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Search results

  1. T

    Jewish Tunnels Under New York

    So you’re telling me you are not ignorant and have done deep research on the internet regarding purported Jewish pedophilia? Was this an interest of yours? How did you do this? Please don’t post the links here. Good luck with the feds (or the Canadian equivalent) knocking on your door someday…
  2. T

    Jewish Tunnels Under New York

    Aren’t you the flat earth guy? Or the one who hijacks every thread dancing around the subject but then sneakily saying the earth is flat without outright saying it? You have zero credibility. Another on the ignore list. Bye!
  3. T

    Strange Spiritual Occurrence

    That makes sense that you would have to assimilate into the group, I just felt going to a Greek Orthodox Church and not being Greek was odd. I visited a few.
  4. T

    Strange Spiritual Occurrence

    Before you visited the church, were there any indications of this? Is the Antiochian diocese more convert friendly?
  5. T

    Jewish Tunnels Under New York

    Besides the 4chan post which is dubious, where is the evidence that this is an entire tunnel system vs. just one that is leading into that Chabad synagogue? Lots of cities and towns have underground tunnels. Not really, but I’m not familiar with the historical allegations and history of this...
  6. T

    Jewish Tunnels Under New York

    Post the source video of this CNN segment where he is saying this.
  7. T

    Strange Spiritual Occurrence

    I may. I have found it difficult because of the ethnic divisions in some Orthodox parishes I visited. Are most people here cradle Orthodox or American converts? I find that vs. Catholic or even Protestant churches the ethic identity plays a large role in Orthodox parishes.
  8. T

    Jewish Tunnels Under New York

    How is that the case? I’m not asking them to be banned or censored unlike the people who keep reporting my posts or responding with alien or glowie likes. I haven’t reported anybody’s post on here. I’m questioning the critical thinking because here is what seems to be the thought process for...
  9. T

    Jewish Tunnels Under New York

    Ok I’ll have to do some digging to verify these things the Talmud says, but even if it does that’s not even the argument here. The argument is whether these tunnels were being used for human trafficking. I see no evidence that they were. Anyway, back to all these things their book says. Is it...
  10. T

    Strange Spiritual Occurrence

    This is how I viewed it as well.
  11. T

    Jewish Tunnels Under New York

    I find your arguments incredibly weak. You posted a Twitter thread of what looks like someone videotaping a dirty basement with random stuff inside. “It’s certain that the Catholic church was used for sexual abuse. The Catholic Church has a long history of sex attacks on children. Until the...
  12. T

    Jewish Tunnels Under New York

    Appreciate it. Certain members on here want to ridicule, censor, or report my posts just because I don’t agree with them and have a differing point of view. They have no leg to stand on when it comes to censorship, or free speech.
  13. T

    Jewish Tunnels Under New York

    My understanding is the Talmud is like a bookshelf in and of itself. So of course I’m not familiar with it. Because it’s so long nobody outside of Jewish scholars who study it for a living are, so you aren’t either. I wouldn’t be surprised that the book does not speak highly of Jesus since he...
  14. T

    Jewish Tunnels Under New York

    I simply don’t think or believe they currently believe this. Like any group, you are going to have extremists and bad apples. But to say ALL of these Hasidic/Chabad people believe this is just shortsighted and wrong. If there are pedo priests, do you demonize every Catholic? If you have one...
  15. T

    Testosterone Replacement Therapy

    Did the cons outweigh the benefits for you or the other way around?
  16. T

    Testosterone Replacement Therapy

    The problem is prostate issues at that age. My understanding is it’s not actually testosterone itself that affects it (maybe high levels do) but the conversion to DHT and other androgens that are difficult to control or predict. Regardless looking at PSA levels is an indicator and a responsible...
  17. T

    Jewish Tunnels Under New York

    Ok, interesting this was brought up. First, does someone in this thread have a picture of the actual baby stroller that was in the tunnel? I can’t find one, from what I see it looks like a baby chair, which if you’re transporting or trafficking victims doesn’t really make much sense at all...
  18. T

    Jewish Tunnels Under New York

    Yes, they are weird sect. Like I posted in the thread most Catholics and people in general in the area do have disdain towards them. But here is where you guys are going off the rails in my opinion. Ask your friend what direct evidence he has of the ugly stuff and human trafficking through...
  19. T

    Strange Spiritual Occurrence

    Happened again last night. Had a dream about a girl I knew who would have been a terrible fit for me, but I did once do something with her. She told me, in real life, she was having motherly urges but she had been very promiscuous. In my dream I gave in to the demons, but in real life I have cut...
  20. T

    Strange Spiritual Occurrence

    I wanted to post in @TrainedLogosmotion monk mode celibacy thread, but it seems like I couldn’t. Last night I took a step in the right direction and deleted every phone number of a woman who could be a temptation. All gone. I then watched a video from Father Spyridon, specifically this one...