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Search results

  1. dgbrown

    Donald Trump

    So when is Hunter Biden’s attorney Abbe Lowell being stripped of his ability to earn an income? He falsely accused multiple people of manipulating the laptop data, all while speaking out of the other side of his mouth in saying the laptop was not/maybe was not Hunter’s. Imagine raking in...
  2. dgbrown

    The Destruction of Modern Women

    ^ ^ A great (read: terrible) microcosm of many of the problems this thread discusses: the wedding of Susan Sarandon’s daughter/Tim Robbins’ stepdaughter (she seems to regard Robbins as more of a father than her biological father). This is from a pre-wedding Thanksgiving where her ex on the...
  3. dgbrown

    Anti-Immigration PVV Comes First in Dutch Elections

    PVV, NSC, VVD and BBB have already gotten off to a bad start (well, good for NSC and VVD neoliberals) - Dick Schoof, former intelligence chief, has finally been sworn in as Prime Minister. I have nothing that personal against Schoof, but he was a Labour Party member until a couple years ago...
  4. dgbrown

    Decline of Functioning Society

    It’s even funnier/simultaneously sadder when the second-tier, out-of-the-city-center malls in Katowice, Poland and Debrecen, Hungary (i.e. not even the first-tier malls in these provincial cities) display this kind of obsessive multikulti advertising. It’s weird even in the gayest, wokest...
  5. dgbrown

    Lounge of The Russian-Ukrainian War

    The Russians still need, however, to vastly improve their naval capabilities and depth. This need preceded February 2022. The gap between Russian and American land forces is smaller than the gap between American and Russian naval forces. Ideally, the Russian Black Fleet should have been three...
  6. dgbrown

    Latest German Lunacy

    Hamburg prosecutors/police are allegedly investigating 140 instances of people “insulting” this rapist/all the rapists in the group. My understanding is Hamburg police pretty much ignore reports of burglary without significant evidence, like in the UK and in Berlin, barely even attending the...
  7. dgbrown

    Latest German Lunacy

    The AfD will probably fail to crack 20% at the next Bundestag election. Even if they do reach it, what next? CDU/CSU still show a woeful disdain for the AfD and could foreseeably form another grand coalition with the Socialists, or even with the Free Democrats and Greens. Until you see a...
  8. dgbrown

    Lounge of The Russian-Ukrainian War

    A number of the more niche British and American media pundits are suggesting Putin is in serious trouble with his military losses. I have generally been more or less convinced that the Russians are advancing the way they are to chew up vital Western-supplied resources, yet they could have done...
  9. dgbrown

    The Destruction of Modern Women

    We see this in the almost total disregard towards the male homeless population and male murder victims. Despite the Hobbesian reality of daily life sometimes, these men are regarded implicitly as weak and deserving of the situations/ends they experience. The Pareto principle is at play: men...
  10. dgbrown

    Lounge of The Russian-Ukrainian War

    I’m confused. I’ve seen Black Widow. Women are totally badass and can single-handedly beat up, without using bullets, 17 much larger, far longer-trained men with guns, all while not breaking a sweat. Did they mistake this man for a woman?
  11. dgbrown

    The Destruction of Modern Women

    This is frequently true but Cheong misses a big point: “high value men” are very often screwed over later by divorce, and their relationship, while it lasts, dictated by the whims of his spouse’s satisfaction, or lack thereof. In this sense, “high value men” often do simp, contrary to what...
  12. dgbrown

    Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Thread

    We were promised this user choice/publication freedom with the advent of the internet. Now look where we are. I seriously do not see what you stated happening except in remote corners. It’s a possibility but only that. A hitherto barely known NFL kicker, at least on the general national level...
  13. dgbrown

    Destabilization of US Cities: Crime, Homelessness, Liberalism

    The stats are also worse because people spend less face-to-face time around others overall/stay at home or, even amongst supposedly “tolerant” liberals, select safer neighborhoods and hang-outs. Robert Putnam, I think, wrote the book “Bowling Alone” in the 1990s about the loss of American civic...
  14. dgbrown

    The Destruction of Modern Women

    This is a good summary. What people also fail to realize is that “marriage” in most cases means far, far less today than in the past, even if they don’t see it. And I don’t just mean the likelihood of divorce. Getting married by a priest in, say, a Catholic church and getting that government...
  15. dgbrown

    The Barbarian Invasion of Europe

    It is just plain sickening to see the number of politicians and celebrities, especially female ones, who constantly bring up “violence against women by men” and fail to point out the number one offenders statistically. These offenders are probably even more represented, but victims know a) the...
  16. dgbrown

    Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Thread

    And I am not disputing that. But it will get better and better. AI/“AI” needs to be seen as a kind of offshoring on steroids. Even if new jobs can be created, and that’s a big if in terms of sufficient numbers, there will be a lag time. There’s massive potential in that space for intense...
  17. dgbrown

    Lounge of The Russian-Ukrainian War

    Stuff like this has always gone on, but it is the actual constant public admission of escalation by the West that is troubling, particularly as things like Abrams, Leopards, F-16s and Storm Shadows were ruled out and then given. In Syria, for example, both the Americans and Russians were...
  18. dgbrown

    Australian Government Has Gone Tyrannical

    The “male violence against women” figures are never broken down by race, income, ethnicity or religion, unless they’re occasionally removed, acknowledged superficially and taken out of context to provide plausible deniability for not “ignoring the problem” of DV in otherwise sacred cow groups...
  19. dgbrown

    Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

    I understand there are enough critics here about Trump’s actions and policy choices, but my question to you all is this: Who is really going to take his place? DeSantis is great but has flaws, and lacks the financial security Trump has, even if that is now under siege. More importantly, many...
  20. dgbrown

    Congress Critter Compendium

    Taylor Greene, Boebert and, to a lesser extent, Nancy Mace are all embarrassments to the GOP. Note all three are women. Can you really name any other GOP reps whose personalities and demeanors are more humiliating for conservatives? MTG and Boebert are really just Ocasio-Cortez with...