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Clown World Thread

Allegedly putos, Spanish slang for bitch and faggot towards the goalkeeper, who is straight, married and has children. The game was in Arlington, Texas. Compared to the stories of football/soccer hooligans in Europe, this is nothing.
We're amateurs compared to Argentina:

lego heads.jpeg

Scottish Power has been accused of “environmental madness” after it was revealed more than 70 of its wind turbines had been hooked up to diesel generators.

The Sunday Mail revealed via a whistleblower that diesel generators were used on 71 turbines in order to prevent them freezing during cold weather in December.

Scottish Power told the publication that this took place after a fault developed on the grid.

Sixty wind turbines at Arecleoch windfarm and 11 at Glen App, both in South Ayrshire, were affected.

Scottish Power confirmed diesel generators were used for a “short period of time” due to an “external fault on the GB network”. They were not used to generate electricity through the blades.

The firm said the reliability of its 1,183 onshore turbines through 2022 was 96%.

South Scotland Labour MSP Colin Smyth told the Mail that “whatever the reasons, having to use diesel generators to de-ice faulty turbines is environmental madness”.

This is almost a year old but I bet you this has only become more common since it was first reported, in an effort to continue the "Green" scam.

This is almost a year old but I bet you this has only become more common since it was first reported, in an effort to continue the "Green" scam.

They're clearing old growth forests right now in Germany for these bird killing machines. It's all by design of course.
They're clearing old growth forests right now in Germany for these bird killing machines. It's all by design of course.

The reason they kill birds is because they keep painting them white. If they were painted green, like a tree, birds would be able to see them.

This is because birds see in ultraviolent light, and white surfaces bounce that light back like a reflection. So birds just see this huge blob of light bounced at them and they are blinded.

Similarly, windows kill birds by the millions because ultraviolent light does not bounce off the windows, and birds cannot see the window.

Both of these issues can be fixed for pennies, but people are stupid and no one actually cares about the environment.
They're clearing old growth forests right now in Germany for these bird killing machines. It's all by design of course.
Germany is far more "special" than that: they've been cutting down forests to build wind farms, only to tear them down to excavate coal.

And all of this is happening, because they've been told that nuclear power is "wrong".