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Search results

  1. T

    Impeccable logic for an admin. I’m not Cig Dis, but you can ban me cause this forum Is a joke...

    Impeccable logic for an admin. I’m not Cig Dis, but you can ban me cause this forum Is a joke. fuck off.
  2. T

    You did see the message I can’t respond right? So why are you quoting my posts. I guess you guys...

    You did see the message I can’t respond right? So why are you quoting my posts. I guess you guys love free speech until it’s something you don’t agree with.
  3. T

    Marriage / Established Relationships

    She’s completely on point. You can’t find happiness outside of yourself and too many women want their men to be the source of their happiness which doesn’t work.
  4. T

    Relationship advice

    In marriage, you become one unit. So you need to take into account the needs of both people. It’s not easy, but if you find you are too individualistic, it may be better not to get married. You simple can’t just do what you want and ignore your wife. Lead for sure, but if you are always just...
  5. T

    Are there women who prefer men who are virgins?

    “If God provides you with a fruitful life, he will provide the one you need, but if he provides you with abject poverty and despair, you just have to accept that he will be providing the life you need.” Do you see how ridiculous that sounds? God also provided man with reason and the ability to...
  6. T

    The Destruction of Modern Women

    Lots of replies here are off the mark. It’s because of weak men, they just got to lose weight, they are whores, etc. While all true it means nothing because the system itself doesn’t reign in female behavior. These unicorn women some of you speak of are simply not there or in hiding. A woman...