

    Donald Trump

    LOL Chops - since you say you served I will assume your DD214 says Honorable and that alone makes you a Qualified Man rather than an NQP. We could probably enjoy a beer or two while giving each other a military dose of intra-service rivalry "humor".
  5. Deepdiver

    Bitcoin and Crypto Thread

    BTC May Day 2024 Weekly Update: Candle Bar Wicked up to a New ATH 11 Mar 2024 at 73835 on the Upper White Major Trend Channel, retraced the Major Fractal 5th Leg (Blue 5) to the Root Mean Square (RMS) Mid white channel line as temp support... Now (57.3K down 6K so far this week = Accelerating...
  6. Deepdiver

    Bitcoin and Crypto Thread

    Asked Copilot for a Qubic Whitepaper and got this answer... Here are the available whitepapers related to Qubic: Qubic Docs Overview Whitepaper: Instead of releasing a whitepaper in the early stages, Qubic has taken a different approach. They plan to publish a whitepaper upon completion of...
  7. Deepdiver

    Donald Trump

    LOL More NQP BS - you NQPs need to learn how to give it a rest - you behave like nagging women.
  8. Deepdiver

    Donald Trump

    LOL a raging raving NQP Ordering and Condescending to me to have some humility on a thread full of hostile NQPs. As a Christian Nuclear Warrior there is only one place that I take a knee and show humility, in a Church in front of the Lord God Almighty as he is the only one Qualified Men have...
  9. Deepdiver

    Donald Trump

    Respectfully I see about 10 Trump Ads a day on line while trading and researching stocks and crypto setups. Again, in all due respect Choppas Trumps own adverts are pretty damned grim. His eldest sons are hard core SHTF preppers as well.
  10. Deepdiver

    Donald Trump

    In the world of Nuclear Submarine High Speed Fast Attack Hunter Killers there are only two types of Men, Qualified Men as in Qualified in Nuclear Submarine Warfare - AND- Non Qualified Pukes. LOL - It is impossible for Qualified Men to be shamed or victimized or criticized by NQPs or NTP Never...
  11. Deepdiver

    Donald Trump

    You tough guy Keyboard Commandos could not victimize me on your best days - I am calling you out for Closeted Never Trumpers you clearly are.
  12. Deepdiver

    Bitcoin and Crypto Thread

    Alph high potential Fibonacci 1.618 target correction entry = 0.82 tether or about 80 cents. hth
  13. Deepdiver

    Bitcoin and Crypto Thread

    Updated Cardano/ADA analysis: Hint nearing a 1.618 ABC correction with Yuuuge Daily Volume and Giant Market Cap yet still a cheap penny crypto... https://christisking.cc/threads/stock-market-thread.285/page-4#post-36689
  14. Deepdiver

    Donald Trump

    https://rumble.com/v4s1kz8-why-americas-coming-collapse-will-be-far-worse-than-the-collapse-of-the-sov.html Example Comments: "There will be massive amounts of people in large groups that will be running amok. They will rob, rape, murder, and maim anyone they find that has food, gold, ammo...
  15. Deepdiver

    Donald Trump

    Every single major State and Federal politician has to continuously raise funds to run for office, the Major Donors are Big Pharma, Military Industrial Complex and AIPAC among many others (NEA, Public Unions, Zuckerbux etc for the Dems). Therefore, the Zionist slam really has no meaning as...
  16. Deepdiver

    Donald Trump

    FK again, with the negative remarks there Moriarity - Said Donald Sutherland to Gavin McLeod in Kelly's Heroes.... Look I get it you hate me and what I stand for and hate my Hard Core Pro-USA Patriots attitude it is what it is. Some people just hate the USA Military and USA Veterans. So, we...
  17. Deepdiver

    Stock Market Thread

    Speaking of Cardano I took a look at its Chart and Noticed a potential ABC corrective pattern moving down to C = 1.618 of A as it already tested A=C (C =1.0 times A) Note getting close to the C=1.618 target of $0.296 with Strong support at the yellow horizontal line of $0.238 and recent swing...
  18. Deepdiver

    Stock Market Thread

    I have a proven formula for cryptos - What for their next not too infrequent 89% Fibonacci Correction. Buy in on the Bottom and put them away and forget about them, Then Sell during the next mania bull run. Last Crypto Winter Crash I bought Cardano for 2.5 Cents and Sold it at a buck for a...
  19. Deepdiver

    Stock Market Thread

    I monitor a couple dozen Market Experts and have noticed lately a common theme that the Soft Landing the Fed and BA have been touting is about to crash land due to an employment bubble, CRE Bubble, Cryptos Bubble, Markets Bubble, Residential RE Bubble, and a Major Regional Banks Bubble A.K.A...
  20. Deepdiver

    Donald Trump

    Caduceus More Lies with NO proof... Irony is you are the one attacking and criticizing me with no prior provocation or proof. I have never "pushed" anyone to buy or donate to anything. LOL iirc I mentioned that some Military Veteran Fanatics on RVF accused me of TREASON because I would not...