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Search results

  1. H

    Keith Woods Thread

    It's 100% BAP. Check Keith's latest thread below. This is the single funniest thing I've seen on twitter in 10 years. A man who speaks about fizeek, aesthetics, bodybuilding and 'life of power and vitality' all day, looking like a white pajeet with that physique. Guy looks like he's never...
  2. H

    Decline of Functioning Society

    I've read a lot of stuff from American and Canadabros about the new immigrants' inability to get orders right at fast food restaurants. I must say I've never experienced this here in Australia...until 2 hours ago. On my designated carb reload day, I went to get some pastries from McDonald's...
  3. H

    Finasteride, Dutasteride and Hair Transplants

    I'm 35 and been on fin for 4 years Yeah oral gives me slight sides, topical less so. I'm currently on oral because I'm single and not sexually active. I'm also on mild TRT, which has meant that despite being on fin, my hair has gradually thinned over the past few years. I'll just keep doing...
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    Clown World Thread

    No words.
  5. H

    Clown World Thread

    The issue of mass Indian migration in Canada is all over the internet - with even former 'woke' white leftists being fed up with them, and wanting it to stop. I can't help but think how the Canadians treated Roosh about 9 years ago - attacked him for being a 'right wing chauvinist' etc... it's...
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    Rise of the DINKs (Final Civ Death Stage)

    I think it all comes from fear. Fear of this uncertain climate. Subconsciously they know their culture is dying. No matter how "anti-racist" they are, they fear the rise of African and migrant barbarism, and they know it's going to get ugly. A race of people that have been conditioned to hate...
  7. H

    Decline of Functioning Society

    Didn't know where to post this, but: Disregarding the fact that I'm no friend of Israel, and that his people played a large part in making Britain like this, I completely resonate with his feelings about Britain - it's the same in Australia, and probably all Anglosphere nations. Just a...
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    Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel

    Fair point.
  9. H

    Clown World Thread

    The height of humiliation
  10. H

    Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel

    Yeah I mean, just as an Australian, something is fishy. The whole idea of the basement dwlling Jihadi Muslim...is so 2014-2015. I'm from a different big city, but from what I see day to day, most young Muslims have just moved on from this idea. From their perspective, Islam is already slowly...
  11. H

    Whore addiction

    This is the most real advice re this area of life, that I've seen on a Christian forum. Very refreshing
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    Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel

    Don't know if I should post this here or in the culture section, but: People have such little faith in the Anglo justice system, and I don't blame them
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    Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel

    I'm from Melbourne- saw this on twitter 2 hours ago and couldn't bring myself to watch it. Terrifying stuff. The world is becoming a messy place
  14. H

    Clown World Thread

    It's all so tiresome
  15. H

    The Israel-Hamas War Lounge

    Ernst Zundle People in the comments were saying this talk would've been in the 90s. So he was pretty prophetic. With Weimar conditions, people starting to turn on the Jews, at least
  16. H

    The Israel-Hamas War Lounge

    Wow Both videos are good, but the bottom one is really interesting
  17. H

    Clown World Thread

    Someone who looks like this thought we need a black woman as Juliet
  18. H

    Clown World Thread

    Pure propaganda I wonder how many Jews are involved with this production
  19. H

    Clown World Thread

    Anti white racism is becoming so bad that even Asian nerds are becoming thugs now