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Search results

  1. D

    The Linux Thread

    Fedora is releasing new versions every six months, I think. Maybe CentOS Stream or RHEL is much more appropriate for your use case. Or maybe you skip a version instead? i.e: 38 -> 40 since they guarantee support for 13 months after a version's release.
  2. D

    The Linux Thread

    Yeah, no I mean when you decide that your minimal install list needs tweaking where you add or remove packages from that list.
  3. D

    The Linux Thread

    Yup. You could create a private git repo in Git{hub,lab,tea} to solve that but then you're just adding complexity on top of an already complex chain. What I personally do for quick and dirty setups is just create a dump of my latest /home/$USER/.config using tar and just transfer that using a...
  4. D

    OpSec Lounge (Security, Privacy, etc.)

    I think this is a good website to add for people who are looking into de-Googling and are looking for more privacy-oriented applications and services: Prism Break. Though at the end of the day, I think the best course of action with regards to privacy and anonymity is by establishing your...
  5. D

    The Linux Thread

    You can do this in a variety of ways. The most popular one would be is to host your .config folder on a git server then just do a git clone on the home directory of the new Linux box whenever you need it. But that wouldn't solve the "installing programs" bit of the initial setup. For that, it...
  6. D


    I'm not sure how it costs in where you are but a Royal Kludge RK68 sounds like a good fit for what you want. It's a 65% keyboard which means it's a slightly jammed version of a numpad-less keyboard. I think there's also a variant of this RK68 that's "hotswappable" so you can also change the...
  7. D

    The Linux Thread

    I've been using RHEL and I've never had any issues with high resolution scaling. Maybe Fedora could be a good fit since it's basically bleeding-edge RHEL.
  8. D

    Bitcoin and Crypto Thread

    I use it quite a bit for a number of digital services and goods. The only issue I have with it is it's not exactly easy to convert to in where I am at the moment.
  9. D

    Heritage Request Thread

    https://www.rooshvforum.com/members/doorpulp.26736/#about Thank you.